Early the next morning, just after Gu Qian'er had breakfast, Wu Tian brought the newly selected servants to Moyin Pavilion.

"Princess, these are newly selected people by the slaves. I hope the princess will not dislike their clumsiness." Wu Tian stood aside with a very submissive attitude.

"No, thank you butler for taking care of it, and you have worked hard."

Hearing what Gu Qianer said, Wu Tian was flattered immediately, "Princess is serious, this is what a slave should do."

After speaking, he remembered what the prime minister said before he went to court this morning, and then said: "Princess, the prime minister said that starting from today, you can go to the study to study."

"Okay," Gu Qianer asked, "Then when will it start?"

"Returning to the princess, because the prime minister has to go to court, it's not easy to fix the time, but the princess doesn't have to worry, the servants will come over in the future."

Wu Tian made very thorough arrangements and did not make Gu Qian'er worry at all.

"I will trouble Butler Wu from that day on."

"No trouble, no trouble. It is my honor to be able to do things for the princess. If the princess has nothing else to do, then the slave will leave first."

"Okay." Gu Qian'er didn't keep anyone else, nodded and let Wu Tian leave.

This Wu Tian, ​​when facing her, was very submissive and humble from the beginning to the end, without any disrespect because she looked easy to talk to.

Gu Qian'er was very satisfied with the other party's attitude. It seemed that in the future, she would no longer have to worry about the trivial matters among the servants below.

"Princess, how do you arrange these people?" Xiao Xi asked after Wu Tian left.

Gu Qian'er turned her head when she heard the words, met Xiaoxi's clear eyes, and sighed helplessly in her heart, it's too early to say, this person in front of her still needs her to worry about.

"Go and call Xiaomei over." Gu Qian'er said.


Although she didn't understand why the princess asked her to come over, Xiaoxi complied, turned around and went out to find someone.

When they came back again, Gu Qian'er found that Xiaomei was not the only one who came in, and Xu Di also followed.

Gu Qian'er was not surprised by Xu Di's arrival.

On the other hand, Xiaoxi, because Xu Di had to follow her, felt that she hadn't done the errand assigned by the princess well, so she looked a little unhappy.

"The servant has seen the princess."

Seeing so many people around, Xiaomei and Xu Di were not as presumptuous as before, and greeted Gu Qianer politely.

Gu Qian'er glanced at them and asked them to get up quietly.

Immediately afterwards, without giving them a chance to speak, she said directly in front of everyone, "Xiaomei, accompany me to the study later."

"Xiao Xi, you stay here today and arrange for these new servants. From now on, these people will also be under your care."

After listening to Gu Qian'er's words, Xiaoxi was shocked. She never expected that the princess would entrust her with this task, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Because she has no experience in doing this kind of thing at all, if she doesn't do it well, or if she can't restrain the people below, won't she embarrass the princess?
But if I refuse now, I am afraid that I will disappoint the princess' expectations again.

Just when Xiaoxi was struggling whether to agree or not, Xu Di who was on the side couldn't help it.

She walked quickly to Gu Qian'er, bowed slightly, and said in a hurried tone, "Princess, I have something to say."

Gu Qian'er naturally knew what she wanted to say, but pretended not to know, raised her hand to support her chin, and said leisurely, "Oh, what does aunt want to say?"

If Xu Di looked carefully, she could see the playfulness in Gu Qianer's eyes.

But at this moment, she only wanted to take the errand of Moyinge, the manager, onto herself, so she didn't notice Gu Qian'er's expression.

"Princess, forgive me for your boldness. I think it's inappropriate for you to entrust these servants to Xiaoxi."

"Oh? Why?" Gu Qianer's voice was calm, sounding the same as usual.

Seeing that she wasn't angry, Xu Di felt relieved that she still had a chance.

Realizing this, Xu Di raised her chin slightly, and spoke more confidently than before, "Princess, excuse me for speaking bluntly, discipline is easy and difficult, but it depends on the age of the person." and qualifications."

"How to convince the people below, obey the arrangements of the people above, how to allocate errands, how to see what kind of people are suitable for what and what they should do, all these require experience."

"But Miss Xiaoxi is still young and has never experienced anything. She hasn't learned how to discipline this servant. If she is allowed to accept such an important job rashly, I'm afraid the girl will not be able to handle it for a while. .”

"The servant girl knows that the princess values ​​Miss Xiaoxi, but there must be a process, right?"

Speaking of this, Xu Di's mind was clearly revealed, but Gu Qian'er didn't intend to go along with her, and asked, "Then according to Aunt Xu's wishes, what should I do?"

Seeing that she said such a big paragraph, Gu Qian'er still didn't understand what she meant, and she felt very disgusted in her heart.

It really is a bastard who grew up in the cold palace, and he can't even understand a word!

Xu Di could only be patient and pretend to be modest, "Princess, although this servant is stupid, she is older than Miss Xiaoxi, and she has worked for the Empress Dowager before, so she has some qualifications and experience in disciplining servants. "

"If the princess trusts the servant girl, the servant girl can take care of it for a period of time. After Miss Xiaoxi gets to know her well and understands, let her take charge of the affairs of the Moyin Pavilion."

Faced with Xu Di's straightforward words, Gu Qian'er didn't directly say yes or no, but said, "Isn't my aunt still in good health? Don't force yourself, it's more important to recover from illness."


Xu Di was taken aback for a moment, she didn't understand why Gu Qianer suddenly said such a sentence, she thought it was because she was unwilling to hand over the power of management to herself, so she deliberately changed the subject.

So he answered directly: "Princess, this servant is in good health and has no illness. I don't know why the princess made such a statement?"

"Isn't there?" Gu Qian'er frowned slightly, with a little displeasure in her tone, "Auntie, don't force yourself, if you are not in good health, you should take good care of it, and don't worry about these trivial things."

Hearing this, Xu Di became more and more sure of her guess just now.

It seems that the princess just made up a reason because she didn't want her to take care of things.

Xu Di is not a fool, so she could hear the faint displeasure in Gu Qian'er's words, but she was sent by the queen mother, even if the princess is unhappy, she can't do anything to herself.

So she didn't follow the princess's words, but emphasized once again that she was fine and not sick at all.

"Oh? Really?" Gu Qian'er was not angry when she heard her repeating this, but laughed outright.

Xu Di, who was originally confident, saw the sudden smile on Gu Qianer's face, her heart skipped a beat. For some reason, she suddenly panicked.

Hahahahaha, reading other people's novels and urging other people's novels to update, I am really happy, I suddenly forgot that I still have updates, so today there is only one chapter (put your hands together, sincerely apologize)

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