I was coddled after teasing the insane and cold power

Chapter 5 How to Wear Clothes for a Party

Chapter 5 How to Wear Clothes for a Party

Ruoyi Hall.

As soon as Qingyu walked in, she saw that Gu Ruo'er had already put on a whole set of Diancui headdress. The makeup on her face was exquisite, making her already delicate face even more glamorous. It is also extremely luxurious.

Seeing that Gu Ruo'er was about to put on her clothes, Qing Yu hurried forward to stop her, "Wait a minute, princess!"

Gu Ruoer's movements were interrupted by this sound, but seeing that the person who spoke was her personal maid, she was not angry, but her face was still a little displeased, "Qingyu, what are you doing?"

However, Qing Yu did not respond to Gu Ruo'er. Instead, she looked at the maid next to her, frowned, and asked sharply, "Didn't I say that I choose the clothes for the princess, who made you decide for yourself?"

"Sister Qingyu, forgive me, this dress was brought out by the servant, and the princess also likes it, so the servant dared to change it for the princess." It was the little maid who was holding the clothes just now who spoke.

Hearing this, Qingyu frowned, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Gu Ruoer directly, with obvious anger in her tone, "Qingyu! Who gave you the courage to refuse in front of this palace?" If you don’t answer, and still play awe-inspiring in front of Bengong, you will die if you think of Bengong!”

Seeing that the princess was angry, all the maids in the room knelt down in unison, all lowered their heads, not daring to vent their breath.

However, Gu Ruo'er's appearance did not frighten Qingyu, she still said calmly, "Princess calm down, there is a reason for this servant to do this, please allow me to tell you, if the princess is still angry at that time, my servant Go down and receive the punishment yourself."

Originally, Gu Ruo'er wanted to send him off directly, but seeing how confident she was, she was not in a hurry, "Okay, tell me." If her words didn't satisfy her then, she would throw him into the pond Go feed the fish!

After getting Gu Ruo'er's nod, Qing Yu first asked the other people in the room to go out, leaving only the maid who spoke to her just now, and the others obediently left without saying anything when they saw the princess nodded.

After everyone went out, Gu Ruo'er said with great interest, "Tell me what your so-called reason is." When she said this, although Gu Ruo'er had a smile on her face, the smile was not Can't reach the bottom of the eye.

"Princess, today His Majesty is hosting a banquet for the envoys of Xirong. You should not dress up too grandly. According to my servants, it is better for you to wear plain colors."

As soon as Qing Yu said this, Gu Ruo'er put away the smile on her face. Since she was a child, whenever she attended a banquet, she must be dressed up, and every time she was a gorgeous existence, even her mother's mother They didn't say anything, but now, this Qingyu is just a little maid, how dare she say such things to her!
Just as Gu Ruoer was about to open her mouth to send someone down, she heard the maid beside her say, "Sister Qingyu, what you said is wrong, the princess has a noble status, why can't she wear this dress, and besides, it's a banquet for foreigners this time. If the princess doesn't dress more solemnly, if the other party thinks that we don't pay attention to them, or people think that we don't pay attention to the envoys they sent, causing misunderstanding between the two countries, wouldn't it be our princess' sin at that time ?”

The hat was buttoned up too much, Gu Ruo'er's face was ready for a storm after hearing this, and it seemed that she would never let this matter go lightly.The maid who had just opened her mouth caught a glimpse of Gu Ruoer's face, and was very happy in her heart. Qing Yu would definitely be punished today, and she, if nothing else happened, would be the princess's personal maid.

However, Qingyu was not swayed by these accusations, but put forward her own reasons, "This banquet, His Majesty, was proposed by the envoys of Xirong. What do you look like, princess, you were also chosen as a marriage partner before, if you are dressed too outstandingly this time, and the people from Xirong notice it, in case they go back on their word and come to ask you to marry me again, what should I do? What if they Once you open this mouth, then when the time comes, no matter who comes, they will be powerless!"

After a few words, Gu Ruo'er completely changed her opinion. Yes, if it is true as what Qing Yu said, then the married person... Thinking of this, I can't help feeling afraid, and the way I look at the clothes has also changed. Hurry up. He opened the mouth and said, "Hurry up and help Ben Gong take off this set of hairpins on his head, and change into a more common one."

"Yes," Qing Yu glanced at the huddled man kneeling on the ground, and said while unloading Gu Ruoer's jewelry, "Princess, this incident is actually the fault of the servant, who is willing to punish herself for three months. silver."

Gu Ruo'er was a little puzzled, "How do you say that?"

"Before this servant just went out, I specially ordered that you attend the banquet today, princess, and the clothes should not be too colorful. Unexpectedly, she didn't listen to the servant's words, and chose such an expensive set, which almost caused a catastrophe. It was under the discipline of this servant." People are not kind and make the princess tired." At this time, the person kneeling on the ground had already started to tremble, his head was extremely low, and he didn't dare to lift it up at all, but Qingyu didn't stop, while holding a comb to refresh Gu Ruo'er. Combing her hair in a bun, she said unintentionally, "However, I can understand that this person has a close relationship with the princess who was your maid before you. I'm afraid he has heard a lot about the benefits of serving the princess, so he also wants to come by your side." Serving, but the servants took her place."

"Really?" Gu Ruo'er frowned, looking at the palace maid kneeling there, her body shaking unbearably, she knew that what Qing Yu said was probably true, she was furious immediately, the people around her, she really wouldn't It's a bad treatment, but this lowly maid, just for this little benefit, for the trivial dissatisfaction in her heart, dared to take the lead in such a matter, and almost harmed her, it is simply unforgivable!What's more, Qingyu was personally selected by her, so if she refuses to accept Qingyu, isn't it because she is dissatisfied with her arrangement?If he is not severely punished, there will be no rules in Ruoyi Palace in the future, and he must be severely punished!
"Come here!" Gu Ruo'er raised her voice and called the people from outside, pointing at the person kneeling there, she said, "Pull this bitch out to me, and I'll kill you!"

Soon, the little maid's struggle and begging for mercy disappeared outside the door. Gu Ruo'er then turned her head, looked at the person and said sincerely: "Qingyu, it's lucky to have you, otherwise I..."

Before Gu Ruo'er could finish speaking, Qing Yu said comfortingly, "Princess, don't worry about it. This servant has said before that she will be loyal to the princess for the rest of her life."

With this sentence, Gu Ruo'er felt relieved, and with what happened just now, Gu Ruo'er had already regarded people as her confidants, and promised, "Don't worry, from now on, this Ruoyi Hall will Apart from this palace, you are the biggest, if others dare to complain, this palace will definitely punish you severely!"

"Thank you, princess, servant girl."

(End of this chapter)

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