Chapter 6

Two hours before the banquet started, Yun Xiu, who was beside the queen mother, took a whole set of luxurious clothes and jewelry to Gu Qian'er's residence. After watching the clothes and jewelry being put on with her own eyes, Yun Xiu led them away.

Wearing this dress, Gu Qian'er walked up to the two little maids and asked, "Does it look good?"

"It's beautiful, it's beautiful! The princess is even more beautiful than the fairies in the sky!" The two maids nodded hurriedly, and praised each other one after another.

Gu Qianer interrupted, "Okay, you guys go down and come in when the banquet is about to start." After they went out, Gu Qianer went to the mirror again, looked at it carefully for a while, and suddenly chuckled, "It's really pretty, so, how can a mere Xirong deserve me to have a kiss?"

The banquet was about to begin, and the queen mother did not let Gu Qian'er go alone, but let her go with her.Although the banquet was held in the imperial garden, there were quite a few people attending. The emperor brought his favorite concubine Yun, the third princess Gu Ruoer, the regent Gu Beiye, and the current prime minister Yu Huaijin, and the queen mother brought Gu Qianer over. By the time everyone else had arrived.

As soon as Gu Qian'er took her seat, she saw a person coming out of the Xirong envoy team, and that person went directly to Gu Fengxuan and saluted, "Qiu Lu, the third prince of Xirong, has met His Majesty the Emperor."

"Third Prince, you don't need to be polite, please get up." Gu Fengxuan waved his hand to make people get up.

After Qiu Lu toasted Gu Fengxuan with a glass of wine, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he turned to where Gu Ruoer and Gu Qianer were, and unceremoniously sized them up from top to bottom with his eyes. Looking up, the man's eyes flashed with astonishment. He remembered the portrait he saw that day, stood in front of Gu Qian'er, and said, "This is the princess who is going to marry us Xirong, she is really beautiful." Picking up the wine glass in his hand, "This king is the third prince of Xirong, princess, I offer you a toast." After finishing speaking, he drank the wine in his hand, and then stared straight at the person in front of him, with a big smile on his face. I won't leave if you don't drink.

Gu Ruo'er at the side breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the other party was not talking to her, but when she raised her head, she saw the appearance of the third prince clearly, and almost vomited out in disgust.

I saw that the third prince was short, fat and dark, and the dark purple python robe on his body was stretched tightly by the fat on his body, as if the clothes were about to crack when he bent down. His face was as big as a basin, but his facial features didn't seem to be there. The location is average, the eyes, nose and mouth are all crowded together, and the mouth is too big. When you grin, you reveal the jagged teeth inside, as if you want to eat people. The eyes are full of red bloodshot eyes. Knowing that he is a person who is obsessed with sensuality, the eyes he looks at Gu Qian'er are sticky and disgusting.

At the beginning, the dissatisfaction with seeing Gu Qian'er dressed up better than her disappeared at this moment, and he even rejoiced in his heart that thanks to her gorgeous dress, this attracted the third prince's full attention.

Gu Qian'er looked up in the direction of the emperor and the queen mother, and found that they didn't say anything, with an acquiescing attitude, then slowly stood up holding the wine glass, looked at the fat and greasy man in front of her, and said: "Thank you Third Prince." Then he drank the wine in the glass, sat back without waiting for the other party to react, and did not give the person in front of him any more glances.

Qiu Lu held the wine glass in his hand, and his fat body stood in front of Gu Qian'er like this, looking a little funny and awkward, but the queen mother next to him saw Gu Qian'er's rude behavior, just about to say something, when she heard Qiu Lu suddenly laughed loudly, looked at the people and exclaimed: "Good! As expected of Princess Jiang Chao, I admire you!" After finishing speaking, he raised his head and drank all the wine in his hand, then turned and returned to his seat.

It just so happened that the song and dance prepared at this time came up, and the queen mother also suppressed her displeasure, and planned to talk about it after the banquet.

As for Qiu Lu, his eyes were on Gu Qian'er during the whole banquet. He has seen many beauties since he was a child, but none of them can compare to the Jiang Chao princess in front of him, which makes people admire Wang Wang, with bright eyes and bright teeth, skin like creamy fat, and sparkling eyes, even such a complicated palace attire can hardly conceal her slender figure, such a beauty should go to their Xirong!When he arrives in Xirong, he must have a taste of this beauty... Thinking of this, Qiu Lu's eyes towards Gu Qian'er became more explicit and obscene.

Naturally, Gu Qian'er couldn't feel such a straightforward and disgusting gaze, she sneered in her heart, it seems that Xirong is really on the verge of dying, what kind of crooked melons are born, it really makes their Xirong faces It was all lost, but she didn't show the slightest bit on her face, she still looked calm.

After the banquet was over, the two parties reached an agreement on the marriage, and the matter was finally settled properly. It wasn't long before Gu Fengxuan was relieved that something happened again.

It turned out that ever since the third prince returned to the post house after attending the banquet in the imperial garden, he had a lot of bad luck. First, he slept until midnight, and the bed suddenly collapsed; later, when he was taking a bath, he suddenly convulsed and almost drowned in the bathtub; Then in the middle of the night, the candle on the table suddenly fell to the ground, ignited the curtain next to it, and was almost burned to death; the last time was when I accidentally fell from the top when I went downstairs, not only breaking my leg, but also my head. He also knocked directly to the corner of the table, and the blood flowed suddenly, and the person is still in a coma.

Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, but it is difficult for people to think of these accidents as a coincidence. The third prince is the most beloved youngest son of King Xirong. Wake up, so several people gathered together and went directly to the palace to find the emperor of Jiang Chao. The person was injured in Jiang Chao, so naturally Jiang Chaolai should be responsible.

Gu Fengxuan was very helpless about this, but he couldn't ignore it. After finally sending the envoys who came to ask for an explanation, they went to Concubine Yun's Guanju Palace.

Concubine Yun was also very sensible when she saw this. She didn't come up and asked Gu Fengxuan what happened. Instead, she gave him a massage to relieve fatigue. When I saw you coming in, I seemed to have something on my mind, if Your Majesty is willing, why not talk to my concubine?"

What Gu Fengxuan likes most is Concubine Yun's thoughtfulness, so he told her about today's envoy from Xirong.

After listening to the whole story, Concubine Yun was silent for a moment before she opened her mouth and said: "Your Majesty, I think, if what happened to the third prince is indeed not man-made, then Your Majesty might as well ask the National Teacher to have a look, maybe the National Teacher can help you." Is there a way to break it?"

After hearing this, Gu Fengxuan suddenly became enlightened, "That's right! Why didn't I think of it?" He got up while saying, "Come here, go and invite the national teacher to meet you in the imperial study!"

Seeing that Gu Fengxuan was about to leave shortly after his arrival, Concubine Yun showed no sign of displeasure on her face, and she still served gently and patiently, "The concubine sends your majesty respectfully."

Gu Fengxuan took a few steps outside, then turned back to help him up, with a rare tenderness on his face, "I will come to accompany you to have dinner tonight," and then looked at the maid next to Concubine Yun, "Your Majesty's medicine Remember to stay up." After giving these instructions, he really got up and left.

Seeing Gu Fengxuan's Luanjia leave, Concubine Yun turned back and said softly, "Help me go in and sleep for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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