Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 349 Encirclement and suppression

"Human, ah, I've seen it too, leave it to me."

When the three people of the Ding family were getting into position, Zong Hongfei got off the mountain camel, drew his sword, and looked in the direction of Ding Wu's warning.

Looking there, it was very flat and no one could be seen.

Lu Yun did know that those people were hiding under the sand. The thick yellow sand didn't know how deep it was, so it was best to hide inside.

Those people had been observing here and were a little surprised when they saw Zong Hongfei looking over.

"They seem to have discovered it?"

"No way, we are far away."

"Didn't you say that Ding Xiaowu is very sharp? Someone has followed him before, and he will be discovered soon. He won't see us this time, right?"

"Would you like to retreat again?"

"Tsk, these Ding family members are all hard-nosed. Even if they die, they won't even say where that road is. Otherwise, why would they do this?"

The threats didn't work. Even if the Ding family died in front of them, the Ding family would not speak.

So they did the opposite and injured Na Ding, forcing the Ding family to go to Golden Island to find Golden Wood.

Now that Golden Island is blocked by their people, the Ding family can only go through the road they found.

And their calculations are very good, and they can enjoy the results by following them.

Something is not right about this situation.

While these people were still muttering, a sword energy fell in front of them. The fierce sword energy tore a scar on one person's face. The pain came out as he could no longer hide it.

With such a move, there is no need to hide anymore.

"Chouji, now that you have discovered it, we will tell you directly."

"Tell us the way or die here!"

The leader's tone was arrogant.

"Chouji, you are also a smart man, and you should know the consequences of offending our boss."

"Our Qiao Gang is now surrounding Golden Island. Without our permission, we can't get through from the front."

"Anyway, our goal is that way. If you know better, you can avoid a big fight, right?"

The more the boss spoke, the more complacent his tone became. He was very satisfied with this arrangement.


But Ding Er replied to his boss with these two words.

" Chong Er, you don't have to drink wine as a penalty. Do you think that these crooked melons and cracked dates you found want to go against our Qiao Gang? You are just dreaming!"

"Give it to me!"

He knew that Ding Er was recruiting people, but when he saw those people, they looked unfamiliar.

They knew exactly what powerful people there were in the desert city.

They made great preparations this time and brought many people.

Following the leader's order, some people appeared in the desert from all directions. Depending on the situation, they had been lurking around the Ding family.

In this widened net, the Ding family is the fish in the net.

It's also okay to bring in some small fish like Zong Hongfei.

"Tsk, you don't take me seriously."

"Also, please touch your conscience and ask, are we a crooked melon and a broken jujube? Can you talk to me?"

Zong Hongfei pointed at himself, then at Lu Yun and others and complained.

Not to mention their cultivation level, they are a group of people with very good looks.

"Boy, you are crazy enough. I wonder if you will be so crazy again later!"

With a sneer, the group of people from Qiao's gang moved.

Fighting in the desert, because the body is weakened, even for a monk, it feels uncomfortable to be approached and punched to the flesh.

The people from the Qiao Gang are best at fighting in the desert.

The ferocious expression and the greed in his eyes were all clearly visible.

There were a lot of people, counting more than 30 people. It was obvious that they still valued the Ding family. "Tsk."

Zong Hongfei smacked his lips, as if he had never seen such a big scene before, and was very excited.

"You guys will hide behind me later."

In Zong Hongfei's view, he is the most powerful in this team, and he must be responsible for protecting these people.

Lu Yun raised her eyebrows and communicated with Meng Lin and others, but she really didn't make a move.

Mainly, they also want to see where Zong Hongfei's limits are. A genius like this, with enough talent and a good personality, would inevitably want to give some advice.

"The kid wants to die."

Because of Zong Hongfei's provocation, the firepower focused on Zong Hongfei.

The leader didn't take any action. He stood from a distance and stared coldly at Chong Er, still talking.

"Choji, you know, now we are the only ones who can save your eldest brother, and your fourth sister, stay with me, our boss."

"Don't worry, no one will touch her. My boss likes her quite a lot, but if you don't cooperate, then I don't know what the consequences will be."

The Ding family did not threaten Ding Er once or twice. The leader did it with ease.

Every time, Ding Er struggled extremely.

But he knew what Qiao Xi was like, that kind of person, cunning, cunning, ungrateful, and renegade...

Even if he handed over what those people wanted, Josie would not let them go.

On the contrary, because of his compromise this time, he will further oppress them.

This is what Qiao Xi and his group did for fun, and they destroyed countless people in the desert city using this method.

Not that no one resisted.

But as the largest gang in the desert city, coupled with Qiao Xi's personal strength, no one can stop Qiao Xi and the others.

Either you have to endure submission and become a part of those people, or you can resist the opposition and be tricked by those people from time to time.

Ding Er chose the second path.

"I don't know what to praise."

For Ding Er's rejection again, the boss didn't have a good face.

Simply motion for everyone to come on.

For a moment, the yellow sand in the desert danced wildly, making the vision blurry.

Zong Hongfei, who was standing at the front, did not disappoint Lu Yun. His foundation was very solid. Although those sword moves were not powerful, Zong Hongfei was very proficient in them and his sword moves were connected smoothly and naturally.

His sword is as strong as the others.

His style is wild and echoes the remoteness of this desert.

There is enough space and enough opponents.

Zong Hongfei showed no mercy after taking action, and those who came close to him were forced back by sword moves.

The spiritual power slowly hovered over the desert and fell into Zong Hongfei's body.

Feeling the increase in spiritual power, Zong Hongfei felt very happy.

As a person, as a swordsman, shouldn't you be able to wield the sword in the world? With a sword in your hand, you can wipe out all injustices in the world.

This battle scene is grand.

The Ding family didn't watch or get involved.

Ding Er practiced boxing, which was strong but had flaws, so he needed Ding San's cooperation. The two of them worked in tandem, one after the other, delivering the blow from behind.

And Ding Wu kept reporting to them the locations of some enemies hidden under the yellow sand.

With this humanoid radar around, it would be difficult for those people to sneak attack on the Ding family.

Their cooperation was honed in battle after battle. They may not be very strong apart, but together, the fighting power of the Ding family cannot be underestimated.

"Are we going to take action?"

Miao Ruoling looked at the excitement and asked.

They are just a few thieves, they can take care of them with just their hands.

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