Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 289 The Forest of the Setting Sun

She didn't hear her choice.

But this hesitation explained everything.

Perhaps, that loss was gain for her.

In that enlightenment, she entered the Nascent Soul stage with the help of the power of the sword.

Now, as she expected, her cultivation level was higher than that of Lu Yun, but she was not surprised by it.

She had a feeling that the other party would soon catch up and make her look up to him again.

Looking at each other, there is only peace.

Looking at Feng Yuyao who seemed to have taken on a new look, Lu Yun raised the corner of her mouth.

After all, she was the daughter of heaven who carried hope in the beginning. Not to mention her talent, at least her personality should be as free and easy and full of vitality as before her.

"Okay, we'll be back as soon as possible."

Now Yun Shuiqing's hopes are pinned on himself and Feng Yuyao. Reaching this level of cooperation is an experience that Lu Yun had never imagined.

"Junior sister, there is something wrong with the one named Song Xiao. Do you want to remind her?"

When Lu Yun was preparing to say goodbye, she received a message from Ji Hongxi.

Looking over, she saw that the other party was standing not far away, leaning against a tree. She was dressed in red and was as warm as fire. When she received her look, she only gave him a wink.

As the reincarnation of the ancient great demon, Ji Hongxi still lives as Ji Hongxi, but there is still a part of the great demon inside him.

For Ji Hongxi, all the disguises of the demon cultivators were invisible to him.

In Ji Hongxi's view, Song Xiao was not a demon cultivator, but more like a poor creature walking between black and white, standing precariously on the cliff.

He can't let go of the reputation and dignity of a monk, but he also longs for the freedom of desire that belongs to a demon cultivator.

Desire and reason struggle and collide in this body.

As a result, inner demons are deeply rooted, and the state of mind becomes fragile.

Today, Song Xiao will fall into the embrace of the devil if he is not careful.

Lu Yun stared at Song Xiao.

The other party stood a little far away, as if to avoid suspicion.

She remembered the first time the two met. At that time, the other party was a young man in bright clothes and angry horses. Because he had a sweetheart, he came to cancel the engagement with his fiancée.

At that time, Song Xiao was proud and confident, full of youthful vitality.

Even in the Hidden Sword Sect, a place where geniuses are everywhere, his presence is noticeable.

Coupled with his relationship with Feng Yuyao, the two can be said to be a couple of gods in the eyes of many people.

If the plot develops according to the plot, after experiencing many hardships, these two people will become a Taoist couple whose love is stronger than gold.

But now, Feng Yuyao is not embarking on the path of a savior, and even those trainings are gone.

Lu Yun could not predict whether the relationship between the two would be able to sublimate through trials and tribulations.

Not to mention, Song Xiao is now in a dead end.

Seeing Feng Yuyao's clueless look, Lu Yun thought for a while and then spoke through voice transmission.

"Senior Sister Feng, pay more attention to Junior Brother Song. His situation is not quite right."

No matter how surprised Feng Yuyao was after hearing these words, Lu Yun felt that she had done what she should do. After nodding to the other party, she and Ji Hongxi went down the mountain together.

Under the Wentian Peak, there was someone dressed in mysterious clothes, carrying a Azure Sword, standing with his back to them.

His straight back was as clear as azure, his long hair was neatly tied up, and he stood upright, like a sharp sword.

It's Meng Lin, and I don't know how long he has been waiting here.

"I'll go with you." Meng Ran came out of seclusion today, and Lu Yun was not surprised by the other party's choice.

"Okay, we senior brothers will take our little junior sister to learn more." Ji Hongxi smiled and hooked Meng Lin's shoulder, and then was slapped away.

Compared with Meng Lin's seriousness, Ji Hongxi's lazy and romantic attitude is the opposite of Meng Lin.

"I remember my senior brother said this."

Lu Yun smiled.

Not long after she arrived at the Hidden Sword Sect, Ji Hongxi said that one day, the four of them, their junior brothers, would take their little junior sister out to run rampant and arrogantly through the city.

But this has never been realized.

Now the third senior brother is still taking care of housework in the Valley of Miracle Doctors. After learning about the incident, he just sent someone to bring a large amount of medicine.

As for the Fourth Senior Brother, the reason for their trip this time is facing the end of their souls disappearing.

The so-called togetherness seems to have to wait.

Putting aside those emotions of sadness and sadness, Lu Yun followed her two senior brothers and embarked on the road to save her fourth senior brother.

The world of cultivation has not been peaceful recently, and there have been some commotions in many places.

During the brief period of peace, the battle between the monks and the demonic cultivators resumed. On the Hokuriku side, the friction between the two sides escalated, and the fight became fierce.

There are also traces of some demonic cultivators in Dongzhou and Nanyang.

They confuse people's hearts and continue to recruit disciples.

Many people from the Nine Sects were seduced by him and fell into the evil way.

After staying away from the Hidden Sword Sect, Lu Yun and the others also encountered some demon cultivators, but with two powerful senior brothers there, there was no need for Lu Yun to take action along the way.

The three people, who stopped and stopped along the way and killed some demon cultivators by the way, arrived at Sunset Forest after traveling thousands of miles.

There is Wujian Town outside Wuwang Valley, but there is no one outside Sunset Forest.

Some desperate people have to be careful to hide their traces when they come to this place to avoid being discovered by the monsters in the Sunset Forest.

Sunset Forest is a forest, a huge forest.

It is named Sunset because the trees in Sunset Forest are all orange-red, just like the clouds at sunset.

From a distance, it looks like a falling golden crow, dotted on this barren land, brilliant and beautiful under the setting sun.

If this beauty did not have the strong smell of blood belonging to the monks, people might not be able to help but linger here.

Baiyao provided them with a medicine called Beast Xiang Powder. Sprinkling this medicine on their bodies can disguise the scent of monsters.

As long as they don't collide directly, the aura on their bodies can still fool those monsters.

But not everyone is like them and has white medicine to protect them.

At this moment, it was less than half an hour before they entered Sunset Forest, and it was Sunset Ten.

The three of them were hiding in a big tree.

The fiery tree crowns echoed the brilliance of the sunset, coating the forest with a layer of misty golden light, better hiding their figures.

Not far away from them, several monks who entered Sunset Forest were being chased by monsters.

It's a group of golden rats.

Speaking of rats, from the outside, the golden rats have nothing in common with the rats in the gutter, except for the word "rat" in their names.

This group of golden rats are all golden, and instead of having soft manes on their bodies, they have metal-like thorns.

If you touch it, your hands will be bloody.

The Golden Rat eats metal as its food, and through generations of evolution, its body has developed a defense as hard as metal.

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