Chapter 283 A lie
Seeing that the floating ashes were about to wrap around him again, Grandpa Hai kept retreating, screaming in fear.

"I said, I said yes."

"There is a well in the Shark Village. Through that well, you can go to the fishing village."

"It's just that you can't get through that well."

The bottom of the sea is the world of the sharks, and only those with the blood of the sharks can enter that well.

"You're not a shark, are you? Why can you do that?"

Liu Ru asked this question, and looking at Grandpa Hai's suddenly angry expression, he knew that this question was heartbreaking.

"Looking at you like this, could it be that you are the descendant of a man and a fish?"

Liu Ru's wild guess completely changed the color of Grandpa Hai's fish-scaled face.

Forced to this extent, Grandpa Hai sneered: "What I am has nothing to do with you. Is it possible that you can become a shark?"

"We can't change the sharks, but we can dig out their shark beads. With the shark beads, I think we can pass through the well you mentioned."

When Wen Ren came out, he narrowed his eyes and smiled like a cunning fox.

Lu Yun noticed that the brothers and sisters of the Wenren family were all paying attention to this. They heard the conversation with Grandpa Hai, but the Wenren family was the first to find a breakthrough.

"how do you know?"

Grandpa Hai's expression changed drastically, and he immediately realized that he had let slip his words. His ferocity was immediately exposed, and he bared his teeth.

Liu Ru went up and gave the other party a kick, and the other party became honest again.

"I also know that your body became like this because you swallowed shark beads alive."

When hearing people, he uses the lightest words to reveal the most embarrassing secret in Grandpa Hai's heart.

"I heard that you met a shark when you were young, and the shark beads you used at that time belonged to that shark."

"I'm more curious about how a shark who is the best at disguise and deception would give you his shark pearl."

"Is it deception or true love?"

"Sharks live so long. If it's true love and there are no surprises, the other person should still be by your side."

As Wen Renshi continued to speculate, Grandpa Hai's expression on the ground became more and more nervous. Not only that, even some sharks cast incomprehensible looks when they heard this.

"Shut up, shut up!"

Grandpa Hai roared angrily, and his angry and fearful attitude was not aimed at monks like them, but... the sharks.

"Oh, it seems I guessed it right. You deceived the shark man and obtained the shark pearl by some dark means, right?"

"Haha, why don't you let me guess again, you still deceived the sharks here."

"I wonder if you even made up a beautiful love story for them. In that story, you and your true love are in love."

"And the reason why you are here is to fulfill your wish for true love, right?"

The shark clan is very united.

Grandpa Hai is obviously an alien. His half-human, half-fish appearance can be accepted by these beautiful mermaids. How could he not have some inside knowledge?

Of course, what I said when I heard about it was purely based on my own imagination.

But Grandpa Hai's performance is enough to know that he guessed it right.

At the very least, the truth is quite different.

The voice belonging to the sharks echoed, not the high-spirited excitement of battle, but the sadness and anger of being betrayed.

Before they could take action, the golden shark who had been fighting with Ah Li appeared here.

With one hand, he picked up Grandpa Hai.

The sharp nails pierced the body and shattered the fish scales.

"What they it true?"

The Shark King asked, his deep voice full of danger.

Ah Li also walked over and didn't make any move, as if watching the scene half-watching the show.

A human being.No, a different kind of guy was driving monks and sharks around. It has to be said that this old man is quite capable.

"No, not really."

"They're lying to you. They want to get out of here."

Grandpa Hai denied it, but what he faced was the mysterious purple eyes of the Merman King. The vortex inside had an irresistible magic power, making Grandpa Hai unable to look away.


One word brings about cascading waves.

Under the sea, the monks felt the sea pressure from the abyss, which was huge and tight.

"I killed her."

"I cut off her body and stored her flesh and blood."

"I buried her bones in the yard."

"I swallowed her shark beads and found you through that well."

As I narrated each sentence, the perfect face of the Merman King lost all expression.

Cold and hard, like a piece of jade.

But Grandpa Hai was still mumbling.

"It's all me, it's all me, why, why are you sharks so blessed to live the same life as heaven?"

"I also want to live forever, and I also want to be able to set off huge waves with just a wave of my hand."

"But why, why not?"

"I clearly followed what the book said and asked the shark to dig out the shark beads and give them to me willingly."

"I've already eaten the shark beads, why can't I become a shark?"

"Monster, I am a monster, how could I become a monster."

Under the power of those eyes, Grandpa Hai's spirit was destroyed. He roared and continued to vent the pain in his heart.

But those self-confessions did not arouse anyone's sympathy, and all they looked at were contemptuous looks.

He brought it upon himself, didn't he?

He deceived the shark, used human emotions to bind him, and finally got everything from the other person, including his life.

But when he found out that he had gotten his wish and became a real shark, he set his goal in the abyss.

He found the source of the well through the secret he learned from the shark's mouth, and then enclosed it with his own house.

He passed through the well and came to the bottom of the sea, and told the shark a touching story.

He succeeded and successfully deceived these sharks.

He placed the death of the sharks on the heads of those human monks.

He told these sharks that it was because those ambitious monks wanted to use the sharks to pass through the abyss, so they captured their clansmen.

He was willing to take the Shark Pearl just to tell them to be careful, and he also took the initiative to act as a spy for them.

Every time, when someone boarded the ghost ship, he would come and tell the news.

As the overlords of the abyssal sea, although they cannot resist the storm above the sea, they can make the decision under the sea.

Using sea monsters and the singing of the sharks, they brought down batches of monks and held feasts again and again.

As for him, he hid in the dark and watched every time, watching the monks and sharks being played around by him.

He took pleasure in it and derived a twisted pleasure from it.

This time, after seeing so many monks, he realized that things were not simple. After inquiring, he learned about the ambitions of these monks.

And he simply spread the word, looking forward to a feast to satisfy himself.

(End of this chapter)

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