But before Zhang Zining disappeared, Su Nian suddenly said, "Wait, don't rush away."

Su Nian said solemnly, "Get rid of these people first, anyway, you were not in a hurry to reincarnate before, and now it's not too late."


Zhang Zining seemed a little confused.

Su Nian continued, "Your family is quite popular, and someone has come to your house as a guest."

Not long after Su Nian said these words, a voice came from the yard outside.

First, the car stopped outside, and then the sound of someone talking came.

Those people communicated loudly, even if Su Nian stayed inside, he could clearly hear what was said outside.

"Although it is said that we are going to explore, there is no need to come so early."

After complaining unhappily, someone took up the conversation immediately.

"If you don't come here in advance and step on it, how can you give the audience in the live broadcast room a good live broadcast experience?"

"Although the outsiders here are very evil, but in the end, this kind of thing is fake. If we don't arrange it in advance, the audience will have to scold us at that time, and the rewards will be reduced a lot."

They are all old anchors who have been live broadcasting for a long time. They know what the audience likes to watch.

The more exciting and suspenseful things, the more the audience will like them.

Especially for leaving them some suspense, the rewards they received doubled.

So in order to ensure a good live broadcast experience, to put it bluntly, to make money better, they must show sincerity.

If the place to be explored is not thrilling enough, these people will also artificially add some exciting things.

That's why it is necessary to come here in advance to check in.

Zhang Zining in the room was a little unhappy. Those people who came to her house before were just screaming and making noise.

These people look like they want to not only make noise, but also mess with her stuff!

Looking at Zhang Zining who wanted to go crazy, Su Nian kindly advised, "Don't worry, they won't be able to see you when you go out like this, they won't be able to see you, no matter how much you dance, it's useless."

Zhang Zining seemed to have calmed down a bit, "Then do you have any ideas?"

As soon as she asked, she saw Su Nian looking at herself with incredible eyes, as if she was asking a question silently.

"This is your home. You are the one who wants to tease them. What does it have to do with me?"

Although it makes sense, Zhang Zining almost cried because of grievance, but Su Nian is sometimes a cold person, no matter how much you cry, she will not sympathize with you.

Zhang Zining could only shut up sobbing.

The people downstairs have already begun to check the situation of this room.

"Old Bai, why do I feel that there is nothing to explore in this room."

One of them muttered something.

"Looking around, it's a bit dirty and messy here, and there's nothing fun about it at all."

"Isn't it like this everywhere?"

The man named Lao Bai agreed angrily when he heard his words.

When he said this, others felt the same way.

They've been in the business for a while, and the places they've been to don't look like that during the day.

As for the thing in the rumors, I have never seen it.

However, as anchors for thrill-loving audiences, they certainly would not say those words to the audience.

Even, there are often intentional creations of that kind of thing. After all, live broadcast, it is normal to have a script and a plot.

As usual, several people decided to decorate the place well, and then they can quietly wait for the arrival of the evening and prepare for tonight's live broadcast.

These few people have no idea that there are two people behind them, to be precise, one person and one spirit body, watching them silently.

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