Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 350 Pretending to be defeated

"No, let him come."

Meng Lin said this, and he was referring to Zong Hongfei.

This boundless and vast desert is very suitable for Zong Hongfei, who is free-spirited and full of chivalrous spirit. The opponent's state of mind is slowly changing during this battle.

If you are lucky, you may be able to achieve a breakthrough soon.

This is the other person's opportunity.

If you intervene rashly, you may ruin other people's good things.

"Just make sure they don't die."

Lu Yun also said something.

She quite admired these people.

The Ding family didn't say anything to Lu Yun and others as they stood by and watched. They had agreed from the beginning to go to Golden Island together.

If they encounter any strange enemies on the way, they can still share the same hatred and ask them to help, but these people are targeting the Ding family.

In this case, it is normal that they are unwilling to take action.

No one wants to be targeted by someone from the Qiao Gang for no apparent reason.

Perhaps because Lu Yun and others were too young, they subconsciously put people in the position of the weak and protected them.

But they didn't notice the threads running through the crowd.

When someone's attack poses a death threat to the Ding family, those threads are always just right to "help" the Qiao gang change the direction of their attack.

They couldn't detect that weird pulling force. They just thought that the Ding family's life was good, so they avoided it three times and four times.

Lu Yun acted very covertly, but she didn't hide it from the people around her.

Thousands of threads are like smoke, disappearing in the crowd, controlling the direction of the battlefield.

Zong Hongfei flew out with his sword and cut off a man's arm. Blood sprayed onto his cheek. He wiped it away roughly and shouted with another sword strike.

He thought that he understood why the master asked him to go down the mountain and take a walk.

The world outside is very different. Even if the person in front of him is not his opponent, it can still make him feel happy.

Zong Hongfei, who was holding the sword, had particularly bright eyes.

Sooner or later, one day, he can become as powerful as those great sword cultivators of the Hidden Sword Sect, and then make his master proud.

With such a great ideal, the sword in Zong Hongfei's hand became smoother and smoother.

Seeing that so many people he had brought with him could not withstand the counterattack of the Ding family, the leader's face became dark.

But if the fight continues, it will cause unnecessary casualties.

He looked deeply at Chong Er with resentment in his eyes.

"Chouji, don't think you will win, just wait and see."

"I don't believe you don't go to Golden Island!"

"There, our gang leader is waiting for you!"

After putting down the cruel words, the leader wisely led the people to retreat.

There were some corpses lying on the yellow sand.

The Ding family members were injured, and Ding Er was the most seriously injured. Fortunately, it was not seriously injured and he could just take some medicine to recover.

Zong Hongfei was also quite embarrassed.

Although he played smoothly, in fact, it was thankless in one-to-many situations. He just avoided some fatal points, and many injuries were caused by force.

His body was covered in bruises and bruises, and there were wounds. Zong Hongfei grimaced in pain and still had time to comfort the Ding family.

"Don't worry, I understand the matter and I will help you."

"So, Gang Leader Qiao, I would like to meet you for a while!"

From what I heard, I felt that Gang Leader Qiao was very powerful, and he wanted to have a fight with him.

In this environment, Zong Hongfei also smiled freely, like a young man in bright clothes and an angry horse.

"Are you all right?"

Zong Hongfei asked a few theatergoers, and everyone shook their heads.

"That's fine. Let's repair it and then continue setting off. Those people are gone anyway."

After being hit by such a blow, those people ran away in despair, and for a while they would be too embarrassed to come to them.They are not particular about taking elixirs to heal wounds on the spot.

After waiting for about half an hour, they sat on the mountain camel again.

The sun was like fire above my head, and the soft yellow sand was beneath my feet.

They walked on the ridges of the hills and admired the rare scenery.

It was already afternoon when we set off, but as soon as we were delayed by those from Qiao's gang, the sun began to set.

Not long after setting off, they saw the sunset in the desert.

In the distance, a round of sun sets slowly, and the magnificent sunset surges in the sky, like the misty clouds, stretching for thousands of miles. The orange warm light spreads all over the desert, coating the gravel on the ground with a layer of Romantic warm golden color.

Under the refraction of the sun, you can see the colorful light and shadow changing, falling on the cheeks, bringing a little warmth.

Everyone squinted their eyes, looked at the beautiful scenery, and basked in the sunset, and their hearts seemed to become broader and surging.

The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

The miraculous craftsmanship of nature is nothing more than this.

But along with the scenery comes the sudden drop in temperature in the desert.

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared from the horizon, some people couldn't help but shudder.

A disciple of Linlang Pavilion subconsciously used his spiritual power to dispel the coldness in his body, but the spiritual power flowing through his body could not cover up the coldness that seemed to come from his bones.

"It's useless to use spiritual power at this low temperature." Ding San reminded him kindly when he saw this scene, and then took out a coat and put it on himself.

No amount of spiritual power can be as comfortable as a piece of thick clothing.

The rest followed suit.

Lu Yun, who was wearing a thick cloak, looked at the dark night, her spiritual consciousness spread out, and her eyes were entangled with Meng Lin's.


She asked Meng Lin and saw him nodding.

Although Ding Wu is a humanoid radar, the scanning range of the opponent's radar is limited. Similarly, the range that Zong Hongfei can sense is also limited.

Those people seemed to have figured out this boundary, and followed at a short distance from the outside of this boundary.

Yes, those people didn't leave.

The previous battle seemed more to reassure the Ding family that they would not dare to continue to struggle here.

In fact, they never thought about giving up.

The strategy worked well, but it couldn't escape the eyes of Lu Yun and others.

The meaning of Ding Er is that he doesn’t want to have long nights and dreams, so he is ready to travel through the night to reach the Golden Island as soon as possible.

The desert is quiet at night. In the extreme cold, many monsters choose to huddle in the yellow sand and refuse to show their heads.

But extreme silence also means danger.

Some monsters especially like to hunt at night.

The Ding family took the lead, and there were many corpses of monsters left on both sides of the road they walked.

Those things are attracted to food in the dark and are ready to move.

The silk thread strangled a venomous snake that was attacking her. Lu Yun raised her head and looked forward.

The desert scenery is monotonous and fixed, just like snow-capped mountains. There are no fixed signs. It is easy to get lost when walking in this kind of place.

To the naked eye, there is no difference between the front and the back, there are countless amounts of sand.

But the Ding family slowed down.


"Ahead is what those people call the road of life and death. If you pass through here, you can reach the Golden Island."

In front of the black hole, it looked like the mouth of some abyssal beast, waiting and dormant to welcome the prey that had fallen into the trap.

"Everyone, we cannot guarantee that we can safely take you out of the realm of life and death. If you want to leave, you can leave now. It's okay."

Ding Er said this mainly to Lu Yun and others.

It seemed like this group of people regarded him as a guide.

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