Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 202 Nei Shiten's Allied Forces of Six Nations?Then kill it again!

Chapter 202 Inner Stern Six Nations Allied Forces?Then kill it again!
Just when the world of Naruto was pacified by the cavalry corps led by Ying Zheng, in the mythical world where the Azure Dragon and Suzaku Legion lived, the Allied Forces of the Six Nations led by Xiang Yu had completely assembled.

I saw Xiang Yu looked at the nobles of the six countries with a serious look in his eyes: "Everyone, the purpose of coming here is very simple."

"Today's Tyranny is likely to collapse at any time. What we need to do now is to restore our respective homelands while the violence collapses!"

There was a seriousness in Xiang Yu's eyes.

Faced with Xiang Yu's words, many nobles from the six countries around him nodded slightly: "That's natural!"

"The big guy's purpose is very simple, that is to restore the motherland!"

"At the same time, give Qin an unprecedented blow!"

At this moment, one after another, the former nobles of the six countries spoke viciously.

The life they live now and the life they lived before the Six Nations were not destroyed are simply the difference between the sky and the earth.

Although Yingzheng didn't kill them, according to the normal situation they should be grateful to Yingzheng, but at this moment they not only don't have any gratitude to Yingzheng, on the contrary they can't wait to destroy the Great Qin Empire that Yingzheng built To be completely destroyed, because only in this way can they restore their homeland again!

As long as their former homeland is successfully restored, they can still be the top nobles in the six countries, and at the same time they can enjoy that kind of extravagant life. The days they have in the Great Qin Empire can only be said to be better than ordinary people. It's better, but the days they're living now are downright wretched compared to the days they once had.

They can't accept it!

They hate Yingzheng, they hate the Great Qin Empire!
That's all, so they want to restore their former homeland!
Facing the resentment of the many nobles from the six countries, Xiang Yu also showed a stream of satisfaction: "Very good, since the big guys have the same thoughts as me, then let's act!"

"According to the news I have learned, an army from Xianyang City is about to pass by us. Their purpose is to bring this piece of land into the opponent's rule!"

"I don't think any of you can accept such a result."

There was a thoughtful smile on the corner of Xiang Yu's mouth.

Facing Xiang Yu's words, the eyes of the six nobles were full of resentment: "Kill!"

"If it's the Great Qin army, we might be a little worried, but the other party's army should be similar in nature to ours."

"What are you afraid of?"

"There's no need to take pictures at all!"

"We can completely hang each other up!"

At this moment, I saw a nobleman from the Qi Kingdom speak in such a disdainful manner.

If it is said that the once invincible Great Qin army came to attack them, I am afraid they would really be a little scared, because it was the Great Qin Empire that destroyed their country, so they felt a little bit of fear of the Great Qin Empire's army. .

But this army?

Sorry, they have nothing to fear!

Because who in the whole world doesn't know that this army is a rebel army?

They defeated Xianyang and imprisoned the Great Qin Emperor Yingzheng. Now the other party wants to completely control the territory of the Great Qin Empire again. Isn't this the same nature as them? ?
It's just that they don't know what the other party's origin is.

Facing the words of the Qi nobleman, the nobles of many other countries around him also nodded slightly: "That's right, the opponent is just the same as us, why can't we beat him?"

"Go ahead!"

"Let the opponent taste the mighty power of our six-nation coalition!"

At the same time, nobles one after another were clamoring.

Listening to the clamor of many nobles, Xiang Yu nodded slightly: "That's right, let's take action!"

"Let the other party taste the mighty power of our six-nation coalition!"

Xiang Yu also replied in the same way.


After a while, the mighty Six Nations Allied Forces launched an attack in the direction of the Qin army.

Just when the Allied Forces of the Six Nations were dispatched, there were two armies from the Great Qin Empire in their distance, and there was such an army advancing in this direction.

"See general, the army in front is the army of the six-nation coalition in this world. They are an army formed by the nobles of the original six countries."

I saw a spy reporting what he had discovered to the general in front of them.

Listening to the report of the spies at this moment, a general from the Qinglong Legion said in thought: "Army of the Six Nations Alliance Army?"

"I haven't heard these words for a long time."

"I didn't expect to meet the troops of the Six Nations Allied Forces in this world. It's interesting."

"It's so interesting."

In this regard, the general of the Qinglong Legion at this moment felt bursts of excitement.

His name is Nei Shiteng, and he was originally one of the generals belonging to the Great Qin Dynasty. Although he was not selected as one of the five marshals, he did not feel any discouragement.

After all, there are so many generals in the Great Qin Empire, but there are only five Marshal positions. When His Majesty released these five Marshal positions, he knew that he would definitely not be able to choose this Marshal position, but he could. It is certain that he must have the position of general.

Sure enough, the position of marshal is gone, but the general is still there.

His current identity is the general of the Azure Dragon Legion.

"Army attack!"

"Six Nations Allied Forces?"

"Hehe, in our world, these six countries can be completely wiped out. Now in this new world, it's just the coalition forces of the six countries."

"They couldn't beat us before they destroyed the country, not to mention that our strength has become so strong now, it's just a six-nation coalition!"

"Destroy them!"

Seeing a flash of killing intent in Nei Shiten's eyes, he ordered.

For this so-called Six Nations Allied Forces?

Sorry, he didn't pay attention to it at all.

"As ordered!"

Listening to Nestern's order, the officer under him replied respectfully.


At this point, the army led by Naishi Teng began to gallop in the direction of the Six Nations Allied Forces.

After a while, the army of the Allied Forces of the Six Nations led by Xiang Yu and the army of the Azure Dragon Army led by Great Qin Nei Shi Teng met on the battlefield.


(End of this chapter)

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