"Ah, I was discovered by Teacher Wei!"

Shen Jiao said in surprise, the movements of her hands didn't stop for a moment, and if she wanted to achieve the effect of crisp and springy teeth, she had to keep pressing and kneading.

After getting the answer, Wei Tian was so excited that he couldn't help swallowing there!
Not only him, but also many viewers in the live broadcast room shouted.

[Wow, fish noodles? ]
[Is it the fish noodle I thought?Cantonese pigs love it the most! ]
[I ate it when I was traveling before, it was delicious, the Q bomb was delicious, and I still think about that bite! ]

"I used to be lucky enough to film a drama in Guangdong Province and eat fish noodles, but I never tried it again."

Wei Tian couldn't help smacking his tongue, "I was shocked at the time. I didn't expect that there are fish noodles. After eating it, I fell in love with the delicious and Q-bomb texture!"

"So coincidentally?"

Shen Jiao really didn't expect such a relationship, "I just wanted to make something different, and it happened that the fish noodles had high protein, 0 fat, 0 additives, and low carbon water, so it couldn't be more suitable!"

As she spoke, she picked up the big dough in the basin with both hands, and then smashed it down hard, making a loud noise.

[I'm really going to be fascinated by Sister Guo, how can she cook so well! ]
[Why can we only look at one pair of hands (although the hands are very beautiful), don't we deserve to look at Sister Guo? ]
[The neighbor said that you can watch the follow-up of the fish catch just now! ]
[Where is that very powerful fish-catching girl? ]
[The fish upstairs is in Sister Guo's hands! ]
[fish:? ? ?I'm smashed! ]
At this time, a group of new viewers suddenly came to the live broadcast room.

When Liu Yin saw the new comment, although he was shocked, he also guessed that Shen Jiao had her own traffic!
He had read her "One Big Iron Pot" account yesterday, and the fan stickiness was also very high. Unexpectedly, she went to catch fish this morning and attracted another wave of fish catchers.

The other guests haven't come yet, and now the traffic in the live broadcast room has rushed to No.1 on the hot list!
"Is this...soup?"

Shen Jiao's kitchen has everything.

Wei Tian watched her walk to a huge pot, lifted the lid, and smelled a fresh fragrance.

It should be said that the fragrance immediately permeated the whole yard!

This is the broth that she has simmered for hours on low heat!

She has put all the fish bones in just now, boil it for a while, filter out the dregs, and it's ready!

[smell good! ]
[Quacking! ]
[Why can you make a voice! ]
"The other teachers haven't come yet, so I'll make a few bowls for you first."

Shen Jiao looked at the time, it was still early, it was very good to do it in batches.

She found a noodle-making machine, strained the soup, poured some into another pot, and squeezed the noodles into the pot.

The big brother of the camera skillfully gave the lens to the pot.

[The instant noodles in my hand suddenly taste bad! ]
[Sister Guo, let me ask you, can pigs eat fish today! ]
[I don't like to eat fish because it has too many spines, but I can do this fish noodle! ]
Shen Jiao skillfully put the cooked fish noodles into a bowl, poured the soup on it, and garnished with green vegetables, and bowls of neatly arranged fish noodles appeared on the screen!
"Can you eat?"

Wei Tian had already picked up his chopsticks, and obediently waited aside, begging for help, the live broadcast room was full of bullet screens: Brother Tian, ​​pay attention to your image!
But even if he saw it, he wouldn't care, who cares if there is something delicious?
Shen Jiao served him the noodles, and then handed them to the staff one by one. In the next second, the courtyard was full of noodles.

All morning, she has been busy all morning just for this voice!
It's so weird!

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