Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 354 The golden wood that can run away

The Ding family are hard-nosed people who follow their family motto very closely and are unwilling to cooperate or sell those secrets.

That's why Boss Qiao used this method to try to break the bones of the Ding family.

"Hey, have you heard that Ding Si tried to commit suicide again before and almost died?"

Ding Si is a girl who was captured by the Qiao Gang and held as a prisoner.

But Ding Si has a very stubborn character and does not obey the interrogation or even punishment of those people at all.

After enduring many interrogations, he refused to reveal a single word. He looked for opportunities to commit suicide over and over again, not wanting to be used to threaten his family.

After several encounters, everyone in the Qiao Gang admired Ding Si for not being afraid of death.

But they really can't let Ding Si die in their hands. Ding Si is very strong, and the ordinary men of the Qiao Gang can't stand him at all.

In the end, Boss Qiao could only guard Ding Si himself and had to take him with him wherever he went.

Even so, Ding Si still found an opportunity and almost died in front of Boss Qiao.

Because of this matter, Boss Qiao got angry today.

Because there were no outsiders nearby, the team's conversation was quite loud, and carried along the water flow to the ears of the people below.

After they heard what happened to Ding Si, Ding San almost lost his balance and rushed out. He was pressed down heavily by Lu Yun and was unable to struggle.

Because of this move, Zong Hongfei looked at Lu Yun a few more times.

He believed that these people were from Linlang Pavilion, but what Linlang Pavilion was most famous for was not the cultivation of its disciples, but its weapon refining skills.

Looking at it this way, he always felt that Lu Yun's cultivation was also very powerful, and he also felt that the name sounded a bit familiar.

He also observed and found that Lu Yun's weapon was a kind of silver wire, which was very flexible and more powerful than his own sword.

There is also the one named Meng Lin.

Along the way, I only used some fists and kicks, so that people couldn't tell the depth.


Ding Er stared at Ding San, even if his anger was rising, he still endured it.

"If the fourth child is still alive, we still have a chance."

Compared to the fourth child, Ding's situation is actually the most dangerous.

The death of Ding Si also means that the people of the Ding family and the Qiao Gang are determined to fight to the death. Not to mention wanting secrets, they will kill them all if they see them.

Obviously, Boss Qiao wanted to use Ding Da's injury and Ding Si's life to negotiate. Before the two parties met, Boss Qiao wanted Ding Si to live well than they did.

"Second brother!" Ding San wanted to say something, but Ding Wu tugged on his sleeve.

"Don't worry, Fourth Sister will be fine."

While they were communicating in low voices, the people above casually patrolled along the lake, took a casual look at the bottom of the lake, made sure there was no problem, and left slowly.

Even so, they continued to hide at the bottom of the lake for about a quarter of an hour before re-entering the shore.

The wet clothes were dried by spiritual power.

But the coldness of the desert night has not dissipated.

Fortunately, the temperature in this oasis was higher than outside, which gave everyone some comfort.

Once ashore, they didn't dare to stay.

The Ding family is familiar with this place, so they could only follow behind and go to some of the more secluded hiding places of the Ding family.

In a forest, there is a tree hole.

Going down from the tree hole, there is a small space where people can be placed.

The tree hole is camouflaged and very hidden, so ordinary monks cannot tell the clues here.

Several people were sitting under the tree hole, discussing the next steps.

The reason for coming here must be for the golden wood. Lu Yun and others are bound to get this thing.

Moreover, before setting off, the people in the Holy Land did a hexagram, and the hexagram pointed to this place, which also means that there is indeed a golden wood here.

But as those in the Qiao Gang said, why didn't Boss Qiao take the lead in finding Golden Wood?

Unless, this thing is hard to find.

"The golden wood is alive and can run."

One sentence broke the calm expressions of Lu Yun and others.

Several people looked at Ding Wu.

After the other party spoke, even Ding Er and Ding San were a little surprised, but what was surprising was not the "secret", but that Ding Wu took the initiative to tell the secret. "I believe them."

Ding Wu said this.

He raised his head and pointed at a few people: "Second brother, third sister, if they want to kill us, they don't have to do it together. She can do it alone."

That fingertip fell in front of Lu Yun.

The space is not big, and several people are crowded together, very close to each other.

Ding Wu's fingers almost touched Lu Yun.

"how you said that?"

Regarding Ding Wu's judgment, Lu Yunlang laughed.

"My intuition tells me that there is something very dangerous in you."

Ding Wu spoke in a slow and logical manner, pronouncing every word very clearly.

It seems that Ding Wu has not had any major mood swings since they met.

"real or fake?"

Zong Hongfei exaggeratedly looked at Lu Yun, eager to have a fight with Lu Yun.

He just likes to challenge the strong.

"You can't."

Ding Wu's ruthless and precise blows made Zong Hongfei's face collapse, and he looked very aggrieved, but it also made Zong Hongfei look at Lu Yun with bright eyes.

"I always think I heard your name."

Zong Hongfei said, his eyes never leaving.

In response, Lu Yun raised her eyebrows, laughed it off, and did not answer.

"Back to the topic, how are we going to find the golden wood that can run away?"

Miao Ruoling brought the topic back and secretly winked at Lu Yun.

"There are two ways. One is to wait and see what happens."

Golden Wood is a natural treasure and possesses a certain amount of intelligence. It is like a naughty child who likes to hide and seek.

Occasionally when it gets tired of playing, it will take the initiative to appear in front of some humans. If it is recognized by people, there is a chance to catch it.

Of course, no one can guarantee this method is reliable.

"The next one!"

Zong Hongfei never expected to try his luck.

"The second one is that Golden Wood likes treasures. Someone found a Golden Wood's lair before and found that there were a lot of treasures in it."

"We can use treasures to attract golden wood, especially those that are shiny."

This habit is very similar to the legendary dragon clan.

"Sparkly ones, like these?"

Without saying anything else, the twins took out a bunch of spiritual weapons, all of them sparkling in appearance.

The key point is that these things not only look good, but are also of very good quality. They are indeed treasures.


Ding Wu was once again shocked by the wealth and wealth, and his expression was a little broken.

He looked away with difficulty, took out a map and spread it out in front of everyone.

"This is a map of Golden Island. The places marked are some of Golden Wood's favorite places."

"We can try it out in these places."

Miao Ruolong thought thoughtfully: "In other words, the second method still has to take a chance."

Rather than waiting for the rabbit to catch the rabbit, this time they are catching a turtle in a urn.

But whether the other party can get married is still a matter of two words.

Moreover, there are so many people from the Qiao Gang above who are watching eagerly, so it is impossible to conduct the experiment openly.

"Yes, we need someone to distract the Qiao Gang when necessary."

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