Chapter 16
The fourth princess that Gu Fengxuan was talking about was Gu Qianer, and Yu Huaijin realized, "Your Majesty means..."

"The princess is still young, she hasn't seen many things, and she doesn't know how to distinguish between good and evil, and she is going to get married again in a year. I hope she can understand that Jiang Guo, no matter what time it is, is her mother country. .”

"Yu Qing, you are the number one scholar in my court, and now you are the prime minister. I believe in you, and you will definitely teach her well, and you won't let me down." When Gu Fengxuan said these words, he kept looking at Yu Huaijin.

Knowing that this matter will not be changed again, Yu Huaijin also understood the meaning of Gu Fengxuan's words, so she did not refuse, "Yes, Your Majesty, I will do my best to raise the princess well."

"Okay! Good, good..." Gu Fengxuan stood up and walked to Yu Huaijin's side, and happily patted her on the shoulder, "Yu Qing is really my pillar."

"I don't dare." Yu Huaijin remained courteous and respectful in front of His Majesty, who was very happy.

"Since that's the case, then I will immediately decree that the fourth princess will be educated in the prime minister's residence in three days."
After Yu Huaijin returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, someone called Chang He over.

Chang He was born by his mother's personal maid. He grew up in the Prime Minister's Mansion since he was a child, and he grew up with Yu Huaijin. Now that Yu Huaijin is not yet married, Chang He takes care of the house's internal affairs.

"My lord, you are looking for me." Chang He came quickly, panting slightly, his face flushed, and he hurried over after getting the news.

It's just that although the person came in a hurry, he dressed very appropriately. The light blue clothes were embroidered with white pear flowers, and the face was not made of powder, but it was also delicate and delicate, but the steps and earrings on the head could clearly feel the It turns out that people dressed up before they came.

Yu Huaijin didn't care, and directly ordered: "Three days later, the fourth princess will live in the prime minister's mansion until she goes to get married. You have to have the Moyin Pavilion cleaned out, and then arrange it properly."

"Why does the princess want to live in the prime minister's mansion? It's against the rules." Changhe blurted out, but when she met Yu Huaijin's gaze, she immediately reacted and quickly lowered her head, "My lord, it's the servant who made a slip of the tongue. Prepare."

"Well, let's go." Yu Huaijin withdrew her gaze, her voice was cold.

At the same time, Ying Fugui also went to Shoukang Palace with his will.

After hearing this, Gu Qian'er was taken aback for a moment, raised her head with doubts, "Your Majesty, do you want me to live directly in the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

"Yes," Ying Fugui nodded, "Your Majesty said, Yu Xiang has learned a lot from the rich, and he is honest and upright. His Majesty can't rest assured that he will take care of you, Princess."

After finishing speaking, Ying Fugui looked at the person who was still a little dazed, and said again: "Princess, please accept the order and thank you."

"Oh, thank you, Your Majesty!" Gu Qian'er kowtowed to thank her.

After watching the people leave, Gu Qian'er returned to the house, but she still couldn't react. Didn't she mean to find a place for her to live outside the palace?

Now that he suddenly becomes living in the prime minister's mansion, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble...

Xiaoxi on the side didn't know what was going on in her master's mind, but she was focused on being happy for Gu Qian'er.

As soon as I got back into the room, I couldn't wait to say, "Great, princess, you can finally leave the palace. I heard that the prime minister is upright. After you live there, he will definitely not make things difficult for you."

Xiaoxi is really happy, because she has been by Gu Qianer's side all this time, she knows what kind of life the other party is living, she is obviously a princess, but her life is not as good as that of a court lady, and she has to accept the Queen Mother and Gu Ruo'er from time to time. My son made things difficult and made fun of him.

It's all right now, the princess is finally in her prime. In the Prime Minister's Mansion, the princess can definitely live a better life than now, Xiaoxi is full of energy, "Princess, I will pack your things for you now." Saying that, she was about to go inside.

Gu Qian'er quickly pulled him back, and said with a smile: "Don't be in a hurry, there are still three days left. If you put it away now, what will you use the rest of the day for?"

"Yes." Xiaoxi scratched her head embarrassingly.

Gu Qian'er didn't blame her, but pulled the person in front of her, and asked seriously: "Xiaoxi, are you willing to go out of the palace with me? If you want to, I will take you away. If you don't want to, in the remaining few days, Let's make a master-servant rivalry show for outsiders to see, so that you can live better in the palace in the future."

"Princess..." Xiaoxi looked at the person in front of her, but she didn't expect that the other party had already considered so much for her, so she immediately knelt down, "Princess, I am willing to follow you, whether you go to the Prime Minister's Mansion or Xirong for marriage, this servant is willing to follow you." Follow the princess all my life."

Xiaoxi's parents died since she was a child, and she has been living in her uncle's house. Although she has worked hard to help with the work since she was a child, her uncle's family still doesn't like her. They will all become the targets of their anger, sometimes they will be whipped, and sometimes they will not be allowed to eat.

Xiaoxi lived like this for ten years. Later, her uncle wanted to buy her into a brothel to repay the money because she owed too much money to the gambling house. That was the first time she resisted and escaped from that house. At that time, it happened that the palace wanted to pick a maid to enter the palace, so she signed up for the election.

During this period, she got acquainted with Xiaomei. She originally thought that in this palace, she and Xiaomei could support each other and rely on each other, but who knew that she would go to the person in Ruoyi Hall by herself in private.Afterwards, not only turned his back on her ruthlessly, but also often ridiculed her, and even got mad at her towards the princess, and in the end he didn't even show his face.

Looking at Xiaoxi's previous experience, she has always been disgusted and betrayed. This is the first time she has felt cared for by others. If she followed Gu Qian'er before because of orders and a trace of sympathy in her heart, then now , The words she said were all from the bottom of her heart.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll take you out of the palace together. As for going to Xirong, it's still early." Gu Qian'er patted her face and comforted her.


Two nights later, because she was going to leave the palace early the next morning, Gu Qian'er was ready to rest early. At this moment, the door was suddenly opened from the outside, and it was Xiaomei who hadn't shown her face for a long time.

Seeing this, Xiaoxi frowned directly, and before she had time to say anything, she saw Xiaomei suddenly with tears in her eyes, and rushed straight towards Gu Qian'er.

"Princess, you are going out of the palace, please bring your servants with you." Xiaomei hugged Gu Qian'er's legs, tears streaming down her face, "The servants were confused for a while before, and that's why they made many mistakes. Come on, please forgive me this time, my lord, please."

"Huh?" Gu Qianer asked in confusion, "Did Xiaomei do something wrong? Why didn't I know?"

(End of this chapter)

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