Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 203 Xiang Yu: Children of Jiangdong, kill with me!

Chapter 203 Xiang Yu: Children of Jiangdong, kill with me!


The mighty Azure Dragon Legion and the Allied Forces of the Six Nations met on the battlefield.

As the [-] troops led by Nestern appeared on the battlefield, the Allied Forces of the Six Nations led by Xiang Yu also appeared on the battlefield.

"Is this the army that tried to overthrow Daqin?"

"Why does it feel like it's a bit similar to Da Qin Jun's?"

There was a hint of doubt in Xiang Yu's eyes.

Facing Xiang Yu's doubts, a noble from the Six Nations beside him said calmly, "It's normal."

"He is obviously not a member of our Six Nations. Since he is not a member of our Six Nations, the other party should obviously be the existence of the Great Qin."

"Isn't it normal for the existence of Daqin, the armor on his body is somewhat similar to Daqin's?"

A nobleman from the state of Chu said to Xiang Yu just like that.

Regarding the words spoken by the nobleman of the Chu Kingdom, the noblemen of the six countries around him also nodded slightly: "It makes sense, the other party is not an existence in our Six Kingdoms at all, it should be a part of the Great Qin, although I don’t know why Daqin had a civil war, but it has nothing to do with us, we just need to defeat each other.”

The nobles one after another spoke in this way.

Listening to the words of the nobles of the six countries, Xiang Yu looked at the troops of the six countries behind them, and then at the army of the Qinglong Legion opposite them, a killing intent flashed in Xiang Yu's eyes.

"That's right!"

"It makes sense, no matter whether he is an existence in Daqin, anyway, they are our enemies now!"

At this moment, a killing intent flashed in Xiang Yu's eyes.

"Army attack!"

"Get rid of this damn thing completely!"

Xiang Yu waved his hand.

"As ordered."

After a while, the generals in the six-nation coalition expressed their understanding.

Soon, one order after another to launch an attack reached the ears of all the soldiers.

"Kill kill kill!"

In the blink of an eye, the mighty Allied Forces of the Six Nations directly attacked in the direction of the Azure Dragon Army.

Facing the attack of the Allied Forces of the Six Nations, Nesten of the Azure Dragon Army calmly waved his hand: "Get rid of them all!"

"Not a single one!"

For the Allied Forces of the Six Nations, Nesten looked down on him from the bottom of his heart.

The former six countries were completely eliminated by them, and now the six-nation coalition forces in this other world still want to solve them?

Isn't this a fool's dream?

If they can't beat this, Nestern will have to wonder if they have come to an extremely powerful world.

But obviously, this world does not belong to any powerful world, it is just an ordinary world.




Following Nei Shiten's order, the [-] Qinglong Legion directly attacked forward with their halberds in hand.


The mighty Qinglong Legion began to charge with firm steps.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

When the Qinglong Legion began to charge forward, the ground began to tremble.

Facing the trembling of the ground, the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Six Nations just looked at the Qinglong Legion in their field of vision with bewildered eyes.

Even Xiang Yu, the leader of the Six Nations Allied Forces, showed a sense of disbelief.

"This this this..."

"Is this the power they have created?"

In this regard, Xiang Yu looked at the Azure Dragon Army that was charging towards them with an incredible gaze.

The six nobles behind Xiang Yu just looked at each other.

"This, it seems that they really caused it by themselves."

"It really seems to be their strength."

One of the Chu nobles couldn't help but said.

He was feeling the trembling of the ground, and the most important thing was looking at the [-] Azure Dragon Legion army rushing towards them in front of him, his original self-confidence completely dissipated all of a sudden.

Because the strength of the Qinglong Legion is obvious, their morale and the way they charge are completely unmatched by their Six Nations Allied Forces.

"This this this..."


"Could it be that we have to escape now?"

A nobleman from Qi country couldn't help but said.

Faced with today's situation, should they choose to escape now or choose what to do?

"This, I think makes sense."

"I think we might try to escape."

At the same time, another nobleman from the Zhao Kingdom couldn't help but suggest.

Just when the nobles one after another thought that they might need to escape now, Xiang Yu couldn't help but retorted: "What are you thinking?"

"Why are we running away?"

"We haven't fought yet, do you think we must be defeated?"

Xiang Yu looked angrily at the nobles from the six countries in his eyes.

He knew that the six nobles themselves were a group of guys who could not be supported by mud, but he really never thought that this group of guys could be so decadent.

The army of the Six Nations hadn't fought with those guys yet, and the outcome was still undetermined, but this group of guys thought they must be defeated and wanted to drag them away.

For this group of guys, Xiang Yu can only say that they are simply trash!

Looking at the anger in Xiang Yu's eyes, the nobles of the six countries looked at each other.

"Xiang Yu, I know that you have super strength, but the power of a single strong man on the battlefield is not enough to turn the situation of the entire battlefield. The victory or defeat of the battlefield depends on the armies of both sides."

"The strength of our six-nation army is very strong, but the strength of this army is obviously far superior to ours."

A nobleman of Wei State couldn't help but said.

Although he said he was an ordinary nobleman, he still knew the simplest point.

Perhaps Xiang Yu's strength is very strong, but even Xiang Yu's strength cannot defeat the enemy's army!
The most important thing on the battlefield is the military issue between the two sides, not the strength of a certain general.

Xiang Yu is powerful, but is it possible that he can still contend against the enemy's [-] army with his own strength?
All fools know that Xiang Yu's strength cannot reach this level at all.

So his idea now is to persuade Xiang Yu as much as possible.

Because Xiang Yu is the leader of their six-nation coalition.

Then when Xiang Yu listened to the words of the nobles of Wei State, he couldn't help but yelled: "Shut up!"

"You guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Don't disturb the morale of the whole army here, either pick up your weapons and rush to the frontline battlefield, or just stay here honestly!"

"Jiangdong disciples, follow me to kill!"

I saw Xiang Yu riding Wu Xiao and waving his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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