Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 300 Beast King Yue’s Choice

Although the person lost his memory, he could still return to Wentian Peak.

Although everything he came into contact with should be unfamiliar, Yun Shuiqing felt that he had a strange belonging to Wentian Peak.

After Lu Yun passed the news to Baiyao, she spent the past few days concentrating on accompanying her fourth senior brother.

She still remembered the agreement she made with Beast King Yue. After Yun Shuiqing adapted to life on Wentian Peak, she was ready to go out again.

"Can I come with you?"

Before leaving, Yun Shuiqing approached Lu Yun.

He asked, holding his heart with one hand, with a slight sadness in his eyes.

"I don't know why, but I always feel like I should go with you."

During this time, he also knew about his past affairs.

He is a sword spirit who has always stayed in the Hidden Sword Sect and left only a handful of times.

All this time, I could only stay on Wentian Peak, saying goodbye to my senior brothers and sisters again and again.

All he saw was their departing figures.

He asked a lot about them.

He knew that his senior brothers and junior sisters were all among the best, and they had each made their own reputation in the world of cultivation.

He didn't envy this.

But he wanted to go out with them and see the world. He wanted to be a participant, not a permanent listener.

He should go for a walk.

He should rather go out for a walk with them.

This obsession affected Yun Shuiqing from the bottom of his heart. Although the Holy Land said that it would be better for his body and soul to cultivate for a while, he wanted to follow his junior sister.

It felt like it had been a long, long time before he should do this.

The look on Yun Shuiqing's face was complicated, and he couldn't quite understand those emotions yet.

However, Lu Yun knew why the other party had such thoughts.

Among the five, Yun Shuiqing's character is always the one on guard. Outside the pavilion, he is always the one bidding farewell.

Senior brother and junior sister left the sect again and again. No matter whether they were injured or not, he could only listen from a distance and couldn't even take a look.

How many times when Lu Yun left, he saw the loneliness hidden in Yun Shuiqing's eyes.

Faced with Yun Shuiqing's request, Lu Yun agreed.

Anyway, the place we are going to this time is not dangerous, so we can take our fourth senior brother with us.

After Lu Yun agreed, Yun Shuiqing became very excited.

He said goodbye one by one, like a child leaving home for the first time, which made people laugh.

Lu Yun simply took a treasure ship on the way. When he arrived at a stopping point, he would take Yun Shuiqing to walk around the cities and take a look.

Everything in the world is novel to Yun Shuiqing.

Yun Shuiqing's eyes were opened to things that she might have heard of before but never actually seen.

And that pure white picture also began to be stained with other colors during this journey.

The colorful colors are smeared on it, and one day, it will be shaped into a brand new Yunshuiqing, which can build the purity of Yunshuiqing, which may never change.

Lu Yun led her fourth senior brother on the road leisurely, and finally, half a month later, Lu Yun arrived at the outskirts of Wuwang Valley.

The last time we came here, he and Wen Ruyu both narrowly escaped death and had their own adventures.

Thinking of Wen Ruyu, Lu Yun felt a little worried.

The third senior brother already has a certain understanding of Wen Ruyu's situation, and the information revealed shows that the third senior brother is not very sure.

Fortunately, with the efforts of the three Bai family members, the Valley of Divine Doctors was regained control, and Bai Yao would soon no longer have to guard the Valley of Divine Doctors.

After finishing this matter, Lu Yun planned to take Baiyao to Hanshan Silver Fox.

Lu Yun, remembering what happened, took Yun Shuiqing into Wuwu Valley.

Compared with Sunset Forest, Wuwang Valley does not have dense forests. Most of them are strange-shaped stones. Those stones form a stone forest. In contrast, the place is full of wildness and wilderness.

Before taking a few steps, Lu Yun felt something approaching from the front.

"Sister, be careful."

Yun Shuiqing remembered the private instructions of his two senior brothers, asking him to protect his little junior sister and stand in front of her immediately.Then I saw a huge tiger braking quickly, showing an aggrieved expression.


The sound that could only be heard by Lu Yun sounded.

"It's okay, senior brother, we are friends."

She didn't have time to ask about Tengfenghu's recognition of his master last time, but she remembered that it was the big guy in front of her who saved her when she was in trouble in Wuwu Valley.

Lu Yun walked over and rubbed Teng Fenghu's head.

"Come on, take me in."

It's here to pick them up.

"it is good."

Tengfenghu was raised by the Beast King Yue since he was a child, and Wuwang Valley is the hall of the Beast King Yue. All the monsters here know Tengfenghu.

Even if they see pure human beings appearing here, those monsters will wisely avoid them.

Some brave ones were still peeping not far away.

Some monsters that could only be seen in books appeared in front of them, and Yun Shuiqing sighed after relaxing.

Lu Yun's face was filled with a smile, and she looked at it leisurely. Her good mood disappeared invisibly the moment she saw Beast King Yue.

Although the other party had a physical problem not long ago, at least it was not visible on the surface.

But the moon in front of him could hardly maintain his human form.

Looking at the ears sprouting on the other person's head and some hair growing on his body, Lu Yun frowned fiercely.


She hesitated.

In this situation, is it really possible to challenge the heavenly calamity?
"No need to say more."

Yue smiled carelessly: "I know what you mean, but even if you continue to wait, you will die."

"I believe we will find a way to solve this problem in the future, and then ascending will not be so scary."

Yue pointed to the sky and said, "But I can't wait any longer."

I can't wait a year.

"This is my only chance."

Challenging the catastrophe, as long as she can successfully overcome it, even if she will not go to the real fairyland, but to that weird space to become a sleeping cocoon.

But at least she was still alive.

It is easier to wait in sleep than to die while awake.

"I have made up my mind."

Yue's attitude was resolute, and Lu Yun swallowed a bunch of words of comfort.

"But I want you to promise me one thing."

Yue stared at Lu Yun, her eyes were deep and distant, as if she had seen the distant future.

It seemed like he was looking at her, but also like he was looking at something else.

Lu Yun nodded heavily: "Senior, please give me your orders."

"It's very simple. This little guy has always been with me. From today on, it is yours. I hope you won't refuse."

Pointing at the Tengfenghu who was rubbing against his body with worry written on his furry face, Yue's expression was gentle, as if he was looking at his own child.

"Okay, I'll take care of it."

She would also do it if she yelled at the master.

"I believe you."

"Come here." Yue waved to Lu Yun. Lu Yun walked over without any doubt that he was there, and saw Yue picking up the bone whistle.

Huge spiritual energy poured in, and this bone from Yue's body became even colder and whiter.

"Here I have left the power of my peak period, which can be used up to two times. As long as you need it, just activate it with spiritual power. This can be regarded as fulfilling my promise to you three times."

After doing this, Yue's health was obviously worse, but she was very happy.

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