However, the aura of those people is very weak, and the most powerful one is only in the foundation building stage. In the complicated situation of the abyssal sea, he cannot survive at all, and his entire army will be wiped out.

The Sea Clan didn't even have time to capture a few of them for questioning.

Moreover, the Sea Clan discovered that one time, and since then, they have never seen humans on the other side of the continent.

This is the first time even Lu Yun has heard of this.

"I'm the one negotiating with the Sea Clan."

According to those cultivators, they are monsters, and the situation of the sea tribe is similar to that of monsters, except that their habitats are different.

There is even more reason among "same race".

These words brought a great impact to the fire dragon.

Whether he wanted immediate benefits or long-term plans, Yue laid everything out in front of the fire dragon compared to the twists and turns of human beings.

Of course, the fire dragon chose the former, and Yue was not afraid.

Yue, the dignified beast king, was born an unknown number of years ago. She was not polite to a junior of her own race who chose to use force to deal with him after several nice words.

"I see."

After thinking for a moment, the fire dragon lowered his head.

"However, you have to do me a favor." Huo Jiao was willing to agree because of Yue's sake, but he did not have a good impression of Lu Yun and the other three.

"Senior, just say it."

Ji Hongxi acted modestly and smiled, holding the glass blood in his hand, eager to try.

The demonic energy felt from Ji Hongxi made the fire dragon restrain his murderous intention. This human being was not easy to deal with.

"Help me kill a monster."

"Only you can do it."

The pupils turned into vertical pupils, and the fire dragon locked on the three of them: "Kill it, and the white jade bones will be yours."


Ji Hongxi agreed immediately, even though he was wondering why the fire dragon didn't do it himself. You know, there is no monster more powerful than him in the Sunset Forest.

But they didn't understand until they got there.

This is deeper into the Sunset Forest, and another animal-shaped fire dragon is imprisoned in a deep pit.

"My name is Jin, and she is my Taoist companion, Jin. This position of Beast King should have been hers."

In the pit, the fire dragon seemed to be resting, spitting out fine sparks while breathing. The surrounding temperature was a bit high, and the other party was not able to control its power.

Looking at the pit again, if nothing unexpected happens, it was originally a deep pool. The water in it has evaporated, and some fish bones can still be seen at the bottom of the pool.

Those bones were transformed into jade at high temperatures and became excellent materials for refining weapons.

"What's up with her?"

Lu Yun asked. There were several chains tied to the fire dragon named Yan, which were thick enough for a man to tightly imprison him here.

"I think you humans should still remember the friction between Sunset and the monks decades ago."

Before that, the relationship between Luo Risen and the monk was not that tense.

At that time, there were many monks in the Sunset Forest who wanted to benefit from monsters. Both sides suffered casualties when they came and went.

But for a certain period of time, there were many demon cultivators in Sunset Forest.

Those demonic cultivators acted very rampantly. They tried to kill people in Sunset Forest, and even ripped out the skin and bones of the monsters they killed. Their methods were cruel and angered the entire Sunset Forest.

The monsters in Sunset Forest began to hunt the monks, which later turned into a fight between the two sides.

At that time, Yan, as the most powerful combat force in Sunset Forest, naturally participated in the war. At that time, Yan was one step away from becoming the Beast King.

But in the process, he believed the words of a "friendly" monk. It turned out that the monk was an undercover agent of the demon cultivator, and he was seriously injured.

"That undercover agent came from the sect that was massacred by Sunset Forest."

"They planted inner demons in Yan. At that time, I tried my best to find a solution, but to no avail."

"Later, Yan found out that she was pregnant. If she continued to suffer, the fetus would not be saved, so we had no choice but to give up those treatments."

But as time passed, every time the inner demons broke out, Yan would not recognize any of her relatives, and would even attack the cubs while they were still in the eggshells.

In order to protect the cubs, Yan chose to lock himself in a cold pool.The water in the cold pool was evaporated bit by bit under the uncontrollable power of Xi.

"To this day, she has long forgotten about us."

Although he has the body of an animal, his heart is filled with demonic obstacles.

The current situation is no longer the same situation as before.

Jhin promised the other party that he would kill the other party after he was completely possessed by the devil, but he couldn't do it and could only lock the other party here.

It's just a matter of leaving it to humans.

In Jhin's arms, there were two cubs.

The fire dragon bloodline is considered high among the monster beast clan, and even a newborn cub has high intelligence.

The two cubs understood their father's words and whimpered.

Jin turned his head and looked at Lu Yun and others.

"You think, should I forgive you human monks?"

This is extremely ironic.

Yan's rare trust in the monks back then resulted in such bitter consequences.

Make peace with the monks?
Haha, there is no way he would agree to that group of hypocrites and villains who have all their tricks up their sleeves.

"You guys do it."

Jin didn't say anything about whether he could be saved. Over the years, he had tried many methods, but after he became the Beast King, he was still powerless to deal with his Taoist companion's situation.

Sending her away was the only option.

They knew the story, but Lu Yun had never thought that there was such a past hidden in it.

Their positions were different, and Lu Yun couldn't say anything comforting, which sounded hypocritical.

"Leave it to us."

With that said, she and her two senior brothers walked towards the bottom of the pool.

The mud under his feet had long since dried up, cracking open cracks like wounds spreading in Jhin's heart.

As they get closer, Yan wakes up.

Those eyes that should have been as bright as flames were filled with black demonic energy, and the pupils were completely infected. The pure black color contained strong malice.


In this regard, no one is more convincing than Ji Hongxi.

After being eroded for too long, the body, mind, and soul were immersed in the demonic barrier. This fire dragon completely fell into the demonic path.

A large amount of breath came with a foul smell. He stood up, the chains on his body clanking.

Regarding these three humans, Yan's first reaction was to open his mouth and bite them.

The huge body pulled the chain, and the sound was loud and violent.

Lu Yun glanced over and his expression changed slightly.

"Second Senior Brother, get out of the way!"

The three of them stood in different positions, with Ji Hongxi taking the lead, and Meng Lin and Lu Yun assisting on both sides.

In front of the two senior brothers, Lu Yun would not show off.

But there were dense cracks on the chain close to Meng Lin, and as it was pulled eastward again, the chain broke.

The fire dragon's tail whipped over, as fast as lightning, leaving an afterimage in the air.

Even with Lu Yun's reminder, Meng Lin reacted in time, but still couldn't leave the attack range and could only forcefully collide with the opponent.

After this blow, the three of them had lingering fears on their faces.

They underestimated the strength of this fire dragon.

The opponent may have been injured before, but since she fell into the devil's path, her strength has increased again, comparable to the current Beast King Jin.

They have been tricked!

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