The trees in the mountain forest are dense enough, and the dense canopy and stacked branches form a certain obstacle to the red-capped white eagle.

Lu Yun and the others had no intention of fighting these monsters to the death.

The three of them fought and retreated.

Their current position was too awkward. It would be difficult to avoid being discovered when such a noise was made. They had to leave here before more monsters heard the noise and came.

Contrary to the path of the red-capped white eagle, they approached deeper. Perhaps this action made the other party afraid, and the white eagles did not pursue them again.

It just hovered in the air, making unwilling calls one after another.

This was the most obvious signal. The traces of the three people were completely discovered. Beast roars came one after another, and the entire Sunset Forest responded.

The rolling sound wave caused a shiver.

Seeing that more and more monsters were surrounding them, Lu Yun was considering whether to blow the bone whistle.

The bone whistle hung around her neck, and when she touched it with her fingers, she could still feel the coldness of the white bones.

The evil wind blew behind him, and a waiting monster almost knocked General Lu Yun down.

She rolled on the spot and while dodging the attack, her body was exposed from behind the bunker.

After cutting off the opponent's leg with a sword, Lu Yun smelled a little bit of strange fragrance in the rich blood.

The fragrant aroma makes people's abdomen growl with hunger, and the direction it drifts towards is a cliff ahead.


She shouted, and the other two came running over.

"It's white jade bones."

The white jade bones are under that cliff.

If you want to check, you must get close to the cliff, but there is no way to go further from the cliff, and various monsters are surrounding them behind them.

The huge size, rich colors and even ferocious appearance of those monster beasts, when they appear in piles, the shock they bring is indescribable.

This is a world of beasts.

They are like poor people who stumbled into this place by mistake.

Facing the eager eyes of those monsters, Lu Yun was just about to make a decision when she saw waves of fire flying under the cliff.

The fire that shot up into the sky was as bright as the Golden Crow.

Lu Yun had to use her spiritual power to resist the scalding waves of fire coming towards her face, and the cold air brought by Hanjiang Snow disappeared in an instant.

The three of them retreated.

The monsters not far away roared as if they encountered some natural enemies.

Fearful, angry.

Many of the monsters attracted by Lu Yun and the others turned around and left very quickly.

While they were still wondering, the sea of ​​fire rushed into the sky, forming a fiery... dragon.

No, that's not a dragon, but a dragon.

A fire dragon.

The fire dragon danced in the air, and the shock brought by its flexible body made people want to bow their heads.

Some weaker monsters let out whimpering screams and knelt on the ground, as if they were surrendering to the king.

Others are struggling to resist.

Their claws scratched on the ground, they bared their fangs and raised their weapons, wanting to challenge the power of the fire dragon.

The fire dragon living high in the sky glanced lightly, and then a fireball was thrown down, and one of the provocative monsters was roasted.

The aroma of meat hit their nostrils, and the pupils of Lu Yun and the others shrank.

The fire dragon must have discovered their existence. Just because he hasn't paid attention to them yet doesn't mean he will let them go.

The death of a monster beast caused a riot among the beasts.

As if being ignited, they united together, and some took the initiative to attack the fire dragon.

The beasts that fell into a rage were challenging the authority of the fire dragon.

And this process is called the birth of the Beast King.

"That fire dragon is evolving into a beast king."

The Beast King of the Monster Clan is not like a sect leader who can rely on election to be born. The existence of the Beast King is a symbol of absolute strength.

In a clan of monsters and beasts that advocate force, only the strongest can become their king.Monsters that are free and cruel by nature do not want a king to stand on their heads, unless that king can make them kneel down willingly.

The birth of every beast king represents a war within the beasts. This process will inevitably lead to countless casualties and corpses littering the land.

Before today, there had never been a beast king born in Sunset Forest.

Those monster beasts that stayed away from here before probably didn't want to get involved.

At this moment, the monsters left here are about to capture the fire dragon.

They arrived at the right moment and seemed to have caught up to the last moment.

So the fire dragon ignored them now and ignored them along with the monsters.

This is an opportunity.

The three of them looked at each other and cautiously approached the cliff.

Step by step, the fire dragon glanced over at him, like a warning.

But the three of them did not stop. When they approached the cliff, they discovered that there was a rift valley below.

This should be the habitat of the fire dragon. There are traces of being burned by the flames on the ground surface and the cliffs. They are dry and cracked, and no grass can grow.


Ji Hongxi pointed in a direction.

It was a cave, which should be the lair of the fire dragon. The strange fragrance wafting from the cave was particularly obvious.

The white jade bones seemed to have become the collection of the fire dragon.

The fighting method of monsters is extremely dangerous.

Fire dragons were not the only ones that could live in high altitudes, there were more monsters that were born with the ability to fly and launched attacks.

Countless monsters were fighting together.

The blood of the monster beast fell like rain and wet the ground. The abundant power caused the blood energy of the three people bathed in the blood of the monster beast to riot.

While the fire dragon had no time to take care of them, they first went to each other's lair.

"I go."

Lu Yun made a decision.

The target for the three of them to act together was too big, and they didn't know what was going on in the cave. They entered together and accidentally got blocked inside.

They need someone outside to help.


Meng Lin's words were brief but could not be refused.

"it is good."

"Be careful." Ji Hongxi believed in the judgment of his junior brothers and sisters.

The three of them split into two directions. At the moment of action, the fire dragon was distracted.

As if unaware of their intentions, they once again fought bloody battles with the monsters.

Midway, Lu Yun and Meng Lin changed directions and entered the cave as quickly as possible.

As soon as I entered, I felt the power of the flames remaining in the cave. The entire cave seemed to be soaked in magma, which was too hot.

Their clothes were wet with sweat, and the two stepped on the hot ground and headed inside.

Although the cave is large, there are no twists and turns. Once you enter, you can see everything.

In the deepest part of the cave, there is a pool of fire.

The flames rising inside carried the power of the fire dragon.

What is surprising is that in the flame pool, there are two fire-colored eggs, each of which is half the size of a human.

In the flames that were enough to bake everything, the two eggs did not become inactive, but were full of vitality.

They are sucking the power from the flames and growing vigorously.

This is... the descendant of the fire dragon.

Lu Yun's eyes fell on the bottom of the two eggs. Among the red, the cold white was particularly conspicuous.

It's white jade bone.

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