After realizing that Ji Hongxi was someone they couldn't beat, Jiao Hongwen felt terrible.

After they entered the Sunset Forest, they discovered a gold mine of fairy dust gold after going through a lot of hardships. However, this gold mine was guarded by a group of colored gold rats.

They were more than just these people. In order to get the fairy dust gold, they divided into two groups. One group lured away the gold-colored rats, and the other group took the opportunity to mine.

But who would have known that this golden rat was very smart. The group of rats chased him out, but the rat king stayed in the mine.

While they were happily digging, they suddenly had a narrow encounter with the Rat King.

What followed was a large hunt for them by the rats, during which several of them died.

As he was about to leave Sunset Forest, Jiao Hongwen had already made plans, but if it didn't work out, he would find someone else to "back up" him. Who knew he would encounter this powerful trio at this time?

Looking at Ji Hongxi's expression, Jiao Hongwen knew that there was no possibility of negotiation on this matter.

He was resentful in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

"I will give you the stuff, but I can only give you a third. After all, we risked our lives to get it, and several of our companions died."

When mentioning his companions, Jiao Hongwen showed some pain at the right time, hoping to win sympathy.

But who was Ji Hongxi? He could tell at a glance that the other party was acting. Under the fake face, he didn't shed any tears for his companion.

In response, Ji Hongxi just squinted his eyes. He jumped down and stood on the ground. The fluttering red clothes contrasted with the sunset redwood trees, seeming to blend into one.

That kind of charming and evil aura made Jiao Hongwen breathless.

The glass blood fell on his palm, and Ji Hongxi's sarcastic attitude said it all.

one third?

He refused.

"You!" Jiao Hongwen wanted to argue, but in the next moment, a sword intent flicked across his cheek and took away a strand of hair.

He touched his face and shuddered.

This time, the other party didn't intend to touch him, but what about next time.

"Half, why don't we give you half!"

As Jiao Hongwen spoke, he threw a gourd at Ji Hongxi, which contained fairy dust gold.

"Okay." Jiao Hongwen asked without confidence.

After weighing it for a few times, Ji Hongxi raised his eyebrows and moved out of the way, and even made a thoughtful gesture of invitation to them.


Not daring to delay, Jiao Hongwen and his men left quickly.

Ji Hongxi looked at the backs of the group of people and sneered.

They were obviously being chased by monsters, but the bodies of several of them were filled with the blood belonging to the monks.

Who knows how his companions died.

Black eats black.

With the loot in hand, Ji Hongxi winked at the two of them, removed the trap that had been intercepting them, Lu Yun opened the umbrella, and the three figures quickly disappeared.

The golden rat, unable to find any enemies on the ground, knocked down trees to vent its anger.

I have to say that when used in a place like this, the curtain umbrella is like a cheating device.

Coupled with the pills given by Baiyao, as long as they don't show up proactively, it's impossible for those monsters to discover them.

After sorting out the dirt, Lu Yun looked at the compass in her hand to determine the direction.

There are so few people coming to Sunset Forest that the monks still don’t have a complete map of Sunset Forest. If they don’t want to get lost here, they have to rely on a compass.

The three of them concealed their auras and headed towards their destination.

On the next road, they didn't meet any other people who came here to seek death. The three of them successfully approached the middle of Sunset Forest.

Just as they entered the most dangerous area, the three of them were forced to stop.

Ever since they got close to here, a sense of crisis has taken over them.

During this period, they tried to change the route several times, and the feeling stayed with them.

One can imagine how powerful the three sword cultivators' perceptions were when combined, but the three of them failed to find the source of the strangeness.

After trying again, they decided to wait and see.In a cave, Lu Yun stood at the entrance, where two senior brothers were preparing a place to rest tonight.

She released her spiritual consciousness and fully expanded her perception, but still couldn't find any abnormality.

But that vague prying eyes are like maggots in the tarsal bones, and they can't get rid of them no matter what.

It seems unlikely that you will meet friends here.

But this enemy seemed to be playing a cat and mouse game, constantly toying with them, stepping on their cordon and jumping left and right.

The three of them are all the proud sons of heaven. How have they ever been teased like this?

But no matter what method we use to find any clues, we can only let it go temporarily.

The sunset forest in the middle of the night is not completely silent. There are roars of beasts in the cascading mountains and forests.

In the dark night, something is sneaking, some monsters that like the dark night, venting their energy while running wildly in the night.

In the cave, there was darkness.

The three of them rested with their eyes closed.

The three of them were exhausted from the high-intensity action.

This is the wind that passes through the hall at night, carrying the fishy smell of monsters, hovering outside the cave, and then drifting away.

Lu Yun hugged the sword and leaned her head against the wall, sleeping soundly.

Next to him, Meng Linqiang kept vigil, but looking at his sleepy appearance, you knew he was almost reaching his limit.

As for Ji Hongxi, he was lying on the ground, snoring softly.

Meng Lin yawned and rubbed his eyes again.

Sleep surged like a tide, trying to drag him into that sweet dream, making it difficult to resist.

My head tilted downward unconsciously.

again and again.

Until a certain moment, his head never came up again.

The breathing of the three of them was very steady, and they seemed to be sleeping very deeply.

It was still quiet in the cave.

The night is flowing quietly, midnight has passed, and something appears in the dark night, from far to near.

No body, no voice.

Like the undead from another world floating over.

On the wall that was supposed to be empty, a pair of eyes opened. It looked at the three of them greedily, salivation falling.

During the exhalation, the exhaled breath did not dissipate, but rolled in the air like clouds and smoke, turning into invisible gas and entering the bodies along the breathing of the three people.

They are very patient, even if the prey in front of them is unaware of it, they are still waiting.

The beasts roared outside one after another, until a roar-like sound suppressed all movement, and the sunset fell into a rare silence in the night.

At this moment, the thing that coveted the three people moved.

A shadow, about the size of a forearm, completely gray, blending perfectly into the rock.

After landing, the color of the surface changes to earthy yellow.

Mimicry is an ability called chameleon.

They blend perfectly into any environment, and any exploration is useless to them.

They are the most patient hunters in any environment.

Once they select their prey, they will follow it, getting closer and closer, driving the prey crazy with their presence.

They exhale a gas called sweet dreams when their prey relaxes their guard.

Anyone who smells this gas will fall into sleep.

Then... they were torn apart and devoured by the chameleon's claws in their sleep.

This is the merciful death the chameleon bestows on its enemies.

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