Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 284 Are You Still Fighting?

Chapter 284 Are You Still Fighting?

Grandpa Hai, who wanted to watch another good show, was discovered, and all his dark thoughts were exposed to the sun.

Looking at the crazy man, Lu Yun walked up to the Sharman King and took out the paper A Cang was selling outside.

Grandpa Hai once said that because it has the flesh and blood of the sharks, it has such miraculous changes.

"what is this?"

The shark king's tone changed.

This piece of paper carries the aura of the tribe.

The aura was full of resentment and pain, like an undead spirit that never rested in peace, constantly shouting and talking.

Taking the piece of paper, the shark king let out an angry roar, the sea water oscillated, and the ground shook.

Cracks appeared on the flat ground, and seawater poured in, creating a suction force that almost shattered some monks.

Everyone quickly avoided.

The Merman King stretched out his hand and pierced the ugly body with his sharp nails mercilessly.

Hold it once, then pull it apart.

A shark bead the size of a fingernail appeared in the body of the shark king.

Immediately afterwards, transparent silk threads shuttled across the seabed, like blades, easily cutting into pieces the body of Grandpa Hai.

The blood gathered together and spread out with the ripples of the water.

The shark king was venting his anger, and his expression was indistinguishable.

"Are you still fighting?"

It was Ah Li who leisurely asked this most critical question.

Speaking of which, they were still the benefactors of the shark. If it weren't for them, there's no telling how long the shark would have been deceived by this old man.

"You can't go back without a ghost ship."

When the Shark King spoke, his voice was calm and his meaning was clear.

There is a truce.

The monks gathered together and were inevitably a little annoyed when they heard this.

They had been preparing for this voyage for so long, and it ended in such a muddle.

And all this is because of a human's selfishness.

The key is that the human being is dead, and they have no choice but to take revenge.

"On the Abyssal Sea, once you get off the ghost ship, you can never get back on."

There was no guilt in the straightforward voice.

The sharks are not human. They have emotions, but they cannot easily resonate with humans.


Someone asked a question, but it was one of my own who answered.

"Look at the stones on your body."

As soon as these words came out, many people took out the stones, only to realize that the stones that contained strange power were now ordinary.

The Wangchuan Stone became a passerby stone.

The stone that was born from the ghost gave them shelter on board the ghost ship.

But in this process, the power in the Wangchuan Stone will also be absorbed by the ghost ship, just like a ticket.

And it’s a one-way ticket, and it’s a one-time use.

If it is damaged or disembarked midway, this ticket cannot be used again.


Someone swears.

"If the matter is settled like this, how will our losses be calculated?"

Many people had vicious expressions.

Especially those people who spent a lot of money to buy stones from Wenren's hands.

Their efforts were out of proportion to their gains, which caused their eyes to look strange to these sea people.

That look is called greed.

What they think is very simple. The loss has already been formed, so they will find a way to stop the loss in time.

And what was before them was the Sea Clan.

Needless to say, it goes without saying how much of a sensation these sea tribes can cause when placed outside.

Can sell for a good price!

The Sea Clan could naturally understand the eyes of a businessman when he was evaluating the goods. For a moment, the atmosphere that had just eased became tense again.

"As compensation, I'll send you ashore."

"Add one more thing." Ah Li pointed at the bead on the neck of the King of Mermen and said with a smile. His tone was unbreakable and tough.

She has a strong attitude that if you refuse, I will take action.

The Sharman King, who had fought against Ah Li, naturally knew how powerful Ah Li was.

"this is not OK."

The shark king refused without thinking.

"I can exchange information with you. If I guess correctly, you have not been to the other side of the Abyssal Sea."

"And the reason why you want to catch us monks is to find out this."

"Just right, I know."

"As a price, you have to show sincerity."

"After all...that thing doesn't belong to you either."

Ah Li's words were leisurely and her sweet voice revealed the terrifying strength of the leader.

Watching Ah Li negotiate with the other party, the others did not interfere.

But they were also curious about why Ah Li was obsessed with the bead.

What's wrong with something good?

But in their opinion, apart from being able to transform those strange threads, it has no other uses.

Lu Yun, on the other hand, was vaguely aware of Ah Li's thoughts.

The Shark King squinted his eyes, knowing that the rhythm was in Ah Li's hand.

If it really fights to the end, even if the Sea Clan can win, it will be a miserable victory, not to mention that it has no confidence in its heart.

Did it really not notice Grandpa Hai's problem?

The answer is no.

After all, the Sharks are so good at deceiving, how could they not be able to tell the lies that Grandpa Hai told.

Grandpa Hai is just a reason for them to take action.

As if shirking responsibility, Grandpa Hai has completed his mission.

It has achieved its goal, and the question before us is whether it is willing to pay a certain price.

Finally, the Merman King grabbed the bead around his neck and threw it to Ah Li.

Ah Li was very satisfied with this.

Someone told the Sea Clan the purpose of their trip. After hearing this, the Sea Clan took them to a place.

A very far away place, in the abyss.

It was a trench.

For the sea people, the trench is easy to conquer.

The calm trench looked unremarkable until someone threw something into it.

In an instant, lightning filled their eyes, and for a moment, they thought they were still above the sea.

The thunder and lightning that should have been high in the sky landed on the seabed, forming an insurmountable chasm just above the trench.

Not only them, but also these sea tribes, are also unable to reach the other shore due to these thunder and lightning.

"Unexpectedly, our positions are consistent."

Someone said as if sighing.

By the end of the fight, we became a family, just thinking about it was like singing in a play.

After the two parties had a "heart-to-heart" conversation, they came to the location of the well Grandpa Hai mentioned.

The well is as wide as two arms and has a round mouth. It is obviously on the bottom of the sea, but if you look down, you can still see the "water" in the well.

The water was like a living creature, carrying a terrifying power.

As Grandpa Hai said, ordinary people cannot pass here.


The shark beads dug out from Grandpa Hai's body were given to them.

"Just one shark bead can get you out of here."

"But remember us, humans, we are waiting for you!"

These words were murderous, like a threat.

Yes, they agreed that when the ghost ship appears again next time, the monks will take enough Wangchuan Stones and go to the Abyssal Sea together with the sea tribe.

before that……

The monks' cooperation temporarily came to an end. When everyone stood in Grandpa Hai's courtyard, their promise not to take action was broken in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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