For a moment, it was difficult for Lu Yun to express her feelings clearly, and there was a little bit of anger in the indescribable feeling.


Why is the plot ruined so much, but at this point, it has to turn to the established path.

She knew that Feng Yuyao could not be blamed for this matter.

Rather, in this matter, Feng Yuyao and Yun Shuiqing also had no choice.

A disciple, a sword spirit, nothing.

Above them, the willpower belonging to the Nine Sects forced them to make a choice, but this was a multiple-choice question.

"Now it's the little girl's power that keeps Shui Qing's soul alive."

"Although she has reached the Nascent Soul stage with the power of this sword, this sword conflicts with her original natal sword."

That fire phoenix is ​​also a sword with an arrogant character.

How could it allow its master to be shared by the rest of the sword.

Unlike Lu Yun's swords, which came from the same source, Feng Yuyao's situation is a real two swords fighting for one master.

This also resulted in Feng Yuyao's current state being unstable, and she was currently in seclusion under the protection of the Great Elder.

And no one knows how long her power can maintain Yunshuiqing.

"What does Master want me to do?"

She knew that the other party would not target her without any intention, and came to her to explain that there was still a way to solve the problem.

"Do you know about White Jade Bones?"

Yuntian stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the sword with pity and solemnity in his eyes.

These disciples were all his thorns in the heart, and he would not feel comfortable if anyone got hurt.

Unlike the other quick-thinking disciples, Yun Shuiqing, who was born as a sword spirit, was a blank sheet of pure and innocent the moment he appeared.

He wholeheartedly trusts Yuntian who picked him up and regards him as his biological father.

Even though Lu Yun had instilled in him a lot of self-preservation and sinister thoughts over the years, Yun Shuiqing's essence had not changed.

For this child, Yuntian owed something.


White jade bone is a legendary treasure among the monster clan. It is said that as long as you get the white jade bone, no matter what kind of monster blood you have, you can evolve into a divine beast using the white jade bone.

Divine beast, that is the ultimate pursuit of the monster clan.

For humans, white jade bones cannot improve blood vessels, but they can reshape the body.

The reshaped body is no different from a real human being, but this body is an empty shell. If you want to "live", you need to put a soul into it.

Yun Shuiqing's soul has not died. As long as he gets the white jade bone, the other party can break away from the sword and survive as a human being.

Just as Yunshuiqing, not as a weapon spirit.

Lu Yun figured out the reason in an instant, but this thing only appeared in records.

There has been no mythical beast in the world of cultivation in recent years, and whether this white jade bone actually exists is all speculation.

Sensing Lu Yun's hesitation, Yuntian smiled.

"My disciple made such a big sacrifice this time, so it's naturally impossible for those people to show nothing."

"The Holy Land specially created a hexagram for Shui Qing. The hexagram indicates that the white jade bones are in the Sunset Forest."

"While they find the white jade bones, they will also find ways to prevent the sword from completely swallowing Shuiqing."

Sunset Forest and Wuwang Valley are both known as the two major monster territories in the world of cultivation.

Unlike the monsters in Wuwu Valley, the monsters in Sunset Forest have an indelible hatred for humans.

Decades ago, there was a head-on conflict between the monsters and monks in Sunset Forest, resulting in numerous casualties on both sides.

That group of monsters even slaughtered a small sect.

This caused the original cultivation world to be furious.

So someone from the Nine Sects came forward and drove those monsters back to Sunset Forest. At this point, those monsters would not leave Sunset Forest easily.

But they hate humans.

Any human who dares to enter Sunset Forest will be brutally killed once discovered.

The boundaries between the two sides are clearly defined.If either party violates the rules, the other party will be brutally killed.

Communication, kindness, peaceful coexistence, these will never happen between the two.

To this day, the Sunset Forest is a forbidden place of death for some monks. Anyone who goes in has no bones left, and everyone is in awe.

This danger was placed in front of Lu Yun, and Lu Yun did not flinch.

She glanced at where the sword was.

The shadow returned to the sword, and Yun Shuiqing slept here together with the sword.

But she could feel the vitality dissipating from her fourth senior brother.

Bit by bit, like a funnel, he tried his best to maintain it, but he couldn't stop this trend, and his only chance of survival was the white jade bone.

Ordinary people who enter Sunset Forest may be slaughtered by monsters, but Lu Yun has a bone whistle.

After all, the monsters in Wuwang Valley and Sunset Forest came from the same clan back then. Coupled with the Beast King's suppression of the monsters, Lu Yun was safer than anyone else in Sunset Forest.

But this safety is not 100%.

There is still a need to take risks. Maybe if you are not careful, what awaits Lu Yun is death.


I'm afraid.

But so what!

Lu Yun rubbed the silver thread on her wrist and raised her eyes, revealing her sparkling eyes. Her arrogant grace made people unable to look away.

"I go."

The sonorous and powerful response expressed Lu Yun's determination.

So what if she had to go through mountains of swords and fire for the sake of Fourth Senior Brother? What's more, she believed that Fourth Senior Brother would do the same for her if she were in someone else's shoes.

"I'll go as well."

As the fourth junior brother and the youngest junior sister, Ji Hongxi could not stand idly by.

"After all, as a senior brother, I have to set an example at this time, right?"

He smiled, with a enchanting look on his face.

"it is good!"

Yuntian patted the two of them on the shoulders, with wet eyes.

He turned his head and wiped his eyes, his eyes were slightly red, and his voice was choked: "Master, I will wait for you to come back."

Lu Yun nodded solemnly.

The matter was settled like this, and before actually setting off, Lu Yun met Feng Yuyao and Song Xiao.

The two came together.

On Wentian Peak, the wind was like a knife, blowing the clothes and making a hunting sound.

Lu Yun was as solid as Feng Yuyao, her eyebrows were calm, and there was no trace of resentment.

Feng Yuyao, on the other hand, was a little embarrassed.

"Junior Sister Lu, don't worry, I will definitely not let anything happen to Senior Brother Yun before you come back."

"Even if I try my best, I will definitely wait for you to come back."

A solemn promise, with Feng Yuyao's determination.

When she finally learned from her master that she had been treated as a savior, but later the hexagram changed, and her existence was no longer related to the survival of the world of cultivation, she felt very complicated.

It's like falling into the emptiness of despair after the ultimate joy.

For a moment, she felt as if she had lost something important to her. That empty emotion made her mentally unstable.

But soon, she stabilized herself.

She thought of Lu Yun.

I thought of this person who I once looked down upon, but now stands in front of everyone.

There was a heavy burden on her shoulders, which made Feng Yuyao couldn't help but ask herself, if she were Lu Yun, could she do it. (End of chapter)

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