"Master, what's wrong?"

Ji Hongxi stared at Yuntian and asked. He could clearly see that there was a slight worry in Yuntian's always gentle eyes.

Yuntian knew how keen his disciples' minds were, and he pondered for a moment.

"You come with me."

Entering the Sword Tomb again is a bit strange.

In this valley full of wilderness, countless sword blades are either buried deep in the ground or inserted into the cliff.

Some have become silver-white and sharp over time, while others have been stained with mottled rust.

Long or short, colorful sword blades form the sword tomb of the Tibetan Sword Sect, leaving a unique scenery here.

The moment Lu Yun stepped here, she felt that the place was filled with all kinds of sword intent, chaotic, uneven, and full of hostility.

A sword cultivator can use many swords, but a sword cultivator can only have one natal sword in his life.

After entering the Hidden Sword Sect's disciples, most of them will find their natal swords from this sword tomb, such as Feng Yuyao's Fire Phoenix.

Not surprisingly, this fire phoenix accompanied Feng Yuyao to the end.

Another example is her first senior brother and second senior brother, a handful of glazed blood and a handful of azure. They are their most trusted partners and family members.

People like Lu Yun are in the minority.

In the eyes of many people, Lu Yun is an anomaly.

So when she left here with two swords, what Yuntian said to the outside world was that Han Jiangxue was her natal sword, and the tail needle was given to Lu Yun by him.

If you're a swordsman, it's normal to have many swords on your body.

But in fact, Lu Yun knew that these two swords were not his natal swords, or in other words, they were both part of his natal swords.

The fragments of Dantian, in this place full of sword energy, seem to be sensing something, and they are much more active than before.

She touched her wrist.

There are silk threads wrapped around it, and when combined together, it looks like a white jade bracelet. The crystal color is very warm.

Different from the cold white color of Hanjiang Snow, this crystal white color is like soft clouds, very harmless.

But when Jiang Lingli is injected into it, these white colors will gradually change, becoming closer to transparent, and then shuttle through the space according to the owner's wishes.

The sharpness of those lines is comparable to Han Jiangxue.

This is an invisible murder weapon, the fourth fragment she found, and a gift given to her by Ah Li.

Because of the attraction between the fragments, after she got the fragment that was supposed to be a pearl, the other party wrapped it around her wrist according to her own wishes.

Where it fits the skin, it is extremely soft and there is no discomfort at all.

Lu Yun walked at the back. She hooked her finger and a silver thread popped out, shattering a sword energy that wanted to attack her.

During these long years, many swords in the Sword Tomb gave birth to their own spiritual wisdom.

They may not be able to transform into human forms and walk independently like Yun Shuiqing and Lu Zi, but they have the minds of a few years old, like naughty children.

These children especially like to harass those disciples who enter the Sword Tomb, and they never tire of adding a little bit of hardship to the other party.

Lu Yun still remembered that after entering the Sword Tomb for the first time, he suffered a lot at the hands of these urchins.

Time flies, and years have passed.

Here again, these urchins can no longer do any harm to her. If she wants, she can even suppress these urchins.

After all, he is an ownerless thing, and his mind is not yet sound, so he is incomparable to her.

Feeling the relentless harassment of those sword blades, Lu Yun dealt with it easily and followed Yuntian to the deepest part of the sword tomb.

It was a pool of water. The transparent water surface was deep enough to see the bottom. There were piles of rocks underneath the pool, and no life could be seen.

But this seemingly clear water surface is actually made up of countless sword energy condensed in the sword tomb.

If others come in and treat it as an ordinary pool of water, once they get close, they may be cut into pieces by the sword energy.In the middle of the pool, there was an isolated island, and on the island, there was a golden sword blade.

Half of the sword's body has not penetrated the ground, and the exposed body of the sword is covered with complex lines, which makes the sword particularly magical.

But Lu Yun remembered that when she first came here and saw this sword, the opponent's body was full of cracks, dilapidated, and lacked vitality.

A few people were standing at the edge of the water pool. A burst of spiritual power from Yuntian hit them. The sword trembled a few times, and an illusory figure appeared in front of them.

The other person had his eyes closed tightly, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep, and his face was pale and almost transparent.

Those eyes that looked at them all the time, as pure as a child, had no intention of opening them no matter how much they called.

It's clear clouds and clear water.

He is her fourth senior brother.

In Yun Shuiqing, what she felt was the soul of the other party that was about to disappear.

The soul was so fragile that if it was touched casually, the other party would turn into nothingness.

"what is the problem?"

The corners of Ji Hongxi's eyes were lowered, with an aura of calmness and authority that was frightening.

Under the flesh and blood, the dark demon bones exuded a faint light, and the evil spirit made the swords in the sword tomb feel dangerous and screamed sadly.

Lu Yun walked over and held Ji Hongxi's shoulders.

After taking a deep look at Lu Yun, Ji Hongxi calmed down her anger and waited for Yuntian's explanation.

"In the language of the Holy Land, this sword will be useful in the future. It is related to ascension and ascending to the immortal gate, but the premise is that this sword is intact."

Yun Tian sighed.

"That day in the main hall, the nine sects unanimously decided to repair the sword."

"But you also know that this sword gave birth to the sword spirit, which is Shui Qing. The two are one."

"And if you want to repair this sword, the prerequisite is that Shui Qing returns to its place."

Like Qianqiu Zhong, Lu Zi can actually move freely as long as Ali is willing. No one will know that Lu Zi is a weapon spirit unless he tells it.

Therefore, their initial plan was to move closer to the situation of Qianqiu Zhong.

But who could have known that when Yun Shuiqing transformed into a sword spirit and entered the sword, the sword would absorb Yun Shuiqing's power uncontrollably.

They wanted to stop it, but were unable to interrupt the process. They could only guess that because the two were one, the sword instinctively wanted to obtain the power from the same source to repair itself.

In fact it is.

But after the repair of the sword was completed, the individual belonging to Yun Shuiqing could no longer be separated from the sword body.

The two became one again.

But Yun Shuiqing was sleeping in this sword and had no reaction to the outside world.

But things were not that simple. Over the past few days, they had been observing the sword, and finally discovered that Yun Shuiqing's soul was not stable.

He is disappearing.

To be precise, the sword itself was outlawing the existence of Yun Shuiqing.

Once the last of his power is absorbed by the sword, from now on, there will no longer be Yun Shuiqing in this world.

Yes, it's just a sword.

"After the repair was completed, the sword was recognized as its owner."

Yun Shuiqing said these words at the end.

"It's the great elder's disciple, the little girl named Feng Yuyao." (End of Chapter)

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