Moreover, the golden rat is huge in size, rivaling that of a wild boar.

But this thing still moves in groups. When I looked down, I saw a group of golden rats running towards me. The smoke and dust they rolled up covered the sky and the sun. It was really scary to see.

There were five people being chased and intercepted. Those five people were running for their lives without even daring to look back.

Lu Yun and the others looked at the situation below and had no intention of intervening.

Their plan was to wait for the group of lottery rats to leave and then move on.

The divination given by the Holy Land was a bit vague. They only knew that the white jade bones were in the center of the Sunset Forest, and they were still on the periphery, so they were not prepared to cause trouble.


Just as the group of people passed below them, Ji Hongxi said something.

Lu Yun subconsciously used her spiritual sense to look over and found that these people's clothes were stained with a lot of golden powder.

The powder is so fine that it can easily be missed by the naked eye.

A dust-like existence with a vague aura.

"It's fairy dust gold."

Fairy dust gold is the top heavenly material and earthly treasure in the world of cultivation. For refining weapons and elixirs, as long as you add a little fairy dust gold, the quality can be improved.

This thing is something that is hard to find in the outside world. Even the Hidden Sword Sect does not have much stock.

Fairy dust gold is indeed a top recipe for gold rats who feed on metal.

Judging from the violent appearance of these colored gold rats, it is estimated that the colored gold rats found the fairy dust gold mine and were stolen by these monks.

There are good things right in front of you, why don't you take a hand?

Lu Yun and Meng Lin saw the inquiry in Ji Hongxi's eyes. The three of them looked at each other and took action without even saying hello.

Qiansi Knot, this is the name Lu Yun gave to the fourth fragment.

Lu Yun was no stranger to using Qiansi Knot for the first time.

Silk threads that looked soft and harmless, after being catalyzed by spiritual power, wandered in the Sunset Forest, using trees as fulcrums to form a trap like a dragnet.

The sharp silk threads became transparent, and the revenge-seeking golden rats didn't notice them at all.

When they rush into the trap, what awaits them is a myriad of strangulations.

Under the thousands of threads, flesh and blood fell off, and the golden rats turned into countless fragments in the dense threads.

Their physical strength is simply not enough in front of Qiansi Jie.

The scene was like a one-sided massacre, with blood everywhere, and at a glance, it was all shockingly red.

At first, the golden rats wanted to rush through the trap savagely, but when the tribesmen in front were cut into pieces one after another, the golden rats finally chose to take a detour.

Then, what awaited them was dense sword light.

The sword light enveloped everything, as if it had opened up an independent space. In that space, the only living thing that could stand was Meng Lin.

Holding the azure Meng Lin, his black clothes were stained with blood and could not be seen.

The shocking sword intent destroyed Caijin Shu's idea of ​​going this way, so he took another detour.

Compared to Lu Yun and Meng Lin's brutal methods, Ji Hongxi was much gentler.

A handful of glazed blood aroused the evil spirit in the body and gave these monsters the gentlest punishment.

After the evil spirit entered their bodies, their running speed suddenly slowed down. Little by little, they lost control of their limbs, and then fell to the ground, with their limbs twitching until they could no longer move.

A large wave of lottery rats was intercepted here by the three brothers and sisters.

The pursuit movement suddenly became smaller, and no one in front naturally felt it.

Some of them turned around, and when they saw this, they opened their mouths wide and stopped.

"What are you doing, run away?"

One of them shouted, but saw the too shocked look in his companion's eyes. When he looked over, he also stood there blankly.

"What are they from?"

This method, this force, in comparison, they are too brutal.

"Do you want to continue... leaving?" One of the women was very hesitant. She looked at Ji Hongxi, who was smiling like a monster, and then at Meng Lin, who was as cold as a god, with bright eyes.

What woman doesn't like strong men?

"Who knows if they have good intentions or not? I would say they acted voluntarily. How about we leave!"

One of the men frowned and had no good impression of Lu Yun and the others.

There aren't many good people in a place like this.

These people must want something when they take action.

"Don't forget what we have on us?" he reminded in a low voice.

If those people knew that they had fairy dust gold on them, the ones chasing them might change from the gold-colored mice to these three people.

Being reminded like this, even a woman who is a nymphomaniac can only bear the pain and look away.

The five of them increased their speed and took advantage of Lu Yun and others' efforts to intercept the Golden Rat and completely stay away from the battlefield.

But since Ji Hongxi took action, how could he let the prey leave from his eyes.

Before the five of them could take a few steps away, glass blood spurted out and struck a few steps in front of the five of them.

The sword intent contained in the gently swaying glass blood made them unable to ignore it.

They had a feeling that the other party was warning them.

If they dare to take one more step, that sword will kill them.

In fact, the same is true.

After Ji Hongxi glanced at Lu Yun and Meng Lin, she ducked down from the sky.

He stepped on the hilt of Liuli Xue's sword, dressed in red and under the setting sun, it was as strong as hot blood.

There was a perfect smile on that overly demonic face, but there was solid ice in those eyes.

"Guys, after all, we have helped you. You can leave if you want, but do you have to express your gratitude?"

This is a place that is not bound by the laws of the world of cultivation.

Robbery and counter-robbery, as long as you have the ability, you can do it.

Ji Hongxi's attitude was very tough. He fell in love with Fairy Dust Gold, so he helped them stop the Golden Rat, and in exchange, they needed to pay for it.

This is the principle of forced buying and selling.

The faces of those who understood Ji Hongxi's words turned livid.

"There are only three of you and there are five of us. If we really fight, can you guarantee that you will win?"

Jiao Hongwen, who had warned him before, obviously did not want to cooperate, and even wanted to threaten him in return.

"Three against five?"

Ji Hongxi read, swung his sleeves, waved his hands and smiled, his smile was extremely unrestrained.

"No no no."

"To deal with you, I don't need my junior brothers and sisters to take action."

"Just me is enough."

Ji Hongxi's words were not a sign of pride, but an absolute certainty of his own strength.

These confident words earned Jiao Hongwen a sarcastic look, but Ji Hongxi's expression did not waver.

It doesn't look like a bluff.

Jiao Hongwen couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the other two people.

The two people didn't pay attention here, they were just dealing with those golden rats.

Why do I use the word "dealing"? Because it is obvious that both of them are very comfortable with each other.

So far, no Golden Rat has broken through their blockade, which is in sharp contrast to their embarrassment as they are chased by the Golden Rat.

They... have this strength.

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