On the shore, a sarcastic smile appeared on Jhin's face at the right moment.

If you want something from him, fine, as long as you have to take it away.

"Beast King Yue, I know you are powerful, but this is not your Wuwang Valley. I may not be able to do anything to you, but I will definitely be able to keep them."

"Of course, as long as you don't take action, if they can really come out, I will keep my word."

Jin stroked the heads of the two cubs and spoke solemnly.

His Taoist companion was destroyed at the hands of a human monk. How could he resolve his grudge so easily?

So what if he helped Zaizai.

He can't learn what humans call letting go of the past.

He did it on purpose, but so what.

Since Beast King Yue valued the female sword cultivator so much, he openly and openly used her life to threaten Beast King Yue not to interfere.

"Is she weak?"

Yue smiled strangely at Jhin's aggressive words.

"This girl has created many miracles, and I believe she can still create miracles today."

How could a person with great fortune and great destiny fall here?

She will wait and see.

Yue's confidence made Jin focus on Lu Yun.

Below, Lu Yun, who had thoroughly understood the situation, was not discouraged. The three of them still maintained their position in three directions.

Qiansi stretched in the air, Lu Yun stepped on the silk thread, changed her body shape in the air, and after reaching the highest point, kicked Han Jiangxue out.

The sword of ice and snow, with the coldness of snow, collided with the body of the fire dragon.

Following closely behind was Lu Yun, who was holding a clumsy hand.

Lu Yun struck out with her sword and used a thousand threads to catch Han Jiangxue, who was flying backwards, to coordinate her actions.

One person, four swords, fighting each other from left to right, changed again after getting Qiansi.

Controlling Qiansi does not require her hands. She only needs spiritual consciousness to cover it and provide enough spiritual power, and Qiansi will move according to her heart.

Cooperate with Han Jiangxue, you can advance, attack, retreat or defend.

Holding the heavy sword tightly with both hands, Lu Yun's bold sword moves were different from Han Jiangxue's calmness and coolness. Interspersed with Qiansi's agility and sharpness, Lu Yun achieved a strange fusion of several styles.

Controlling so many weapons at once was burdensome for Lu Yun, but this pressure would only urge her to go faster and higher.

A raging fire of war ignited in my heart.

Wu Zhuo left a wound on the body of the fire dragon.

When the fire dragon's frontal fire was aimed at her, Lu Yun evacuated in time, and You Longying took her and turned into a ghost-like existence under the cold pool.

When the fire dragon failed to capture Lu Yun's figure, he could only turn his attention to Ji Hongxi and Meng Lin.

The two senior brothers are naturally not vegetarians.

Maybe the sword moves don't look as gorgeous as Lu Yun's, but every move requires the fire dragon to be careful.

And when the fire dragon completely ignored Lu Yun, her erratic figure and the tail needle hidden in the light would always give the opponent a heavy blow at the right time.

Hanjiangxue is used for attack, Wuzhuo is used for defense, Qiansi is used for supplementation, and the needle behind the tail is used for thorn.

The four fighting postures were displayed with ease in Lu Yun's hands.

Jin is not a fledgling boy. Although the sword cultivator can indeed crush many monks of the same level, among sword cultivators, it is probably rare to see someone as evil as Lu Yun in his life.

Lu Yun, who was walking among the four swords, looked like a dancer on a tightrope.

Always walking on the edge of a cliff, once you fall, it's death's embrace.

But this dancer took every step so appropriately and perfectly, providing the audience with a grand performance.

Lu Yun's sword is never weak and becomes stronger when strong.

If her attack power is not enough to break the fire dragon's defense with one move, then each move will be focused on one point.The dragon evolved from a snake. If you hit a snake, you will hit those seven inches.

Lu Yun caught the fire dragon seven inches away from attacking, and the spiritual energy consumed in defending the attack was accurately calculated.

Lu Yun, who was immersed in the battle, was incredibly calm.

His eyes were calm, and his whole person looked like Ling Ran, who was carrying frost and snow. His green clothes were fluttering under the snow. The color of the falling snow made Jin's heart astonished.

As the battle progressed, Lu Yun's fighting spirit kept soaring, as if there was no end.

The ignited flame was enough to start a prairie fire in an instant.

The sword intent came out of Lu Yun's body with great determination and tenacity belonging to the master.

There is no flaw in her state of mind, just like there is no weakness in her sword moves.

The qi machine activates the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is the spiritual energy that slowly surges in Sunset Forest. It seems that it has been summoned by some means and gathered in the sky.

The spiritual energy became a funnel, and in the cloudless sky, a few colorful clouds floated in. The sun was shining brightly, and the golden light covered the body like a robe, and strange phenomena of heaven and earth suddenly appeared.

This is a sign of advancement.

The strange thing about Lu Yun was noticed by everyone present.

Yue smiled, and when Jhin couldn't help but take a step forward, she raised her hand and blocked it in front of Jhin so lightly.

"I abide by the agreement, so you must abide by it, otherwise, I won't mind squeezing you to death."

This is the little girl's opportunity, and no one can destroy it.

There was no falsehood in Yue's tone.

The absolute power held Jin in place, unable to move. The look in his eyes at Lu Yun was filled with deep fear.

With such a monster appearing in the human race, is there really a way for other races to survive?

"Junior sister, come!"

Ji Hongxi laughed, and as the main attacker, he began to guide the fire dragon to confront Lu Yun.

Meng Lin's sword intention was slightly restrained, and he was willing to cooperate with Lu Yun.

On a stage set up by three people and one dragon, Lu Yun was the only protagonist at the moment.

"it is good!"

She smiled, her red lips raised in a wanton arc, and her black hair danced with her green clothes.

Those brows and eyes were filled with unparalleled beauty and splendor.

All the pressure came on Lu Yun, but Lu Yun was not afraid.

The four weapons were switched flexibly in her hands. In her Dantian, the fragments of daily silence exuded a faint light.

It hummed softly and trembled, responding to its chosen master.

The promotion should have been carried out in an absolutely quiet and safe environment, but Lu Yun's current situation is very special.

She touched the threshold during the battle and was about to leap to the Nascent Soul stage.

Before, she had to calculate the spiritual power in her body, but now, with the spiritual power swarming above her head, she had no worries, and all the moves were done as she felt comfortable.

So in the wind and snow, there was a sword, carrying the mountains to suppress the fire dragon, opening the underworld and driving away hundreds of ghosts.

With the support of the vision of heaven and earth, Lu Yun's body entered another mysterious realm, without any pause or sluggishness, and entered the Nascent Soul stage very smoothly.

From now on, there is no need to hold a sword and you can fly in the air.

But the raging power in her body did not stop, it was instigating and clamoring in her body, wanting to vent.

The fire dragon in front of him is the best way to vent his anger.

The improvement of realm means that the power of sword moves becomes more powerful.

Even the commonly seen Swift Wind Sword Technique, combined with Ling Han's falling snow, froze the entire bottom of the cold pool in a single thought. (End of chapter)

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