The argument behind Chapter 29

Chang He felt that he had been wronged, so naturally he would not take it lightly like this.

First, people called the servants in Moyin Pavilion and scolded them. If it wasn't for their neglect of duty, how could she be taught by the young master like this today!
After those people left, they locked themselves in the room and never came out.

In the evening, someone knocked on Chang He's door with a plate of food.

"Sister Changhe, you haven't eaten all day, I brought you some food, did I go in?"

Without hearing Chang He's refusal, the person outside the door opened the door with a tray and went in.

"Sister, come over and eat. I specially brought some of your favorite food over here. It won't taste good when it gets cold."

I was busy and sad before, but I didn't feel hungry. Now that someone brought in the food and smelled the tempting aroma, I suddenly felt hungry.

Chang He swallowed, did not refuse, got up and walked over.

After all, she had been hungry for a whole day, and Chang He was in a hurry to eat. The person standing by hurriedly went to the side and poured a cup of tea, and put it in her hand, "Sister, slow down, drink some water."

Chang He was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, swallowed the food in his mouth, drank some water, and then asked: "Xiao Han, I didn't go out today, is everything okay in the house?"

What could be wrong, before Changhe entered the mansion, Butler Wu had already clearly arranged which places in the mansion needed who, who was suitable for what position, and what position was responsible for what.

Everything in the mansion has regulations, and everyone just needs to follow the rules.

Not to mention ignoring the affairs of the mansion just for one day, even for ten and a half months, nothing will go wrong.

It's obviously picking up people's teeth, but it doesn't seem as if you are so important.

Xiao Han disliked it in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. She smiled and replied honestly, "No, everything is fine in the house, sister, don't worry."

"That's good..." Chang He forced a smile.

It was so strange, when she heard that everything was fine in the mansion, her first reaction was not a sigh of relief, but a little disappointment, as if there was no her in the mansion.

Xiao Han naturally saw the reluctance of the other party, just smiled and didn't speak.

After waiting for a while, Chang He still couldn't hold back, and asked tentatively, "Where is the young master? Did he say anything?"

"No, my lord is still handling official business in the study as usual." Xiao Han told the truth.

This woman doesn't really think that adults have her in his heart, right? The ridicule flashed in Xiao Han's eyes.

But when she saw Chang He's dim eyes, she gasped in her heart.

Did she really think so? !
Xiao Han simply didn't know whether he should be surprised or laugh.

What is this woman thinking?
Of those young ladies who came to the prime minister's mansion to talk about their marriage before, which one is comparable to Chang He? Only those people, my lord has not taken a fancy to any of them, let alone this one in front of me?

She can only be regarded as handsome, doesn't read much, and has a bad temperament. The only thing that can be said is that she grew up beside an adult's mother. Where did she come from who is confident that adults will take a fancy to her?
Wait, maybe it's because she grew up beside the adult's mother that she thought that she and the adult were childhood sweethearts...

Thinking of this, Xiao Han quickly stopped his guessing, and didn't plan to stay longer, for fear that if he stayed for a long time, he would become like Chang He, self-righteous and self-important.

"Sister Changhe, eat slowly, I'll go back first."

Without waiting for Chang He to respond, he stood up and left.

Chang He looked at the back of the person who was leaving in a hurry, and his steps were hurried, as if he was escaping from something.

Thinking about what happened to her today, she subconsciously squeezed the chopsticks tightly with her fingers, she definitely wouldn't just let it go...
One afternoon, when Xiaoxi came out of Gu Qian'er's room, she happened to hear several servants from Moyinge gathering together and chatting.

"It's really bad luck. If you say no to one month's wages, there will be no more."

"Isn't it? Not only did we lose our wages, but we were also scolded by that woman in Changhe. We lost all face!" The people on the side echoed.

"Thanks to me, I thought I got a good job before. Damn it, I didn't get the money, but my wages were paid instead. It's really unlucky."

The two people were complaining one after another, when suddenly, the other squatting next to them spoke.

"You guys, have you heard the rumors in the mansion?"

Hearing this, the two people who were still complaining were taken aback for a moment, looked at each other, and asked in unison: "What rumors?"

Two days ago, not only were they deducted their wages, but they were also called over by that little girl from Changhe and scolded them badly.

At that time, many pairs of eyes were watching. The two big men were scolded like grandchildren by a woman, and they couldn't even lift their heads. They had already become the jokes of those people after dinner.

These few days, those of them who are working in Moyinge, all want to go around those people, where did they hear any rumors?

Seeing that the two of them really didn't know, the man coughed lightly before telling what he knew:

"I also heard from others that this princess is very wicked, and whoever provokes her will be in bad luck!"

Seeing his serious expression, the two of them suddenly burst into laughter, laughing at him as a big man for being so superstitious and believing such unrealistic news.

Seeing that they didn't believe what he said, the man became anxious and told everything he knew.

"I'm not joking, it's true, the third prince of Xirong, and the queen mother, their accidents are all related to this princess, and the fact that the princess is unlucky, the national teacher personally nodded and admitted."

"Don't you guys know the skills of the national teacher? He has said so, how can this matter be false."

Hearing his firm tone, serious expression, and hearing that he moved out of the national teacher, the two were also a little shaken in their hearts.

He also thought that when he was working in other places, he had nothing to do, but when he came to Moyinge to work as an errand, he started to have bad luck, and he was fined and scolded.

"So, this princess is really evil..." One of them rubbed his chin and suddenly became a little worried, "If it's what you said, wouldn't we still have bad luck in the future?"

"Sure," the person beside him sighed, "Who asked us to work in Moyinge, if we are not unlucky, who will be unlucky?"

"Damn it!" the man couldn't help saying a foul word, "This kind of person should be sent away as soon as possible to get married, to harm Xi Rong, and why come to the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Hearing this, Xiaoxi couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed out, "What are you talking about here?! The master is also something you can talk about casually? Be careful, I will tell the prime minister, let him beat you [-] boards hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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