Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 207 The Advent of the Crisis of Extermination of the Nation

Chapter 207 The Advent of the Crisis of Extermination of the Nation

"I know."

At this moment, Nine Tails replied tremblingly.

For the current Kyuubi, he feels that what he needs to do now is to honestly tell everything he knows.

At the very least, he only needs to tell everything he knows, and believe that the Lord of Great Qin shouldn't do anything to him, at least he won't kill him, right?
That's right, for Nine Tails at this moment, he thinks that as long as he doesn't die now, everything will be fine.

After all, facing a guy who can really kill him at any time, as long as he can survive now, this can be regarded as a really happy ending.

After hearing the reply from Nine Tails, Huo Qilin just nodded his head like this: "Ho Ho Ho."

When Han Xin of the Fire Qilin team growled slightly, Han Xin also instantly understood the meaning of Huo Qilin: "Don't worry, Your Excellency Huo Qilin."

"I will definitely complete the order His Majesty ordered."

"As for the Nine-Tails, there will never be any accidents."

Han Xin replied with a serious expression in his eyes.

Han Xin also understood that the Fire Qilin already regarded Nine-Tails as his younger brother. Since their Majesty's mounts were already regarded as his younger brother by this Fire Qilin, then this tailed beast called Nine-Tails was naturally related to their Majesty.

As long as it is related to their majesty, no matter what it is!

Then they are all that the Great Qin Empire needs to treat with caution.

After getting an affirmative answer, Huo Qilin roared happily in a low voice: "Ho Ho Ho."

Kyuubi also felt a wave of joy in an instant.

"Thank you bro."

In an instant, Nine Tails replied with gratitude in his eyes.

Nine-Tails naturally heard the meaning of the growl that Fire Qilin had, which means that Nine-Tails can be used as his younger brother of Fire Qilin, but he must not let any accidents happen to his younger brother.

So for such a point, this is already a result that belongs to Kyuubi very happy.

At least he really survived!
This alone is enough to make Fire Qilin feel happy for a while.

"Alright then, Nine Tails."

"Then please lead us Daqin to the place where the other tailed beasts are."

"The next Great Qin construction needs the power of those other tailed beasts."

At this moment, Han Xin suppressed the excitement in his heart and said so one after another.

Facing Han Xin's words, Jiuwei took a deep breath and replied: "No problem, I think we can find all the other eight tailed beasts."

A gleam of determination flashed in Kyuubi's eyes.

Maybe those other tailed beasts belonged to his younger brothers, but for Nine Tails at this moment, his own life is hard to guarantee, so he didn't bother to talk about what would happen to his younger brothers after they were captured by Daqin. something happened.

At this time, he only needs to be able to guarantee his own life. As for the other tailed beasts?

Sorry, nothing to do with him.

"Then go, let's act!"

Han Xin said with a burst of excited words.

"Ta Tata..."

With the sound of footsteps, Han Xin led Jiuwei to start walking towards the barracks outside Muye Village.



Just when Yingzheng started to rectify in Naruto World, Li Jiahui, the leader of the chat group who didn't have a high sense of presence, encountered some unprecedented difficulties at this moment.

"This this this..."

"Are these guys already so powerful?" Li Jiahui's eyes flashed a hint of disbelief.

Facing the disbelief in Li Jiahui's eyes, the team member beside her couldn't help but replied: "Yes, captain."

"No one knows how this ghost has grown to its current level. They only know that when this ghost was discovered, he was already capable of fighting against a country by himself."

"At the moment he's coming towards us."

A trembling voice sounded beside Li Jiahui.

Facing that trembling words, at this moment Li Jiahui was looking at the scene broadcast on the news, a trace of deep solemnity flashed in Li Jiahui's eyes.

The situation reported on the current news is that for some unknown reason, a ghost has directly grown to the level of destroying the country by one person.

The country where the ghost is located is a country on the peninsula, and the current country on the peninsula has been completely wiped out by the ghost.

This sounds like good news, but what if this ghost is targeting the Xuan Kingdom?
That's not good news then.

Although the current Xuan Kingdom already has some strong men, these strong men can't compete with the ghosts who can destroy the power of a country.

Although the territory of the countries on the peninsula is no more than one of their provinces at most, a ghost that can destroy one province means that it can destroy two or even three provinces. A ghost of this level is no longer ordinary What a ghost.

Such terrifying ghosts are still walking towards their Xuan Country, how long will it take to reach their Xuan Country.

Once such a terrifying ghost arrives in their mysterious country, everyone knows what kind of consequences will be caused here.

It is not known how many people will lose their lives because of this crisis.

Just as Li Jiahui looked at the content broadcast on the news with fear in his eyes, a figure walked towards Li Jiahui.

"Ta Tata..."

"Miss Li, I wonder if you can get in touch with the Great Qin Emperor?"

At this moment, a silent voice sounded from that figure.

Facing that utterance, Li Jiahui just looked away from the news and looked at the place where the voice came from.


"You are the commander, the commander of the demon town."

After looking at that figure, Li Jiahui's eyes flashed disbelief.

As a member of the town demon division, she still knows what the commander looks like.

So when she saw that figure, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Facing the astonishment in Li Jiahui's eyes, the demon town demon's eyes just showed a bit of bitterness: "Miss Li, although this is a bit sudden."

"But the only one who can save Xuan Kingdom at present is the Great Qin Emperor whom you are familiar with, Miss Li."

"I wonder if Miss Li can contact the Great Qin Emperor?"

"As long as I can get in touch with the Great Qin Emperor, I will be very grateful to the Demon Suppressing Division."

At this moment, a serious expression flashed in the eyes of the commander of the town demon division and said.

Facing the current crisis, then Xuanguo would definitely be unable to contend with that ghost, so we can only focus on Li Jiahui who has the ability to communicate with other worlds.

They had established a relationship with the Great Qin Emperor before, and now it's time to use this relationship.

Whether they can survive depends on whether they can contact the Great Qin Emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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