Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 208 Ghost?What kind of ghost is the one who wiped out the Bangzi Kingdom? !

Chapter 208 Ghost?What kind of ghost is the one who wiped out the Bangzi Kingdom? !

"No problem, I'll contact Emperor Daqin right now."

Li Jiahui took a deep breath and replied.

Facing the current situation, Li Jiahui can also understand that the only one who can solve this situation is probably the First Emperor Yingzheng in their chat group.

At least among the many strong men she knew, only Ying Zheng's strength belonged to the most powerful existence.


Perhaps some existences are also very powerful, but if they want to compete with Ying Zheng, then this is a completely earth-shaking change.

At least Li Jiahui thinks that no one can match Ying Zheng's strength.

"Please." The commander of the town demon division took a deep breath.

Whether their Huaxia can survive safely depends on whether this existence that can communicate with other worlds can bring the Great Qin Emperor here.

Faced with the pleading gaze of the Commander of the Demon Suppressing Division, Li Jiahui began to immerse herself in the chat group.


"His Majesty the First Emperor, are you there?"

When Li Jiahui took the initiative to ask about Aite Yingzheng, everyone in the chat group looked at Li Jiahui with doubts.

"What happened?" Cao Cao asked with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

For the group leader Li Jiahui, although the other party doesn't play much role, but the other party still has a little bit of ability, and the other party is also the group leader of the chat group anyway, so some face should be given to the other party.

"Yeah, what happened?"

"Need to take the initiative of Emperor Ait Shi?"

Uncle Jiu in that zombie world also had a puzzled expression.

Just when a trace of doubt flashed in Uncle Jiu's gaze, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at their master in a daze again, then Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at each other directly.

"Hey, you can finally rest."

In an instant, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng put down the things in their hands.

God knows how miserable their days are.

Day and night, they draw symbols and symbols again and again.

As a result, their cultivation has not improved, but the ability of this talisman has risen in a straight line.

As for why Uncle Jiu asked Wencai and Qiusheng to draw symbols all the time?
It can only be said that the power of the spell does not seem to be very good, but for Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian who have a large army under their hands, the conquest brought by this spell is quite good.

Even they have begun to gradually unify their respective worlds, which inevitably has the power brought by these spells.

It is precisely because of this that Uncle Jiu's ability to draw symbols directly made him no longer need to worry about making a living.

An emperor and the biggest princes in the whole world are his guests. At this time, does he still need to worry about money?
Of course, Uncle Jiu would definitely not draw such things as talismans casually, so the burden naturally fell on Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng.

Just as Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng had just rested, Uncle Jiu saw his two apprentices being lazy: "Do you want to take a rest?"

When Uncle Jiu's words reached Wencai and Qiusheng's ears, Wencai and Qiusheng, who were being lazy, were taken aback for a moment, and then they saw their master staring at them.

"Ah, no need, we'll draw right away."

In an instant, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng just continued to draw symbols.

Looking at Wencai and Qiusheng who were continuing to draw pictures, Uncle Jiu just glanced at them lightly, and then continued to immerse his mind in the chat group.

Faced with the concern of everyone in the chat group, the group leader Li Jiahui explained the crisis she is currently facing here: "It's like this, a powerful ghost born in this world of mine, a ghost with his own strength You can wipe out the ghosts of a country with your strength."

"I need the help of the First Emperor."

"Otherwise, our country may be completely wiped out by that ghost." Li Jiahui said with a heavy look in his eyes.

Listening to Li Jiahui's words, everyone in the chat group felt the crisis in the world that the group leader lived in.


"Can you destroy a country by yourself?"

Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao, who have an intuitive concept of the country, changed their faces instantly after hearing the words of the group leader.

Even though Cao Cao is not currently the emperor, his current status is to some extent a serious emperor.

When these two guys thought that a ghost could destroy a country, they couldn't help shaking.

"With such a powerful existence, it seems that only the First Emperor can solve it."

A trace of solemnity flashed in Cao Cao's eyes.

He thought that he might be able to help what happened in the group leader's world.

But he didn't expect that the world of the other party would appear, and he could destroy the ghosts of a country by himself, so it really wasn't something he could solve.

It seems that only the First Emperor Yingzheng can solve it.

"That's right, it seems that only the First Emperor can solve it at present." Zhu Youjian also nodded slightly and said.

As the words of these two guys fell, everyone in the chat group began to say one by one: "It makes sense, it seems that only the first emperor can solve the problems of the group leader's world at present."

While everyone in the chat group started to discuss in this way, Ying Zheng in the Naruto world just saw Aite in the chat group.


"With one's own strength, can you directly destroy the ghosts of a country?"

Ying Zheng spoke to himself, pondering over his chin.

"No problem, let me take a look at what kind of power this so-called ghost has." Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with interest.

Regarding the ghost that could destroy the countries on the peninsula, Ying Zheng felt that the other party must be very powerful, but Ying Zheng didn't take it seriously.

It's just the countries on the peninsula. Although the countries on the peninsula are also a country, how big is their land area?

The ghosts that can destroy the Xuan Kingdom and the ghosts that can destroy the countries on the peninsula belong to two situations.

If it is said that they can exterminate the ghosts of Xuan Kingdom together, Ying Zheng may not be absolutely sure.

But destroy the ghosts of the countries on the peninsula?

Sorry, but Ying Zheng wants to see how powerful the other party is.

Compared with him, the Great Qin Emperor, who is more powerful?


(End of this chapter)

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