Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 294 The unreliable Beast King Yue

The fire dragon uses the power of white jade bones to raise its offspring. Judging from the activity of the two eggs, they are about to be born.

As it gets closer, the flame seems to be intelligent, spreading its teeth and claws in the air, like a child showing off its power.

But no one dares to ignore the danger involved.

"I'll try it."

Touching the Thousand Silk Knot on her wrist, Lu Yun felt that the fourth fragment had arrived just in time.

A silver thread popped out and did not touch the white jade bone, but tied up the fire dragon egg.

Using a little force, the two eggs were lifted up.

In the dancing flames, Qiansi flexibly hooked the white jade bone and skillfully brought it out.

After getting the thing, Lu Yun carefully put down the fire dragon egg.

The force she used was very light and would not damage the integrity of the fire dragon egg. However, when the fire dragon egg returned to the ground, the two of them heard a clear "click" sound.

Something, broken.

Lu Yun twitched the corner of his mouth and saw cracks appearing on the surface of the eggshell.

Inside, a small head stuck out.

Before Lu Yun could see what the fire dragon looked like as a child, a wave of fire came out of the cave, and at the same time, there was the sound of the fire dragon.

Yes, sound.

"Thief, seek death!"

The rich voice belongs to male.

The two of them turned to look over and saw a figure walking over.

The figure was wearing fire-colored leather armor, had red hair and red eyes, and was surrounded by flames.

It's the fire dragon, and the opponent has already been able to transform.

When the fire dragon saw the situation in the cave clearly, its red pupils narrowed, and the danger soared.

A sword appeared behind the fire dragon at this moment, and the one who took action was Ji Hongxi.

The evil spirit covered the surface of the glass blood, and Ji Hongxi directly unlocked the restrictions on the demon bone. Although his body suffered backlash and there was blood at the corner of his mouth, he smiled happily after the power was unlocked.

"Senior, we need white jade bones to save someone, and we can exchange them with the rest."

"As for your child, we have no intention of disturbing you."

Lu Yun whispered, trying to comfort the other party.

Listening to the noise outside, all the beasts roared. It seemed that the fire dragon had subdued those monsters and became the real beast king of Sunset Forest.

This also means that even if they get out of the cave, they will still have to face hundreds of monsters.

While speaking, Lu Yun no longer hesitated and blew the bone whistle.

Silent, no waves.

But Lu Yun could feel that a force was transmitted along the bone whistle to an unknown distance, and then gave her feedback.

"Little girl, you finally remembered me."

The voice belonging to the Beast King of Wuwu Valley sounded from the bone whistle, and a shadow floated out, standing next to Lu Yun.

But can a shadow defeat the Beast King of Sunset Forest?

"Tsk, don't worry, my true body is on its way here, I have to give it some time."

There was a smile on the Beast King's beautiful face, not bothered by the situation in front of him at all.

Wearing a fancy outfit, she walked up to the fire dragon and asked with a smile: "My name is 'Yue'. What's your name, the new little guy?"

Listening to this title, Lu Yun always felt that the other party was a bit of a challenge.

In fact, as the beast king of Sunset Forest, Huo Jiao was indeed angered. He was very dissatisfied with the other party's attitude, and even more dissatisfied with these people challenging his authority on his own territory.

"Traitor of Wuwugu, what are you doing here?"

Sunset Forest and Wuwang Valley are both the territories of monsters, but neither side is willing to deal with them.

In the eyes of the monsters in Sunset Forest, those Wuwu Valley monsters who like to hang out with the monks are traitors to the clan.Without saying a word, the fire dragon attacked the phantom.

That hand did not penetrate the shadow, but was firmly grasped by Yue.

"Little guy, you must learn to respect the old and love the young, otherwise you will easily suffer."

"After all..." Yue smiled, and the curve was particularly arrogant: "When I was the king of beasts, you were probably still an egg."

After saying that, kick him out!
That kick successfully kicked the fire dragon out of the cave.

Lu Yun's scalp felt a little numb amid the smoke and dust.

She knew that this senior Beast King was very powerful, but it was too terrifying that a shadow could crush this Sunset Beast King.

"Haha, little girl, do you have any misunderstanding about me?"

As if aware of Lu Yun's thoughts, Yue said playfully.

Lu Yun didn't answer. She stared at the shadow and frowned.

The opponent's attitude was very crazy, but after that kick, the shadow faded a lot.

Another person who discovered this was the fire dragon.

"Just a clone, seeking death!"

To be able to become a king, his temperament and strength are top-notch. After a test, the fire dragon took action with all his strength.

This time, the fire dragon and the shadow of the moon were fighting back and forth.

As time passed, the shadow became darker and darker, and Yue seemed a little unable to withstand the fire dragon's attack.

Lu Yun and the others took the time to leave the cave.

It is worth mentioning that the two fire dragon cubs that had just hatched looked at Lu Yun and Meng Lin eagerly, and when they saw them leaving, they made a sound to persuade them to stay.

This made the fire dragon even more angry.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as recognizing the owner at first sight. The two fire dragons react like nestlings, subconsciously treating the first living creature they see after breaking out of their shells as their closest existence.

And this reaction will gradually disappear as the distance between the two parties increases and time passes.

After the three people evacuated the cave, they looked up and saw that the top was full of monsters, and the same was true below.

Yue and the fire dragon fought hard, and those monsters got orders to kill three human monks.

Those monsters that chose to recognize the king still bear the scars left by the fire dragon. At this moment, they turn their attention to humans. Perhaps in order to vent their resentment, they are very cruel.

The three of them were back to back in the middle of the monster.

Thousands of threads are distributed in the sky above the head, blocking those monsters from coming down while also providing them with a foothold.

Lu Yun took out Wu Zhuo.

The epee fought head-on with the monster, not giving in an inch. The green flames curled up on the body of the sword, absorbing the aura from the enemy for its master to use.

The three brothers and sisters always maintain a certain distance and can support each other at any time.

Compared with the small fights that lurked in before, this is now the real battle.

With hatred for humans, monster beasts run in the rift valley, trying to pierce humans with their sharp fangs time and time again.

Lu Yun gasped as Wu Zhuo split open the body of a monster beast.

There were wounds on her body, especially the one on her back, which was very long from her left shoulder to her right waist, and the bones were visible.

This was a sneak attack from a sky monster.

Those sharp claws can easily tear apart the flesh body.

Breathing out, Lu Yun stepped on the silk thread, plucked her fingers like strings, and strangled a monster beast that rushed from above.

The next moment, a side crisis struck.

Biting the elixir in her mouth, Wu Zhuo stepped forward to face the difficulty. Just as Lu Yungang was about to fight him off, a man crashed into her side.

It is the shadow of Beast King Yue.

At this moment, Yue's figure was dim, and then shattered in front of Lu Yun.

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