Chapter 4 The Dust Settles
Gu Qian'er returned to her residence with the imperial decree, and saw Li Min, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was already waiting there.

"Slave, see the princess."

"Eunuch, please come up," Gu Qian'er looked at the person in front of her with a smile on her face, "I don't know why Eunuch is here today?"

Li Min didn't answer her right away, but bent sideways and invited people into the room, "Princess, please invite me inside first."

Seeing this, Gu Qian'er didn't ask any more questions, and followed people into the house. After entering, she found that the old and simple house had become completely new, and all the tables and chairs were replaced with new ones. The walls are freshly painted.

Li Min followed at the side and said at the right time: "Princess, this is what the empress dowager meant. Originally, according to the rules, you should live in a separate palace, but the empress dowager said that it would be inconvenient to move back and forth as the wedding day is approaching, so I called you You live in Shoukang Palace and are taken care of by the Empress Dowager herself. So the servant ordered someone to clean your place again, and I hope the princess will be satisfied."

Gu Qian'er withdrew her gaze, looked at the people on the side, and nodded slightly, "I am very satisfied, thank you Queen Mother for your kindness, I will definitely go to thank you in person later, and thank Eunuch Li for taking care of it."

Hearing what Gu Qian'er said, Li Min breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and waved his hands to the back, and saw the two little maids standing at the bottom coming forward, "Your servant sees the princess."

"Princess, these two are quite smart among this group of maids. They will stay by your side and serve you. You will use them. If there is anything wrong with them in the future, you can find your servants. The servants will teach them personally."

Gu Qian'er glanced at the two maids, but did not speak. Instead, Li Min turned his head away after talking to Gu Qianer, and began to lecture the two little maids, "Follow the princess, You must serve with all your heart, understand! If you let me know that you are lazy and slippery, then I will not be as good as you!"

"Yes, the servant understands."

Seeing that they were honest, Li Min was very satisfied, so she turned around, looked at Gu Qian'er and said, "Princess, if there is nothing else, then the servant will leave first."

"Okay, Eunuch, go slowly."

Gu Qian'er sent people away with a smile, then looked at the two little maids standing there, turned around and sat down on the stool beside her, and then said, "What's your name?"

The one on the left stepped forward first and said, "My servant, Xiaomei." The other followed closely, "My servant, Xiaoxi."

Gu Qian'er looked at the two people in front of her, and said seriously: "You also know that my status in this palace is embarrassing, so following me, I will inevitably suffer some grievances, but don't worry, I will go to the palace in three months. We're married, if you don't want to follow when the time comes, I can speak up and keep you in the palace, and you don't have to go to that wild land with me."

When the two of them heard this, smiles immediately appeared on their faces, and the faint dissatisfaction on their faces disappeared at this moment. Compared with going to Xirong together, it seems that it is not a big deal to be wronged in the next three months.

Gu Qian'er took a panoramic view of the expressions on their faces, didn't say anything more, and waved them to go down.

After dinner, Gu Ruo'er took people to Gu Qian'er's residence. She wanted to see what was written in the edict with her own eyes, otherwise she would definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

As soon as she entered the door, Gu Ruoer took a look at the furnishings in the room, pouted her lips, her eyes were full of disgust, such a small room, it is difficult to turn around in it, is it still inhabited?The room where she bathes is several times bigger than this one!
Gu Qian'er originally planned to take a rest, but when she heard the noise from outside, she had to put on her coat and go out. As soon as she went out, she met the gaze of Gu Ruo'er who was already sitting in the main seat, so she had to take a few steps forward Say hello, "Meet the princess."

"Hmm." Gu Ruo'er looked him up and down, as if he was the owner of the house, with a haughty expression, "Where's your marriage edict? Show me it."

Gu Qian'er quickly realized that this was why Gu Ruo'er came late at night, and immediately asked someone to take out the imperial decree.

Gu Ruo'er took the imperial decree from Qingyu's hand, read it carefully from beginning to end, and confirmed that it was correct, then nodded, handed the imperial decree back to Gu Qian'er, and at the same time told Qingyu next to her: "Call them in."

Soon, four eunuchs came in at the door, each holding a box in their hands, Gu Qian'er looked at this posture, and looked at Gu Ruo'er who was sitting beside her with obvious puzzlement.

Gu Ruo'er looked at her with disdain, but she didn't show it on her face, she just gave Qing Yu a look.

Qing Yu understood, walked over, and opened those boxes one by one, "This is all our princess's wish, you just keep it." Each of the four boxes is filled to the brim, and each of them is of value. Liancheng shows how favored Gu Ruoer is in the palace.

Gu Qian'er looked at her big hand, and there was a little shock in her eyes. It seems that the kiss really made her panic...

Gu Ruo'er was always paying attention to people, so she naturally didn't miss the shock shown by Gu Qian'er, she sneered in her heart, as expected, she had been in the cold palace for a long time, she could be so shocked by ordinary things, but she didn't show it on her face , walked to Gu Qianer's side with a considerate look, "It's not something expensive, just accept it."

Gu Qian'er naturally accepted it, who would push away the free money, thank you according to the rules, "Thank you princess."

Seeing her being so knowledgeable about current affairs, Gu Ruo'er was in a good mood. Before leaving, she patted her on the shoulder and promised, "Don't worry, I'm your sister anyway, and I'll add something to your dowry too." of."

After the people left, Gu Qian'er didn't even look at the boxes, but quietly ordered people to put the things away, then turned around and went back to the room to rest.

After Gu Qian'er moved into Shoukang Palace, her life was peaceful. Since Gu Ruo'er came here that night, she never came again. It's difficult, so in general, Gu Qian'er's life is not bad.

A few days later, Ying Fugui, the chief eunuch next to the emperor, paid a surprise visit.

"The servant has seen the princess."

Gu Qian'er looked at the person who came, "Eunuch Ying, what's the matter?"

"Tomorrow, His Majesty will have a banquet for the Xirong envoys in the Imperial Garden, and I specially asked the servants to come and tell the princess, please attend on time tomorrow."

"Thank you, father-in-law, please report back to Your Majesty, I will go there on time." Gu Qian'er nodded, and agreed very happily.

The words had already been brought, Ying Fugui didn't stay any longer, said his resignation and left.

(End of this chapter)

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