I was coddled after teasing the insane and cold power

Chapter 15 Interpreting Yuhua Gu Beiye

Chapter 15 Interpreting Yuhua Gu Beiye
Now that it has been decided to let people move to live outside the palace, Gu Fengxuan did not delay, and sent people to handle the matter the next day, but several days passed, but the address was still not confirmed.

During the period, Gu Ruo'er came and said that there is no need to be so troublesome, just choose a place where people can live, but Gu Fengxuan scolded her back.

In any case, Gu Qian'er is of the royal blood, and she will go to Xirong to get married. If the residence outside the palace is very shabby, not only will she lose the face of the royal family, but also will make the world laugh at them, saying that they even His blood relatives were treated harshly.

So Gu Qian'er's matter remained unresolved, and after a few days, Gu Fengxuan and Gu Beiye finished talking, and the Empress Dowager sent someone to invite Gu Fengxuan to have dinner together.

Gu Fengxuan knew that since the queen mother was injured, the emperor's uncle had been worried, so he directly asked Gu Beiye to go to the queen mother's palace for dinner, and Gu Beiye would naturally not refuse.

After lunch, Gu Fengxuan and Gu Beiye did not leave in a hurry, but sat in the Empress Dowager's palace for a while.

Several people were chatting, the queen mother remembered what Gu Fengxuan said a few days ago, and asked Gu Qianer if she had chosen a residence outside the palace, which caught Gu Beiye's attention.

"What is going out of the palace? Your Majesty intends to let Gu Qian'er live outside the palace?" Gu Beiye looked at Gu Fengxuan who was at the side and asked.

Seeing Gu Fengxuan nodded, Gu Beiye frowned, and asked again: "Then why does His Majesty plan to let her leave the palace?"

"Reason? Does this need any reason?" Gu Fengxuan asked in doubt.

Gu Beiye looked at the expressions of the mother and son in front of him, so he knew that they didn't think too deeply, so he could only explain: "Your Majesty, no matter what, Gu Qian'er is of royal blood, if you move people like this for no reason Going to live outside the palace, no matter how good the place is and how many attendants there are, people outside will always speculate that it is someone in the palace who can't tolerate her, Your Majesty, people are terrible."

After being told by Gu Beiye, Gu Fengxuan also realized the seriousness of this matter. It is important to preserve the face of the royal family. "Then what should I do? Or let people live in the palace and choose another place to live."

Seeing the empress dowager's obviously displeased expression, Gu Beiye shook his head, "No, such a person lives in the palace. If something happens again in the future, no matter who it is, it will not be what His Majesty wants to see, so in order to close the palace An Ning, let's move people out."

"Yes," the queen mother nodded, and looked at Gu Beiye with a smile in her eyes, and then said to her son, "We just need to think of a suitable reason."

"Alright." Gu Fengxuan saw that the two elders agreed, so he didn't mention it again, "It's just a good reason?"

Seeing that both Gu Fengxuan and the Queen Mother were lost in thought, Gu Beiye thought for a while, and then said: "Queen Mother, Your Majesty, I have an idea, I don't know if it is feasible."

As soon as the queen mother heard this, she knew that Gu Beiye had an idea, and said with a charming smile, "It's okay for the regent to say."

With the empress dowager's approval, Gu Beiye expressed his thoughts, "Since she is the concubine princess, let people go to the prime minister's mansion on the grounds of teaching, so that there is no need to find another place to live."

"Why do you want to go to the Prime Minister's Mansion?" Gu Fengxuan subconsciously asked.

Gu Beiye chuckled, "Your Majesty, don't forget the past. Although her mother and brother deserved it, there is no guarantee that Gu Qian'er will not hold a grudge because of it. When she marries into Xirong, in case she speaks to the king of Xirong to attack Jiang Guo , it will be bad when the time comes, and the prime minister is dedicated to the country, upright, I believe that under the prime minister's teaching, the princess will definitely turn to me."

"Uncle Huang is worrying too much, but a girl, how can she have such abilities?" Gu Fengxuan smiled and waved his hands, not thinking that such a thing would happen.

Gu Beiye was not angry when he heard this, but reminded: "Your Majesty, don't forget that the third prince who came with the envoy this time is very interested in our wedding princess, and this third prince He is most loved by King Xirong, if King Xirong passes the throne to this third prince after a hundred years, then..."

Although the words were not finished, Gu Fengxuan still understood the meaning of it, and said seriously: "I understand, thank you for the reminder, uncle, I will call the prime minister into the palace in the afternoon, and I will definitely let him educate the princess well."

"Your Majesty is so dedicated to state affairs, it is really a blessing for Jiang Guo." Gu Beiye nodded gratified.

Even though he has reached the crown and became the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, Gu Fengxuan still showed a shy smile after a long time when he was praised so bluntly by the elders who have always been close to him, "Uncle Huang praised it absurdly."

For a while, the atmosphere among the three was very harmonious, like a real family of three.

Not long after, Gu Fengxuan looked at the sky outside, got up and prepared to leave, "Mother, Zhen, I have something to do in the previous court, so I will leave first."

"Okay, let's go." The Queen Mother nodded with a smile, and then looked at Gu Beiye, "Wait a moment, my lord, there are two high-quality wild ginseng here at Ai's house, which is perfect for the princess's health. I'll ask Yun Xiu to find it, and the prince will take it out of the palace."

"Since that's the case, the minister thanked the queen mother on behalf of the princess."

When Gu Fengxuan heard this, he nodded and left first.

After Gu Fengxuan left, the Empress Dowager looked at Gu Beiye and raised her voice to order: "Yun Xiu, take someone to the warehouse to find those two wild ginseng."

"Yes." Yun Xiu nodded in response, and led the people in the palace out...

There was a solution to the matter, and Gu Fengxuan didn't want to continue to suppress him, so once he returned to the imperial study, he was passed on to the prime minister to enter the palace.

"I see Your Majesty." Yu Huaijin quickly arrived at the imperial study.

Gu Fengxuan looked at the prime minister of the Jiang Dynasty in front of him. He won three prizes in a row at the age of sixteen and became the youngest champion in the Jiang Kingdom. to the location.

But Yu Huaijin not only did it, but also did it extremely well. Everything that went through his hands was done extremely well, and no one could find any faults. Not only the civil and military officials in the court were convinced by him, but even the outsiders The common people were full of praise when they mentioned this prime minister, and even thought that having such a prime minister was Jiang Chao's blessing.

"Yu Qing is flat, please give me a seat." Gu Fengxuan looked at the person in front of him very kindly, and after they sat down, he said: "Yu Qing, I asked you to come here today because I have something for you to do."

Hearing this, Yu Huaijin stood up from her seat, with a respectful expression, "Please order, Your Majesty."

"I want the fourth princess to live in your house, Yu Qing, and you will raise her personally until she goes to Xirong to get married."

 Oh my god, I finally wrote about the hero, I cried to death

(End of this chapter)

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