I was coddled after teasing the insane and cold power

Chapter 26 This Prime Minister’s Mansion Contains Heaven and Kun

Chapter 26 This Prime Minister’s Mansion Contains Heaven and Kun
After seeing off Cheng Qi, Gu Qian'er went back to the room and sat down, and even poured herself a cup of tea.

Looking at the floating tea leaves in the teacup, recalling the situation just now, he couldn't help but chuckle.

It's really interesting, I thought it was just an ordinary prime minister's mansion, but now it seems that there is really a lot of things in this place, and there is a lot to write about.

Let’s not talk about it, just look at the group of people he brought——

If ordinary servants were quarreled in the middle of the night, even if they followed them, they would definitely be yawning, their feet would be unsteady, and their work would not be so meticulous.

But looking back at the ones brought by Cheng Qi, although they were dressed like ordinary servants, none of them yawned or felt sleepy, on the contrary, they were all full of energy.

After hearing the order, he acted swiftly and decisively. He was not at all cautious and timid because he searched the princess' dormitory. Instead, he was more careful and conscientious, not letting go of a suspicious corner.

Strong body, firm gaze, quick movement, steady breath, silent footsteps, tacit cooperation, quick action, all signs show that those people are definitely not ordinary servants, but well-trained secret guards.

And Cheng Qi, who is the leader, is even more difficult——

When he entered the bedroom to check, on the surface it seemed that he only took a look around and then came out.

But Gu Qian'er has been paying attention to each other's every move. The moment she saw Cheng Qi close her eyes, she was a little surprised, and then she noticed that Cheng Qi's ears moved.

Seeing this, Gu Qian'er can basically be sure that he is listening to the sound to identify the position, relying on hearing to judge whether there is someone hiding in her room.

And looking at the posture tonight, it should be only a small part of the hidden forces in the Xiangfu, and there must be more people still hiding in the dark.

"It's really troublesome..." Gu Qian'er shook her head, and she knew in her heart that she should be more careful in doing things in the future...
Cheng Qi walked around the mansion with his people, and found nothing wrong, so he asked the others to go back to rest first, while he went back to Yu Huaijin's courtyard, and continued to watch the night.

On the way back, Cheng Qi's face was solemn. After finding the other party, he immediately sent a signal to the people around the Prime Minister's mansion, and he immediately led people to intercept him.

Now that no one around has noticed that anyone has left the Prime Minister's Mansion, and he found nothing abnormal after checking everywhere, then there is only one possibility left.

That is, the opponent's martial arts are far superior to those of the hidden guards, so they can leave without alarming anyone.

The purpose of the other party's visit is unclear, and his martial arts are still comparable to others, so it's better to be careful during this time.

Back in the yard, Cheng Qi realized that the lights in the house were on again.

Pushing open the door and entering, only to find that Yu Huaijin had already woken up.

"Master." Cheng Qi closed the door and walked to Yu Huaijin's side.

"What happened." Yu Huaijin's expression was flat, and his voice was calm. Even if he was only wearing a pajamas, his majesty would not be damaged.

Hearing Yu Huaijin's question, Cheng Qi directly told what happened tonight.

After finishing speaking, he added: "The subordinate has already told them just now, during this period of time, he must be very energetic, and if there is anything, no matter how big or small, he must report it."

"Well," Yu Huaijin nodded in agreement, "You did a good job on this matter."

Since Cheng Qidu had already made arrangements, Yu Huaijin didn't say much, but just said one more word before going to rest.

"Over there at Moyinge, send more people there."

"Yes, my subordinates understand that they must keep an eye on the princess's yard." Cheng Qi responded immediately.

"Well, let's go down." Yu Huaijin waved his hand, got up and went inside by himself.

Seeing the bedroom door close again, Cheng Qi felt emotional, it seems that the master really attaches great importance to the princess, and even specially ordered it...

Lying on the bed again, Yu Huaijin didn't feel sleepy at all, quietly recalling what Cheng Qi said just now.

He did not believe that the princess was innocent.

Before she moved in, there had been no troubles in the mansion, but now, as soon as she came, there were people visiting the Xiang's mansion at night, which was a bit too coincidental.

And he never believed in those coincidences.

Sending more people to Moyin Pavilion is to protect the safety of the people inside, and to see if this princess looks so gentle and harmless on the surface...
Early the next morning, news of someone breaking into the prime minister's mansion in the middle of the night last night was reported to Chang He's ears.

After hearing this, Chang He immediately rushed to Yu Huaijin's residence to plead guilty.

"My lord!" Chang He trotted all the way, and rushed directly into Yu Huaijin's bedroom.

Yu Huaijin was taking a rest today, and he had just gotten up when Chang He broke in.

"doing what?!"

In the early morning, seeing Chang He being so reckless and rude, Yu Huaijin frowned slightly, disliking such behavior very much, so his tone became more unhappy and serious.

Seeing the expression on Yu Huaijin's face, Chang He finally realized what he had done, and immediately pleaded guilty: "My lord, forgive me, this servant has no intentions."

Chang He knelt on the ground with a terrified expression, and Yu Huaijin didn't intend to continue to pursue it, so he looked away and asked instead: "Come here early in the morning, what's the matter?"

Hearing Yu Huaijin's question, Chang He knew that the Young Master did not plan to pursue his rudeness just now.

Thinking of this, Chang He secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt a little secretly happy.

After standing up from the ground, I answered, "I heard that there were thieves in the prime minister's residence last night, and I was worried about the safety of the young master, so I came here to take a look. Now that the young master is safe, the servant is relieved."

There were only the two of them in this room, so Chang He spoke boldly.

After saying these words, Chang He blushed quietly, and lowered his head shyly.

But Yu Huaijin didn't see the mood of Chang He's daughter's family, or in other words, he didn't look at Chang He at all.

Hearing what she said, his expression remained calm, "These matters will be resolved by our own guards. You only need to handle the internal affairs of the mansion well, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

"...Yes, this servant has remembered."

Facing Yu Huaijin's blunt words, Chang He felt very embarrassed, and the shy expression on his face was replaced by embarrassment, turning pale.

But what she was facing now was Yu Huaijin, not Cheng Qi from last night, so she could only force herself to speak, "My lord, if there is nothing wrong, this servant will leave first."


Seeing Yu Huaijin nodding, Chang He immediately turned around and walked outside quickly.

When he walked to the door, he ran into Cheng Qi, and Chang He couldn't help but think of what Cheng Qi said last night, coupled with Yu Huaijin's attitude just now, and finally couldn't help but get red eyes.

Chang He really didn't want people to see her current appearance, so he could only hide his face and run away.

Looking at the back of Chang He leaving, Cheng Qi wasn't surprised, but felt a sense in his heart, as the master's subordinate, it's better not to have so many other thoughts...

(End of this chapter)

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