"You said you are a scum." Su Nian interrupted Zhang Zining, "If you don't hate him, what are you doing with guilt? Could it be that a person has a house that was set on fire by a beggar because of jealousy, and he still blames himself You shouldn’t have a house, you should live on the street, right?”

Zhang Zining opened her mouth, before she could say anything, Su Nian didn't give her any time to be sentimental, she said, "What's the password for this door of your house?"

While speaking, Su Nian had already arrived at the door of Zhang Zining's house.

The villa Zhang Zining lived in before his death still retains the appearance before the incident, because no one has cleaned and maintained it for a long time, and it has begun to show dilapidation.

After Zhang Zining passed away, her parents did not want people to destroy the place.

They felt that if Zhang Zining could come back, if the place was sold, or if it disappeared, Zhang Zining, who couldn't find a home, would be very sad.

Therefore, the villa was kept until Zhang Zining's parents also passed away.

Later, it became the legendary haunted deserted house.

Especially now that this place is also deserted, no one comes here, which adds a lot of horror to this place.

"Cough cough cough."

As soon as Su Nian pushed the door open, his face was almost covered by the dust that just kicked up.

"The people who come to your house to play don't even close the windows for you."

Su Nian's words got Zhang Zining's approval.

Zhang Zining complained, "Yeah, playing disco at my house, don't close the doors and windows for me before leaving!"

When it comes to these, Zhang Zining has a lot to say.

"You don't know about those people!" Zhang Zining muttered, "It's really disgusting! I told you not to come in, I insisted on coming into my house! After I came in, forget it, but I still feel picky and think my house is too dirty Too messy!"

"A group of rude, extremely rude guests! No, it should be said that they are thieves who broke into my house, thieves!"

"If it wasn't for me..."

"Shut up." Su Nian couldn't help it, "I think you will be reincarnated as a chatterbox in your next life."

So many words, so dense.

Being murdered, Zhang Zining was wronged, but she didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore.

After she had fought with Su Nian before, she knew the other party's ability, and she knew that the other party could push herself to the ground and rub against it.

How dare you be too presumptuous to the other party now, and accidentally offend her when the time comes, will it not be yourself who is really miserable?

Zhang Zining shut up, Su Nian can finally look at the surrounding environment with peace of mind.

The feng shui here is actually not bad, and there are no taboos in the decoration of the house.

Su Nian looked around, but couldn't find any "corpse" on the first floor that Zhang Zining could leave willingly.

Zhang Zining's request is that Su Nian can help her collect the body.

But in fact, Zhang Zining's body had already been sent for an autopsy, and when the case came to an end, her parents must have helped her deal with everything behind her.

Zhang Zining still asked Su Nian to help her collect the corpse. Su Nian knew that at this time, Zhang Zining's obsession was no longer a corpse in the traditional sense, but something that might have special meaning to her at first.

Therefore, the brain circuits between humans and ghosts may be very different.

It is not impossible to do some so-called script novels with unresolved human and ghost relationships, but one of them must be extremely special.

Otherwise, these young couples wouldn't even be able to communicate, and they would even talk about a fart relationship.

Maybe there is no need for someone to beat the mandarin ducks, they will tear themselves apart.

"So, what is it that you can't let go of?"

Su Nian asked directly, but Zhang Zining hesitated for a long time, and finally said in frustration, "I can't remember."

She didn't remember what she couldn't let go of, but her heart was depressed, and she always felt as if there was something left to do.


Su Nian wasn't bothered, she took out three copper coins from her bag.

These three copper coins were exactly the three failed copper coins borrowed from that Taobao shop owner Zhou Debo that day.

These three coins were extremely fierce before, but now in Su Nian's hands, they suddenly become very cute.

In addition, if you look carefully, you will find that the three copper coins seem to have lost a lot of their fierceness.

These days, Su Nian has been using a lot of talisman paper on these few copper coins.

From the very beginning, these copper coins resisted very much, and Su Nian even took the effort to tame them.

Later, these guys finally woke up completely.

Not only are they not repulsive, they even particularly like the feeling of being surrounded by those talisman papers.

Just now when Su Nian was about to take them out, he could feel the protest emanating from them.

Su Nian knew why these things changed so obviously.

Because these things were originally contaminated with hostility, but now the hostility on them has disappeared a lot, and staying in this kind of spirit-gathering talisman will only make you feel very comfortable.

Even after staying for a long time, their rank will rise.

This is because of these benefits, so these things tend to stick to Su Nian now.

This behavior is simply summed up.

Just follow the boss to have meat to eat.

"Stop making trouble."

Su Nian poked a copper coin that was buzzing inside.

"I've raised you for so long, and it's time for you to repay me."

Su Nian took these copper coins and counted skillfully.

Soon, these copper coins gave Su Nian the answer.

She even guided Su Nian to move to the kitchen until Su Nian found a bunch of ordinary-looking bracelets from under the kitchen counter.

Zhang Zining's eyes were suddenly attracted by this string of bracelets, and she seemed to be stunned in place.

The whole person didn't know what he was thinking, but just stared blankly.

After a while, tears flowed from the gray eyes.

Mental experience tears?

Su Nian has never seen such a situation in so many years, and this is the first time she has seen it.

Zhang Zining subconsciously reached out to touch the string of bracelets, but her fingers passed through them in the end.

She is the magnetic field and consciousness left in this world, so how could she really feel the touch.

Zhang Zining seemed a little at a loss.

Su Nian sighed, and in the end she was kind enough to "send" this string of bracelets to Zhang Zining with a free piece of talisman paper.

The next moment, Zhang Zining was pleasantly surprised to find that there was an extra bracelet on her wrist.

This string of bracelets is exactly the one in Su Nian's hand.

Zhang Zining looked back and forth happily at the things on her wrist, just like the scene when she saw the bracelet for the first time.

This bracelet records the happiest scene of her life. It was an unexpected gift she received when her parents, childhood sweethearts, and many best friends at that time celebrated her birthday together.

Later, she never had such a grand birthday.

At the same time, Zhang Zining's figure seemed to have faded a lot.

But before Zhang Zining disappeared, Su Nian suddenly said, "Wait, don't rush away."

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