Anoles are not large individuals, and their individual strength is not strong.

They like to move in groups, but each group will not exceed ten anoles. If there are too many, they will fight each other.

This is the characteristic of this family.

And every time they encounter a desirable prey, all the anoles will cooperate perfectly, watching the prey die in ignorance little by little.

At this moment, they will give the three brothers and sisters rest in peace.

The anole's vertical pupils are not obvious in the night.

One of them crawled onto Ji Hongxi's abdomen, and through his clothes, it could feel the hot and strong flesh underneath.

If she were a member of the opposite sex, she wouldn't appreciate Ji Hongxi's figure, but beauty was useless in front of a chameleon.

Human beings are food.

This ready-to-move anole boldly climbed to Ji Hongxi's heart.

It loves the beating human heart, preferring to dig it out and swallow it while it's still beating.

The cruel light flickered in and out of these vertical pupils.

After another cautious test to ensure that these humans really had no reaction, a rustling sound sounded outside the cave.

Like an order, the other anoles eagerly climbed in.

Therefore, when the Ling Lie sword roared wildly in the cave, these chameleons retreated in panic, only to find that there was no way to retreat.
Lu Yun stood at the entrance of the cave, watching the panicked steps of the anoles, and intercepted them expressionlessly.

As long as real creatures exist, they will always leave traces.

If the spiritual consciousness cannot find the other party's existence, then use the most primitive method.

In the process of going in circles, they had already sprinkled some special medicinal powder on their path.

This kind of medicinal powder has no smell, but as long as you take specific medicines, the smell of the medicine is very obvious.

So from the beginning, they knew something was following them.

Based on the information about some monsters, they knew they were a group of chameleons.

It's okay to deal with it outside, but anoles are a very vengeful race. When they die, their bodies will secrete a gas.

Once contaminated, the gas will be adsorbed on the body and become the most obvious target in the eyes of various monsters.

Moreover, this smell can only fade away over time.

In a place like this, they don't want to be marked.

Once the three of them joined together, they planned to lure these stalkers to one place and deal with them at once.

In the cave, Ji Hongxi opened his eyes long ago. After killing an anole with one palm, he met Lu Yun.

In the blink of an eye, several of his companions died.

This is humiliating for anoles who are good at hunting.

In anger, their bodies gradually grew, and bulges like air bags appeared on the surface of their skin.
There, the gas used for marking is carried.

As long as it is punctured, it will be emitted, and the three of them all tacitly stayed away from the group of anoles.

"Tsk, Third Junior Brother's stuff is quite useful."

Ji Hongxi sighed.

All kinds of poisons have long been spread in the cave.

No, the bodies of those anoles could no longer hold up. After the poison took effect, the anoles' bodies began to ooze blood.

Blood makes them invisible no matter how they mimic.

Some anoles launched suicidal attacks, trying to infuse them with the smell of revenge, but before they could get close, the toxin killed them.

Soldiers are not bloody.

After dealing with these anoles, the three took advantage of the darkness to quickly move their territory.The Sunset Forest at night is more dangerous than during the day, and no one knows what is hidden in the darkness.

Fortunately, during the day, they watched the hiding place, and so on, all night long until dawn.

The morning sun rises and the mountains and forests wake up from their sleep.

Dew hung on the branches and leaves, and the whole forest seemed to be lit by a fire. It was an endless red color that was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away.

It's a nice morning.

The not-so-good news was that as soon as they came out of their hiding place, they ran into a monster.

There was only one end, and they got rid of it before making any further noise.

They thought it was just an accident, but when they continued to advance, they discovered that there seemed to be something wrong in the sunset forest.

In just half an hour, they had seen no less than ten monsters running out from the inside of Sunset Forest.

At first, they could comfort themselves by saying that they encountered each other by chance, but when they saw the speed at which those monsters were running for their lives, they knew something had happened.

And this change will obviously not be beneficial to them.

The monsters who were busy escaping for their lives did not explore the surroundings much, allowing them to close the distance again.

The specific location of the white jade bone has not been divined, but the place where the white jade bone is located will gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and emit a strange fragrance.

That aroma is unmistakable once you have smelled it.

So far, they haven't met.

"Be careful."

Ji Hongxi sent a message to the two of them. They hid behind a stone wall and watched another monster leave, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

When they were hesitating whether to change paths, they heard violent roars above their heads.

That voice penetrates the mind and causes people's soul to fluctuate.

What I saw when I looked up was a group of red-capped white eagles. In Sunset Forest, red-capped white eagles are monsters that are born with the ability to fly. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a powerful overlord.

Wherever they are, other monsters don't dare to act recklessly.

And now it seems that this group of red-capped white eagles are also leaving.

It should have nothing to do with them, but as the eagle clan, their eyesight is the best among monsters.

The red-crested white eagle flying high in the sky easily spotted the three of them after passing by where they were hiding.

After those chirps, they reached a tacit understanding and swooped down.

The air waves rolled, and the white feathers were like arrows.

In the blink of an eye, the sharp talons of the eagle were close in front of her eyes. Lu Yun leaned back and entangled the opponent's talons with thousands of threads and pulled them apart with force.

Before the next one pounced, her fingers were flying, and the silver threads weaved a dragnet in front of her to strangle all enemies trying to get close to her.

Lu Yun jumped up, stepped on a silver thread, and waved out the cold snow. The coldness dyed the gorgeous forest with a layer of pure white frost and snow.

With the fourth fragment, Lu Yun had even more room to display during the battle.

With Qiansi Knot and Wandering Dragon Shadow, Lu Yun could constantly change her body shape in the air. No matter where she landed, there would always be a silver thread below to catch her body.

Looking from a distance, Lu Yun seemed to be stagnant in the air, with his long sword flying like snow, causing a bloody storm.

The other two were no less generous.

Meng Lin's sword doesn't have too many bells and whistles. He only uses some basic sword moves.

The Hidden Sword Sect's Wild Wind Sword Technique was displayed in Meng Lin's hands, but it was like some advanced sword move. Every time the sword was thrust out, large areas of death and injury were caused.

Ji Hongxi's battle is more coquettish.

Wearing a red dress and a long sword, he wandered among the enemies like a ghost. Wherever he passed, blood was as colorful as falling stones.

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