I was coddled after teasing the insane and cold power

Chapter 53 The Prime Minister Calls Me Qianer

Chapter 53 The Prime Minister Calls Me Qianer

Not long after, Wu Tian came to Moyin Pavilion again, this time to invite Gu Qian'er to the study, and Yu Huaijin came back from court.

Gu Qian'er nodded and followed Wu Tian out.

Xiaomei, who was waiting at the door, saw the two people coming out, and just walked to Gu Qian'er's side, ready to reach out to help them.

As a result, she just stretched out her hand, and before she touched Gu Qian'er's sleeve, she had already moved forward.

Looking at the back of Gu Qian'er leaving, Xiaomei's eyes flashed with anger, she retracted her hands that were frozen in mid-air, and lowered her head to follow the pace of the person in front of her.

As he walked, he couldn't help but cast aside his thoughts just now.

She really lost her mind just now, and she would feel pity and regret because she was not promoted and favored by Gu Qian'er? !
I even envy Xiaoxi for getting these, what is there to envy? !

Then she raised her head quietly, glanced at Gu Qian'er's exquisite and beautiful profile, and groaned in her heart.

No matter how good-looking she is, it doesn't matter how much she is valued by the prime minister in the prime minister's mansion now. After this year is over, she can't just go to Xirong to get married honestly.

I heard that Xirong people are cruel and tyrannical, and love blood. Marrying such an unfavored princess is like a rabbit in a tiger's den. It is obvious what will happen.

There is also that Xiaoxi, who seems to have no brains, and only knows how to deal with things, and doesn't know how to detour at all.

With such a temperament, he will definitely not live long in Xirong!

But she is different, after Gu Qian'er goes to get married, she can go back to the palace again.

Although he may not be appreciated by any master in the future, he will be rich and powerful, but at least he stayed in the capital and stayed in the palace.

When you reach a certain age, you can still leave the palace, and then you can reunite with your parents, marry and have children, and die in peace.

After thinking about these things, Xiaomei finally regained her inner balance.
Gu Qian'er followed Wu Tian all the way to the study, and saw Cheng Qi waiting at the door of the study from a distance.

"Princess, the prime minister is already waiting for you inside." Cheng Qi said while turning sideways.

"Okay." Gu Qian'er nodded, then turned her head and told Xiaomei to wait outside, and went in by herself.

As soon as she stepped into the study, Gu Qian'er's eyes met Yu Huaijin's.

"Prime Minister."

Yu Huaijin sat there, did not get up, just nodded slightly, then pointed to the desk beside her, and said, "Princess, sit down first."

"Yes." Gu Qian'er obediently walked over and sat down.

After sitting down, Gu Qian'er could see clearly that all the things placed on the table were not ordinary products, they were carefully selected at first glance, and she was a little surprised in her heart.

Well, it seems that the prime minister really cares about her.

"Princess, if there is no problem, let's start." Yu Huaijin looked at the people sitting there, and said proactively.

Gu Qian'er, who was interrupted from her thoughts, was not annoyed, she just nodded, her tone was cute and soft, "Okay."

Seeing Gu Qian'er nodding, Yu Huaijin didn't say anything more, picked up the book and started lecturing.

Before starting, Yu Huaijin planned to teach slowly. After all, no one had ever taught the princess before. He was afraid that if he taught too much at once, it would be a small matter if he couldn't learn. Hurt the princess' self-esteem.

As a result, not long after teaching, Yu Huaijin was surprised to find that although the princess had never learned it, she was talented and quick to comprehend.

Even the moment he finished saying some things, the princess could understand the meaning, and even draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

This discovery made Yu Huaijin very happy, it was unexpected, but at the same time it was reasonable.

The Su family has a long history of education, and all of them are talented and talented. The princess is also a descendant of the Su family. It is no surprise that she is so smart.

Thinking of this, Yu Huaijin taught more seriously.

In the study room, one was teaching carefully, and the other was studying hard. No one noticed the passage of time.

Until the door of the study was knocked, Cheng Qi's voice came in from outside, "Princess, Prime Minister, lunch is ready, let's eat first."

Only then did Yu Huaijin realize that it was already noon?

Why didn't I pay attention to the time?
"Eh? Is it time to eat so soon?"

Yu Huaijin was secretly annoyed that she had delayed the princess' meal, when she heard Gu Qian'er say this.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Gu Qian'er's surprised look, with "This must have passed too fast" written all over her face.

Yu Huaijin's mind moved, but this time she couldn't hold it back, and just laughed out softly.

Yu Huaijin's demeanor is outstanding, when she usually doesn't smile, she looks majestic and dignified, but now she smiles like a spring breeze.

Gu Qian'er was stunned for a while, and after realizing it, she quickly lowered her eyes. With this appearance, it's no wonder that all the women in Beijing want to marry him.

"Princess, let's go to the dining room to eat." Yu Huaijin stood up first.

"it is good."

At the dinner table, Gu Qian'er called out first, "Prime Minister."

Seeing Yu Huaijin looking over, Gu Qian'er pursed her lips and said, "The prime minister is teaching me now, so he can be regarded as my teacher, so you don't have to always call me a princess."

"If the prime minister doesn't mind, you can call me Qian'er in the future."

"This is against the rules." Yu Huaijin frowned and retorted subconsciously.

But then he felt that his tone just now seemed too serious, so he opened his mouth to explain again.

This time, Yu Huaijin's tone was much gentler, "What I mean is that although I am teaching the princess now, my status is different after all. If I call the princess by her name directly, I'm afraid it's not good for outsiders to hear me."

Although Gu Qian'er was already mentally prepared for Yu Huaijin's rejection, but when she heard it with her own ears, she still felt a little frustrated and lost.

Gu Qian'er lowered her head uncontrollably, gently poked the rice in the bowl with her chopsticks, and said in a low voice, "Actually, if it wasn't for the marriage, no one would even remember my existence."

"Even now, they call me a princess, but I know that those people outside have never regarded me as a real princess. In their eyes, I am just a tool."

"Princess..." It turned out that she knew everything, but she didn't say it.

Seeing Gu Qian'er's lost appearance, Yu Huaijin rarely felt a little at a loss.

Having grown up so big, he has never coaxed anyone at all, but he didn't want to see Gu Qian'er continue to be so unhappy, so he had to say,
"If the princess doesn't feel offended, then I will call her by name in the future."


Gu Qian'er raised her head abruptly, and looked at Yu Huaijin with sparkling eyes, her surprise was beyond words, as if she never expected that the other party would finally agree.

Yu Huaijin nodded, "Really."

"Then, from now on, I will be called Teacher Prime Minister, okay?" Gu Qian'er's tone was full of excitement and joy.

Facing those shining eyes, how could Yu Huaijin say no?
I can only nod again, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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