Fear? !

Faced with this helpless and powerless princess who was just released from the cold palace, did he actually feel a moment of fear?

After Xu Di realized it, she only found it ridiculous and ridiculous.

Standing behind her is the Empress Dowager, the most honorable woman in the world. Is there any need to be afraid of the princess in front of her?
Thinking of this, the trace of fear in my heart disappeared without a trace.

Xu Di regained her previous composure, as if quietly waiting for Gu Qianer to continue.

Of course, Gu Qian'er would not disappoint her, and asked directly:
"Since you are in good health, why did your aunt stay behind closed doors when something happened to Moyin Pavilion two days ago? Even three meals a day, Xiaomei brought them into your room for you."

Xu Di was astonished, and she did not expect that Gu Qian'er would directly bring this matter to the table, and asked it outright.

"Slave, slave, slave is..."

Xu Di blushed and hesitated for a long time without saying a complete sentence.

When the new servants saw Xu Di's appearance, they felt a little bit in their hearts.

No wonder the princess was unwilling to hand over the position of steward to her. It turned out to be because of this.

When those people made a mess before, she hid behind and left the mess to others to deal with.

Now that the matter has been dealt with and the trouble is gone, I want to jump out and cut other people's bullshit.

How can there be such a good thing in the world?
Xu Diha had never been treated like this before, and feeling the strange eyes cast by others at this moment, she was almost ashamed and angry.

At the same time, she also knew that after going through such a situation, she had no chance of being in charge.

Looking at the depressed Xu Di, Gu Qian'er didn't say anything more, but looked at the new servants, and said:

"I'm sure you've all heard about the previous incidents. You've all seen what will happen if you don't obey the rules here in this palace. You shouldn't need to remind me again."

"But you don't need to be too nervous," Gu Qian'er continued: "In the future, you only need to listen to Xiaoxi's arrangement, do your own thing well, recognize your master clearly, don't talk too much, don't worry too much, and you won't get into trouble for no reason."

"do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Everyone replied in unison.

People who can be selected by Wu Tian to serve Moyinge will not be too stupid.

The meaning of Gu Qian'er's words is obvious, plus what happened just now, everyone understands one thing, that is——

From now on in this courtyard, they only need to listen to the words of the princess and Miss Xiaoxi, who is appointed by the princess to be in charge.

They understood it, and Xu Di who was beside him could understand it too.

Surprised and angry in her heart, doesn't she know that she represents the Queen Mother? !

It's fine if the position of steward is not entrusted to her, but now he dares to embarrass her in public? !

It seems that it's time to give her some color, otherwise she will really go to heaven!
"Princess, this servant is not feeling well, so I will take my leave first." After Xu Di finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Gu Qian'er didn't care about this, but the others were different.

Xu Di's rude behavior surprised the new servants next to her.

Even if the other party used to be someone close to the queen mother, he couldn't be so presumptuous when facing the princess.

After seeing such a scene, everyone was more determined to stay away from Aunt Xu.

The other party has a backer anyway, but they don't, so let's work honestly and peacefully.

Otherwise, something will happen in the future, not to mention what will happen to the princess and the prime minister, butler Wu will be the first to spare them!

After Xu Di's back disappeared from everyone's sight, Gu Qian'er said, "Okay, let's go."

Then he looked at the people around him, "Xiaoxi, take them down and arrange some errands for them."

"Yes, the slaves obey the order."

Seeing Xiaoxi's tear-filled eyes excitedly, Gu Qian'er felt helpless, and called Si Qi from outside with a loud voice.

Si Qi heard the voice and quickly came in from the outside, "Princess."

"Well," Gu Qian'er nodded, and said bluntly: "Si Qi, today you will follow Xiao Xi and help her arrange things."

Although he said so, Gu Qian'er's real intention was to ask Si Qi to give Xiaoxi Town a place.

This girl is young and looks silly. This is the first time she faces so many people. If she is underestimated, she will be in trouble if she wants to gain power again in the future.

Si Qi was tall, unsmiling, calm and serious person on weekdays, with him standing beside him, those people would restrain themselves to some extent.

Xiaoxi didn't think much about it, but felt that the princess was too kind to her, sniffed, and promised earnestly: "Princess, don't worry, this servant will definitely live up to your expectations, and I will definitely manage Moyin Pavilion well, and I will never let the princess worry about it!"

Seeing how confident she is now, Gu Qian'er didn't say much, nodded and made people leave.

After Xiaoxi took Si Qi out, Gu Qianer glanced at Xiaomei who was still kneeling on the ground.

"Stop kneeling, get up."


Hearing Gu Qianer speak, Xiaomei dared to stand up from the ground.

It's just that she knelt for too long, even though there was a blanket on the ground, Xiaomei's knees still hurt from kneeling, and she even staggered when she got up, she couldn't stand firmly, and almost fell to the ground.

After finally stabilizing her figure, Xiaomei couldn't help but sneak a glance at Gu Qian'er who was sitting there.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, he bit his lower lip, feeling a little dissatisfied.

If Xiaoxi was the one who didn't stand firm at this moment, I'm afraid the princess would have expressed concern.

No, if it was Xiaoxi, the princess would never let her kneel on such a hard ground for so long.

"Okay, I don't need you here, you go and wait outside the door, and when I go to the study, you can follow along." Seeing Xiaomei standing there, Gu Qian'er said directly.

Although Xiaomei knew from the beginning that the princess let her follow today out of helplessness.

But hearing the princess's blunt words, Xiaomei was still a little embarrassed.

It's just that there was still nothing to see on the surface, and he responded respectfully, then turned and went outside the door.

Walking outside the door, she saw Si Jiu standing guard on one side without turning her eyes. She also wisely did not disturb, and stood silently on the other side.

Although she had chosen to stand on Xu Di's side long ago, it was undeniable that seeing the princess being so kind to Xiao Xi and considering her so much, she still couldn't help being a little jealous.

At this time, Xiaomei's eyes fell on a certain place in the air, and she couldn't help but think——

If she was the same as Xiaoxi back then, she stayed by the princess's side and never gave up.

So could it be her who got all of this today?

If this is the case, then she will be the person in charge today.

That would be great, but it's a pity...

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