Chapter 25
Cheng Qi put on a serious face like this, thinking wildly in the middle of the night...

In the middle of the night, the servants who had been busy all day had already fallen asleep peacefully, and the prime minister's mansion became very quiet, occasionally a few insects could be heard.

Cheng Qi also put away those chaotic thoughts, folded his hands on his chest, leaned his upper body against the pillars under the porch, closed his eyes, and rested his mind.

Suddenly, Cheng Qi opened his eyes suddenly, without a trace of tiredness in his eyes, his sharp eyes stared straight at the roof not far away——

That's right, someone did pass by there just now, and the place they went to was...

Cheng Qi's eyes turned cold, and he immediately sent out a signal, and at the same time jumped up and went to Moyin Pavilion.

After the signal was sent out, the originally quiet Prime Minister's Mansion quickly became noisy.

The original good sleep was disturbed, the servants opened the door one after another, poked their heads out to look around, yawned and asked, "What's the matter, what happened?"

"I don't know, it seems that a thief has entered the prime minister's mansion." Someone next to him replied.

"This matter should be taken care of by the guards of Xiangfu. It's none of our business. Go to sleep." The person who asked the question just now waved his hand, and he closed the door and went back to sleep.

When the others heard this, and they were really sleepy after a long day of work, they all went back to rest.

Soon the yard became quiet again.
Cheng Qi chased people all the way to Moyin Pavilion, saw that the light in Gu Qian'er's room was still on, his eyes froze, and he raised his hand to signal the people behind him to follow.

When I walked to the door of Gu Qian'er's room, I found that there was not even a person on duty in the yard, and I felt displeased. Is that how those people work?

But now is not the time to pursue this, Cheng Qi signaled the people next to him to go up and knock on the door.

The people inside quickly responded, "Here we come!"

After a few breaths, the door opened from the inside.

Cheng Qi looked at the person who came to open the door and frowned slightly. Why did the princess come to open the door in person?
Gu Qian'er opened the door, and saw Cheng Qi standing in the yard with seven or eight people dressed as servants.

"Cheng Qi, what happened?" Gu Qian'er looked at the situation in front of her and asked in surprise.

"Returning to the princess, the subordinates just discovered that someone broke into the prime minister's mansion at night and came in the direction of Moyin Pavilion, so I brought someone over to check."

Cheng Qi didn't go into details, but just asked: "Princess, for your safety, please ask your subordinates to go in and check."

"Okay, you go in." Gu Qian'er pursed her lips, and let them in sideways.

"Look carefully, don't miss any corner." Cheng Qi stood in the middle of the room and ordered in a deep voice.

When those people started to look around, Cheng Qi turned to look at Gu Qian'er who was at the side.

"Princess, it's so late, why haven't you rested yet?"

Not only did he not rest, but he was neatly dressed and very energetic, and he quickly opened the door. When he heard that someone had trespassed in the Prime Minister's mansion, and that the other party was probably hiding behind the Moyin Pavilion, he didn't panic and fear, but sat aside and drank tea?
Gu Qian'er seemed to have heard the question in Cheng Qi's mind, and she took the initiative to speak, "I was resting, but I was thirsty in the middle of my sleep, and everyone else fell asleep, so it's not good to wake them up because of such a trivial matter." , and got up by himself."

As he spoke, he opened the teapot beside him, "As a result, I didn't pay attention when I just woke up. I put so much tea at once. After drinking it, I couldn't fall asleep, so I found a book to read by myself."

"After turning a few pages, I heard a knock on the door."

After hearing Gu Qian'er's words, Cheng Qi noticed that there was an open book on the low table behind him.

Looking at it this way, Gu Qianer's explanation is also reasonable. The most important thing is that he can't think of a reason why Gu Qianer would cover up the thief.

Cheng Qi nodded, his attitude softened a lot, "I see, thank you Princess for letting me know."

"Actually, is it possible that the sky is too dark, Cheng Qi, you misread it?" Gu Qian'er tentatively asked.


Cheng Qi retorted immediately, but realized in the next moment that he answered a little too quickly, so he hurried to make amends.

"What this subordinate means is that although the sky is dark, this subordinate has night vision and indeed saw a figure, and the other party is indeed coming this way, so this subordinate came here."

"Oh, so that's the case, I was the one who asked this too much." Gu Qian'er nodded, with a little apology on her face.

"The princess is also concerned, and this subordinate understands." Cheng Qi said politely.

Moyin Pavilion is not very big, even though the people who brought them checked carefully, they didn't spend much effort, as soon as Cheng Qi finished his sentence on this side, the search on that side was already finished.

"My lord, nothing suspicious was found."

"Yeah," Cheng Qi nodded to indicate that he understood, just about to take someone away, when his eyes met a certain place, he stopped again.

"Princess, please forgive me for offending you, can you let me go inside and take a look."

Gu Qian'er followed Cheng Qi's gaze and found that what he was looking at was her bedroom.

The women's boudoir is an extremely private place, and outside men are allowed to come in and out at will in the middle of the night. If it gets out, her reputation will be ruined, not to mention that she has the identity of a concubine princess.

"This..." Gu Qian'er didn't nod immediately.

Cheng Qi naturally understood her concerns, and took the initiative to speak, "Princess, don't worry, this subordinate is only going in to have a look, and will never tamper with the things inside. I can guarantee that what happened tonight will never be known to others."

Having reached this point, Gu Qian'er could only nod and let the person in.

With Gu Qian'er's consent, Cheng Qi opened the door without hesitation and went in.

The furnishings inside are very simple, as far as the eye can see, there is no place where people can hide, and the two places of the bed and the wardrobe are not easy for him to use rashly.

Cheng Qi took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the sounds around him.

In the end, I found that there was nothing else but the breathing of the woman lying on the couch.

After all, it was the princess's boudoir, Cheng Qi didn't want to stay for too long, after confirming that there was nothing suspicious, he turned around and left.

Before leaving, from the corner of her eye, she saw Xiao Xi who was still lying on the couch, sound asleep, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, how could this girl sleep deeper than the master? !
"How?" Seeing someone coming out, Gu Qianer took the initiative to ask.

"Back to the princess, my subordinates have already checked, and there is nothing suspicious, so you can rest at ease." Cheng Qi replied to the person.

"Okay." Gu Qianer nodded.

"Subordinates retire."

After speaking, he took the people and left Moyin Pavilion.

"My lord, what should we do now?" After walking out of the Moyin Pavilion, the person behind Cheng Qi asked.

"Go to another place to have a look. If there is nothing abnormal, go back and rest." Cheng Qi thought for a moment and made a decision.


The people behind responded in unison, and followed behind Cheng Qi to check other places...

(End of this chapter)

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