Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 299 Dog Blood's Amnesia

Breathing out and concentrating, Meng Lin put away the scattered sword energy and kicked the head of the fire dragon in front of Jin.

After seeing how perverted the three brothers and sisters were, Jin became silent and had nowhere to vent his anger.

"Can we go?"

After taking a rest, Ji Hongxi, who was still in good condition even though he hadn't recovered yet, asked in a friendly manner.

And Jin couldn't refuse.

In the end, I could only watch the three people leaving Sunset Forest with their white jade bones.

"Little girl, do you still remember the agreement between you and me?"

The setting sun is like blood outside the forest.

Beast King Yue covered her heart, her face that should have been rosy turned pale as snow.

"Senior, your body?"

Only then did she realize that Yue's situation was worse than Teng Fenghu said.

"The small problem is that we are about to pass the tribulation."

After successfully overcoming the tribulation, the spiritual power in her body will turn into immortal power, and her entire body will be rebuilt, so her current injuries will be healed.

But Lu Yun knew how terrifying the catastrophe was. Looking at Beast King Yue's smiling face, Lu Yun nodded.

"I remember, senior, don't worry, after I finish handling the matters at hand, I will go to Wuwu Valley."

She had promised Beast King Yue that she would be there when the other party went through the tribulation.

Although I don’t know why the other party made such a request, the other party’s appearance this time really helped me.

Otherwise, even if they can defeat the Beast King Jhin, their vitality will be severely damaged and they will be torn apart by the remaining monsters.

They are not strong enough to challenge the entire Sunset Forest alone.

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Patting the reluctant Tengfenghu on the head, Yue waved her hand to Lu Yun, and the two beasts disappeared.

Lu Yun and others didn't waste any time and hurried back with their things.

Yun Shuiqing's situation is imminent, and no one wants to cause trouble.

Fortunately, after Lu Yun became a Nascent Soul cultivator, he could travel much faster.

Along the way, the three of them never stopped. They returned to the Hidden Sword Sect and went straight to the Sword Tomb.

In the same place, he still stood on the bank of the pool condensed by the sword's will, watching Feng Yuyao approach the divine sword with the white jade bones.

The God-Killing Sword has a tacky name. Its pale golden appearance has a strange light flowing through it. From the outside, this sword is indeed very eye-catching.

After being repaired by Yun Shuiqing, the God-killing Sword had the edge that matched its name.

Feng Yuyao, who was recognized by the God-killing Sword, was not affected. Under the watchful eyes of several people from Wentian Peak, Feng Yuyao carefully released Yun Shuiqing's soul from the God-killing Sword.

Compared with what I saw before, the soul now is weaker, almost transparent, and will dissipate when the wind blows.

Using spiritual power to refine the white jade bones and adding some auxiliary materials, Feng Yuyao looked at the embryo forming in front and carefully guided Yun Shuiqing's soul into it.

The whole process is slow.

While they were waiting, the embryo took the shape of a baby, and then after the spiritual power was injected into it, it grew rapidly until it grew into Yun Shuiqing's original appearance.

The clouds and water in the youth state are clear, and the face is pure and harmless.

The originally weak soul showed signs of solidification after returning to the body. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuntian threw away many treasures of heaven and earth to nourish Yun Shuiqing's body.

With Yun Tian's efforts, Yun Shuiqing's soul was finally stabilized in his body and he opened his eyes.

Those eyes were as clear as water, without any impurities, and the clear sky could be seen in them.

Clean, pure, and slightly... strange.

"Xiaosi, are you finally awake?"

Ji Hongxi smiled and said hello. Just when he was about to complain about his sacrifice, he saw Yun Shuiqing's overly puzzled eyes.

"who are you?"

The clear voice was as clear as ever, but it didn't show any intimacy with them.Their figures can be seen in the pupils, and there is no sense of familiarity at all.

It was like meeting a stranger for the first time, completely confused.

"do not you remember?"

Ji Hongxi swallowed a lot of words. He looked at Yun Shuiqing and then at Feng Yuyao. The surging waves in his eyes made Feng Yuyao feel the danger.

"I didn't do it, and I don't know what happened."

Feng Yuyao hurriedly explained that she really didn't know.

The key is that now Yun Shuiqing is completely separated from the God-killing Sword. Even as the owner of this sword, she cannot investigate Yun Shuiqing's situation.

Lu Yun also looked at Yun Shuiqing.

Yun Shuiqing's current situation is the same as when Yun Tianjiang picked it up, but at that time, Yun Shuiqing at least remembered that he was the sword spirit of the God-killing Sword.

But this time, he had even forgotten this identity.

Like a newborn child, he is curious about everything in the outside world.

"Fourth Senior Brother, please come out first."

Lu Yun said softly, also having a headache.

Why did his senior brother forget about him? What a bloody amnesia joke, Lu Yun complained in her heart.

After looking at Lu Yun quietly for a few times, Yun Shuiqing nodded. Although he had no memory, his cultivation was still there, and he appeared in front of Lu Yun in a flash.

Yun Shuiqing approached Lu Yun. The distance between the two was so close that they could kiss if they moved even slightly.

But Lu Yun could see clearly that his senior brother did not have such charming thoughts. He looked at himself as if he was thinking about something. It was the baby exploring the outside world.

Lu Yun didn't move, letting the other party observe her.

"I should remember you."

Clouds and water clear the road.

The emotions flowing in his body told him that these people in front of him were very important to him, but no matter how he thought about it, he could not find any memory.


He sincerely apologized.

He had forgotten them, so it was his fault.

"It doesn't matter." Lu Yun smiled: "My name is Lu Yun, and you are my fourth senior brother, your name is Yun Shuiqing. We can get to know each other again."

The life of a monk is very long. Anyway, Yun Shuiqing has not experienced too many years since he was born. They can create new memories again.

As long as people are there.

"Lu Yun."

Yun Shuiqing recited Lu Yun's name, word by word, like a lover's murmur, with a sense of ambiguity.

But the other party didn't think in this direction. Yun Shuiqing, who was experiencing a new life, still didn't know how to control the distance between people.

Lu Yun didn't mind.

On the contrary, she was very happy that even if her senior brothers lost their memory, they would still express their closeness to them.

"Yes, I am your senior brother, Ji Hongxi. I will lead you around from now on, and I guarantee you will remember it soon."

Ji Hongxi hooked Yun Shuiqing's neck in a domineering move, and Yun Shuiqing found that she adapted well.

"Meng Lin, your second senior brother."

Meng Lin also said, and then added: "If you want to learn the sword, you can come to me."

The senior brothers and sisters were all re-introduced, leaving only a lonely old man named Yuntian.

He looked at his disciples and said with a hint of arrogance: "I am your master, Yuntian."

Looking at the clear eyes of his fourth disciple, he looked like he could easily be deceived. Yun Tian silently thought to himself, how about he be a reliable master this time and teach him with all his heart?

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