"It's work."

Wei Tian was still thinking about it, when he heard the man say two words in a tone full of distance.


He was obviously not like this just now!
[Oh my god, this man is so handsome, he can't be compared with Brother Tian at all! ]
[Although it's just a profile, it really kills me! ]
[Why do I see extreme disgust in Brother Tian's eyes? ]
[Hahaha, there is an inexplicable look in the eyes of a father-in-law looking at his son-in-law. My dad also has such a stinky face when he meets my boyfriend for the first time! ]
"There are medical staff in the program group, and the director has asked someone to call."

When returning to Shen Jiao's house, Wei Tian held back Shen Jiao who was about to run out.

"That's good. Grandpa Song may not be at home right now."

Shen Jiao glanced at the man lying on the bed, such a handsome man can't have any accidents!

"Xiao Shen, why did you catch fish so early in the morning?"

Wei Tian suddenly thought of something, and when he opened his mouth, he was full of old father's sense of sight, "It's not safe for you alone!"


"what happened?"

Wei Tian was thinking about how to educate the little girl to increase her safety awareness, when she saw her exclaim.

"Teacher Wei, I'm going to get busy first! Please take care of me here!"

her fish!
Shen Jiao ran out in a flash, Wei Tian wanted to follow, but thinking of her instructions, he stopped again and looked towards the man on the bed.

A pair of pupils are tightly closed.

No, it was open when Xiao Shen was around, and closed when he left?
Wei Tian frowned, staring at the man's face trying to see something, but in the end he couldn't see anything...

When the medical staff arrived, he simply ran out too.

He's not a doctor, and he can't help!

"Xiao Shen, are you...removing fish bones?"

When Wei Tian came out, Shen Jiao had already killed the fish, cleaned it, and started removing the bones.

It was only 7 o'clock in the morning, and no one else woke up yet. Wei Tian woke up so early because he was too tired yesterday and fell asleep at the end.

Shen Jiao hummed lightly, holding a knife in both hands, nimbly cut open the back of the fish, and quickly and steadily separated the fish meat from the fish bones. After one fish was processed, another was followed, and soon the fish next to her The stainless steel basin was piled high with fish fillets.

[God pulls, it's really amazing!This knife work! ]
[It didn't take ten or eight years of effort to achieve such beauty? ]
[Xiao Shen is going to make something delicious today! ]
[Sister Guo turned off the live broadcast, but can still watch it in the variety show live broadcast room, this feels so cool! ]
[I'll go, this girl is amazing, so good at taking fish? ]
Shen Jiao took a piece of fish tenderloin, and started to scrape the fish meat from the tail towards the head with a knife!

[This requirement is very high, the slope, strength, speed, slope, and thickness of the scraping must be accurately grasped! ]
[Another day I was fascinated by my sister Guo's superb cooking skills~]
[Weakly ask, is this a meal for pigs, or...]
Wei Tian was already so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. What kind of technique is this? It's too powerful!

Shen Jiao carefully took off the green fish piece by piece. There seemed to be a small mountain of fish meat, but in the end there was only one pot. She added duck egg whites, flour and salt to it, let them fully ferment, and then started kneading the dough .

Press and knead constantly.

Wei Tian didn't take his eyes off her hand for a moment. When he saw this step, as a senior foodie, he already had a decision in his heart.

But he still couldn't restrain his excitement, pointing at the fish dough in her hand and shouting:

"Xiao Shen, don't tell me you're making noodles!"

Thank you baby for catching bugs. The typo found earlier has been corrected. If anyone sees it, you can point it out~
Let's take a guess, what delicious food is Sister Guo going to make?

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