I was coddled after teasing the insane and cold power

Chapter 28 It's All Gu Qianer's Fault

Chapter 28 It's All Gu Qianer's Fault


"Are you saying that the young master is looking for me?" Chang He quickly reacted, stood up abruptly and looked at Cheng Qi who was beside him.

"Yeah, come with me quickly, don't keep master waiting." Cheng Qi ignored her after finishing speaking, turned around and walked back.

Seeing this, Chang He hurriedly followed, and at the same time, a little hope rose in his heart.

Could it be because of what happened just now that the young master is looking for her?
Just like this, with such thoughts in mind all the way, he followed the people to the front hall.

When he saw Gu Qian'er sitting next to Yu Huaijin, the little secret hope in Chang He's heart was also shattered.

Although he was disappointed in his heart, Changhe still didn't show it on the surface. As usual, he first greeted An and asked her why he came here.

"Changhe, I remember I ordered before to find someone capable to serve Moyin Pavilion."

Yu Huaijin's expression was the same as before, but there was a hint of questioning in his tone.

Such an attitude can't help but make Changhe's heart skip a beat. The love between men and women that he thought about before has all disappeared at this moment, leaving only nervousness and anxiety, "Yes."

"Then why last night when Cheng Qi took people to Moyin Pavilion, there was no one guarding the yard, and even the door was opened by the princess herself. Is this the right man you picked?!"

At the end, Yu Huaijin's eyes were already faintly filled with anger.

Seeing this, Chang He quickly knelt down and pleaded guilty, "My lord, calm down, it's all the slave's fault, and the slave is guilty."

Yu Huaijin was indeed angry, the princess had not even been in the mansion for half a month, and the people sent to Moyin Pavilion were already so slack and lazy, what will happen in the future? !
He is in a high position, and there are countless pairs of eyes watching from outside. If this matter is spread, won't it make outsiders criticize him, thinking that he is treating the princess harshly?
Originally, when he brought Chang He back from the outside, he thought that she had stayed with his mother for several years and acted prudently and thoughtfully, so he entrusted her to take care of the internal affairs of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Occasionally, he made mistakes a few times, but he also saw that the other party was raised by his mother, so he didn't pursue it much.

But just because of such connivance, she had thoughts that she shouldn't have, so that even the work she did was so full of mistakes and omissions!
It was his fault, I was too kind to her...

Thinking of this, Yu Huaijin looked at Chang He with colder eyes.

Gu Qian'er looked at Chang He who was kneeling on the ground trembling and unable to say a word, and she understood in her heart why the servants of Moyin Pavilion were like this——

The prime minister has not yet married a wife, part of the internal affairs that should be handled by the hostess has fallen to Chang He, coupled with Yu Huaijin's tolerance for her, and Chang He himself vaguely regards himself as the master.As time went by, the people below naturally treated Chang He as half his master.

Besides, not long after she entered the mansion, Chang He had clearly shown his dislike and alienation towards her.

One is the future master of the Xiangfu, and the other is the concubine princess who is not valued and only stays in the Xiangfu for a year. Everyone knows which is more important.So it was expected that she would be treated slowly.

"Cheng Qi, give me an order. The people in Moyinge will be fined one month's silver if they don't serve you well. Chang He, as a steward, will be fined for three months if he is not good at handling affairs."

After speaking, he got up and prepared to leave.

When passing by Chang He, he said one more sentence, "From now on, just do your part well, don't make me say it a third time."

As soon as the words fell, Chang He's face instantly turned pale. She knew that the young master was serious this time, and it could be said to be a reminder before, but now, it is a blatant warning.

If there are any omissions in her actions in the future, the young master will not reprimand her calmly like this.

When Yu Huaijin's figure disappeared at the door, Chang He collapsed on the ground in an instant, as if he couldn't accept what happened just now.

Gu Qian'er watched the whole process silently by the side, and now seeing Chang He's sad and shocked appearance lying on the ground, she couldn't stay here any longer.

With a light cough, he signaled Xiaoxi to leave quickly.

In the end, it was good that he didn't make a sound, but when he made a sound, Chang He's eyes fell on Gu Qian'er not far away.

Facing Shang Changhe's complicated gaze, Gu Qian'er didn't respond, and quickly left with Xiaoxi.

It's not that she asked Yu Huaijin Xingshi to question her, so what does it mean to look at her like that.

Chang He looked at the back of Gu Qian'er leaving, and in a blink of an eye, he thought of what Aunt Yunxiu, who was next to the Queen Mother, had said to her.

That's right, she said why she became like this, it was all because of Gu Qian'er!
Aunt Yunxiu is right, this person is indeed a disaster, and anyone who gets close to her will be in trouble! ! !
Back at Moyin Pavilion, Gu Qian'er found that Xiaoxi beside her was sleepy, and she was a little puzzled: "What's wrong? She doesn't look energetic."

Didn't sleep well last night?It shouldn't be, but such a big commotion last night didn't wake people up.

"Princess," Xiaoxi knelt down in front of Gu Qian'er with guilt, "in the future, let the servants keep watch outside, because the servants neglected their duties last night."

After speaking, he lowered his head.

She is not stupid, as can be heard from what the prime minister said just now.

Last night a thief broke into the prime minister's mansion, and even came to their Moyin Pavilion, Cheng Qi even brought people in to search, but the princess opened the door.

With such a big battle, she didn't wake up in a daze.

Fortunately, that thief didn't do anything else. If that person was really daring and had other thoughts after entering Moyin Pavilion, she didn't feel anything...

Xiaoxi dared not continue to imagine what happened after that.

Xiaoxi's mind is simple, and she has always shown emotions of joy and anger, so Gu Qian'er can tell what's going on in her mind at a glance.

Seeing that she was terrified enough just by thinking about it, Gu Qian'er quickly poked her on the forehead, interrupting the other party's groundless thoughts, "Okay, don't scare yourself, am I fine?"

Xiao Xi didn't really believe Gu Qian'er's words.

Her princess is gentle and kind, and she is a wonderful person, so I must say this to comfort her.

"Princess, did you hear something strange last night that caused you to be quarreled? You must have been very scared, right?" You should have called the servant, so that the servant can protect you."


Gu Qian'er didn't understand how she came to this conclusion, but seeing that she was about to cry, she chose to explain.

"No, I didn't hear anything, I was just thirsty, so I planned to get up and drink a glass of water, but Cheng Qi and the others just happened to chase people to Moyin Pavilion."

It's okay if you don't explain it, but with this explanation, Xiaoxi was even more sad, she flattened her mouth, and burst into tears immediately.



Seeing the person who couldn't stop crying, Gu Qian'er gave up.

Forget it, wait for her to cry.

 Xiaoxi: How can I sleep? !

(End of this chapter)

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