In the early morning, gentle light falls on the lake, beginning to dispel the remaining cool air of the desert night.

Several people emerged from the tree hole and went to the arranged location.

This oasis is quite large. With the lake as the center, large green shades radiate to all sides. The wind blows and the waves roll.

The fertile soil nurtures lush plants, and the oasis full of vitality and the desert full of yellow sand outside are like two worlds.

They are on a small hill in the southeast of Golden Island. The angle of the rising sun is full of sunshine, sparkling and really beautiful.

There are several treasures placed there, and their carefully crafted appearance is enough to dazzle the eyes in the golden sunlight.

A few people were hiding some distance away, waiting with bated breath.

They just came to try their luck.

The two buffs of sunlight and treasure were superimposed together, hoping to lure out the money-hungry little creature.

The waiting process was long, and they had to be alert to see if those from the Qiao Gang would appear around them.

Fortunately, it was early in the morning, and a patrol had just passed by. Those people would not show up again for a while.

As the temperature rises, the desert begins to return to the scorching heat of the day.

As soon as Lu Yun took off the thick clothes used to keep warm, she looked in a certain direction.

There, something was squirming, little by little, tentatively stretching out its "little hands" and slowly approaching.

Under the too harsh light, Lu Yun saw that the thing was golden.

Squinting his eyes, Lu Yun gave everyone a gesture to tell them to look over.

Then they saw that the thing was very cautious. Every time it moved a small step, it would stay in place and wait, as if it was afraid that some monster would pounce out and bite it.

I wanted to turn around and run away several times along the way.

But the treasure in the sun was so shining that it was reluctant to leave.

If there was saliva, it would have been swallowing like crazy.

The thief-like and obscene behavior continued. Through the eyes of Chou Er and others, they knew that it was golden wood.

Needless to say, they were lucky.

You can't come out now. Once the golden wood is disturbed, it will be difficult to find if it burrows into the soil.

You have to wait until it actively enters the trap.

In their anxiety, they could only watch the golden wood move forward at a turtle's speed. They waited until noon to wait until noon.

After testing Golden Wood all morning, he seemed to finally feel at ease, and his speed was much faster.

This is a good thing.

However, according to the rules, it won't be long before the Qiao Gang's people patrol here again, and then something bad will happen.

"In this case, I will stop them."

Zong Hongfei volunteered to raise his hand.

"I'll go with you." Ding San said. Seeing Zong Hongfei's confusion, Ding San explained: "If it was just you, the people in the Qiao Gang might not be fooled."

The target of those people is the Ding family.

If they don't show up, it's useless for Zong Hongfei to go alone.

"I'll go with you too."

Among the three, Ding Er was obviously the one who made the decision. If he didn't show up, those people might think there was some conspiracy behind it and be more cautious.

"I can do it here."

Ding Wu paused and said, he is not good at fighting and this place is more suitable for him.

While talking, he secretly glanced at Lu Yun, but found that the other party had no intention of following Ding Er and others.

Even the people from Linlang Pavilion are like this.

This made Ding Wu a little worried.

After all, people from the Qiao Gang are everywhere here. Once Ding Er is discovered, a large number of people will surround and suppress him. Zong Hongfei is quite strong, but he is not strong enough to take on the entire Qiao Gang alone.What's more, there is also the boss Qiao Xiqiao.

Even his elder brother couldn't deal with the opponent's Eighteen Black Dragons. Zong Hongfei couldn't hold on for long.

Ding Wu's intuition led him to believe that brother and sister Lu Yun and Meng Lin were the strongest in their team.

But he couldn't find a reason to let them take the risk.

People have long said that they are bound to get the Golden Wood.

"Do not worry."

Miao Ruoling comforted Ding Wu in an unclear way.

Ding Er and the others moved their feet and approached Qiao Gang.

They walked very carefully, not alerting the Golden Wood side.

The remaining few people were still lying under control, like thieves, and were a little nervous.

As the golden wood approached the pile of treasures, its appearance gradually appeared in everyone's eyes.

Except for Ding Wu, this was the first time for everyone to see it in its entirety.

After seeing the appearance of the golden wood, Lu Yun raised her eyebrows with interest.

This kind of spiritual creature not only has the same habits as the dragons, but even its appearance is in the shape of the dragon's horns.

The whole body is golden, with a main branch that is slightly curved and has several small branches on it.

It looks like strange-shaped wood on the outside, but it's as hard as ore on the inside.

"This desert is a realm formed by the fragmentation of a secret realm. According to legend, that secret realm originally belonged to the Dragon Clan."

Ding Wu opened his mouth and told the past that a group of people didn't know.

When several people looked over, Ding Wu's expression remained unchanged, but his fingers nervously grasped the grass beneath him.

Lu Yun took a few glances and realized that the other person might not be used to communicating with others, so she would force herself to speak.

Much like she once was.

she thought to herself.

"Of course, this is just a legend. I don't know whether it is true or not."

"According to legend, that dragon is very powerful and is the master of the entire secret realm. Everything in the secret realm must obey his orders."

The powerful strength can intimidate other existences in the secret realm, but those existences will also be fearful and even coveted because of this power.

Those beings, carrying the dragon on their backs, colluded together and discussed how to kill the dragon.

They plan carefully and put it into action.

Long didn't know those dark thoughts, so he suffered a big loss and was seriously injured by the combined existence.

Just when those people were happily trying to steal the essence and blood from the dragon, the dragon chose to self-destruct, destroying those enemies with it.

And because of this, the flesh and blood of the dragon clan is spread all over the secret realm.

The aura-rich flesh and blood nourishes the secret realm and contains many treasures, and the golden wood is one of them.

They look like dragon horns and have the same habits as dragons.

Using it as medicine, you can easily refine some of the top elixirs in the world, and those elixirs, like the dragon's essence and blood, can increase your cultivation.

"The battle between the monks that led to the explosion of the secret realm was because of the treasures nourished by the dragon essence and blood."

Ding Wu said softly.

The treasures in the secret realm were discovered, and those people almost ransacked the secret realm, and then even fought over the ownership of some things.

The secret realm was hit by dragon self-destruction, and before it was fully cultivated, it was destroyed by these monks.

In the broken secret realm, we walked on the opposite path to the prosperous scene of the secret realm, forming this vast yet so empty desert.

Some people say that this piece of yellow sand is the punishment given by the secret realm and the dragon to those who are greedy.

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