Chapter 30 Blatant Disobedience

Talking about the master behind his back is disrespectful, not to mention being caught, the three of them suddenly became nervous.

However, when he saw that Xiaoxi was alone, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The man standing in the middle calmed down first, and said: "Girl, don't spitting blood, we are just chatting during the break, we are talking about the master, and we have to talk about evidence."

He was the one who told the princess to hurry to Xirong to marry her.

Originally, things were not going well in the past two days, so I held back my anger, but now a servant girl beside the princess dared to speak in front of them, and the accumulated anger suddenly burst out, and she spoke very rudely.

"I heard it with my own ears, but you still want to argue!" Seeing the other party's disapproving attitude, Xiaoxi was furious.

"Miss, you heard it wrong. If you don't believe me, ask them." The man pointed to the two people beside him.

The other two immediately echoed, "Yes, yes, the girl heard it wrong, we are just chatting, where do we have the courage to talk about the master behind his back?"

With their response, the man suddenly became more confident, looking at Xiao Xi with complacency, "How about it?"

Three men in one scene, Xiao Xi blushed with anger at being such an upright scoundrel, pointed at them and warned viciously, "Wait!"

After saying that, he turned and left.

After returning to the room and seeing Gu Qian'er, Xiaoxi told the story directly.

But halfway through the talk, she regretted it. Speaking of this kind of thing can only make the princess sad, she shouldn't be so impulsive.

But at this time, Xiaoxi didn't want to say anything.

"And then? Keep talking." Gu Qian'er said.

When the princess spoke, Xiaoxi didn't dare to hide it, so she bit the bullet and told the rest.

After finishing speaking, she immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty, "Princess, this servant is reckless. Such a trivial matter should not be said to annoy the princess."

She should report this matter to the prime minister directly, and let the prime minister punish them severely again!
"I don't blame you. Besides, this matter is related to me. It's not reckless to tell me. Don't blame yourself."

Gu Qian'er's voice was calm, without any sign of anger.

"And now that we know it, we should take precautions against what happens in the future, so that we don't rush to deal with it when it comes to an end."

Xiao Xi was still furious, "Princess, let the servants report this matter to the prime minister."

"No need," Gu Qian'er shook her head, "The prime minister was only angry about my matter two days ago, and now he's bothering him with the same matter, it's not good."

"The scientific examination is imminent, and the prime minister is also busy with affairs. Let's forget it this time. If they still don't know how to restrain themselves in the future, let's talk about it later."

"The princess is too kind." Although Xiaoxi was a little reluctant, she still listened to Gu Qian'er's words and said nothing more.

Are you kind?She doesn't have such a thing, Gu Qian'er thought so.

The main reason why Xiaoxi was not allowed to tell Yu Huaijin about this matter was that it was not yet time, because she was not sure who was instigating them behind this.

From Xiaoxi's words, she could already confirm that the news that she was ominous was deliberately spread by someone. First, it could scare her, second, it could test her bottom line, and see how far she could endure it. It will cause doubts in the hearts of those who serve her below.

Once their hearts are shaken, there will be more loopholes for Moyin Pavilion to exploit.

But now the matter has just begun, if the matter is revealed at this time, even if Yu Huaijin wants to punish, he can only punish those people who gossip behind their backs, it won't be of much use, without them, there will be others in the future.

It's better to just let it go and see what other tricks they have, or let the other party think that she is weak and bully, so lower their vigilance.

When things get serious, they will break out all at once, and the person behind the scenes will be found out, once and for all.

She doesn't have time to play house with this kind of little guy now, it's better to settle it soon...
The three men who met Xiaoxi were also very scared when they thought about it afterwards.

After all, the other party is the princess's personal maid, they are so rude, if the princess blames them, I'm afraid their lives will be in danger.

After a few days of fear and fear, I found that nothing happened. It was the same as usual, as if that thing had never happened.

The man who choked with Xiaoxi that day became more courageous.

Seeing that the princess didn't mean to blame and hold her accountable, she became more courageous and told others what she heard that day.

It was passed around like this, and everyone in the courtyard knew that this princess was unlucky, unknown, very evil, and whoever got close would be unlucky.

Originally they were just talking in private, but after seeing Gu Qian'er, even if she heard what they said, she pretended she didn't hear it, and never opened her mouth to take care of it, and those people gradually became more courageous.

At first it was just gossiping and complaining, but later it turned into dereliction of duty and perfunctory work, and then simply stopped doing it, even if it was done, it was so-so and reluctant and perfunctory.

They were lazy, and a lot of things fell to Xiaoxi, but Xiaoxi was only one person, and there were always things that he couldn't take care of, so Gu Qian'er inevitably had to do it herself.

Seeing the princess like this, Xiaoxi secretly shed tears in pain, her eyes were as red as a rabbit's every day.

Gu Qian'er looked at her pitiful appearance, sighed, and waved to people, "Xiaoxi, come here."

Hearing this, Xiaoxi put down the things in her hands, and walked over obediently...

Early the next morning, just after dawn, Xiao Xi walked into the maids' rooms with a large bucket of water.

Seeing them sleeping so comfortably one by one, Xiao Xi became so angry that she scooped up cold water from the bucket and poured it on their heads!


The first one woke up, Xiaoxi didn't stop, and didn't let anyone go, splashing from the side near the door to the last one.

When the water in the bucket was scooped up, the six people on the bed were also drowned.

The person closest to the door saw Xiao Xi doing this, and complained, "Are you crazy?!"

However, Xiaoxi ignored it and went out directly with the bucket in hand.

The quilt was already soaked, and water was dripping from my body. It was impossible to sleep any more. The few people had no choice but to get up.

Just as they were cursing and getting up to change their clothes, the voices of shouting came one after another from the rooms of the guards opposite.

The girls looked at each other in blank dismay, put on their coats and went out.

When they walked to the middle of the yard, they found that the guards were all just like them, with water still dripping from their hair.

Everyone was in a panic, looking at Xiao Xi who was still holding a bucket and ladle in the yard, his eyes were filled with shock and anger.

"What do you want to do?! Are you crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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