Chapter 210 Yingzheng Talks About Longevity


When Ying Zheng looked at the direction of the sky and felt the evil spirit in the whole world, smiles emerged from the corners of Ying Zheng's mouth.

Maybe that guy's strength seems to be quite strong, but it's completely different in front of Ying Zheng.

Because there was a feeling in Ying Zheng's heart telling him that he had enough power to completely suppress that ghost.

When the figure of Ying Zheng appeared in this world of revived aura, Li Jiahui's eyes lit up slightly as the chat group leader.

"Welcome to the arrival of the First Emperor!"

A trace of respect flashed in Li Jiahui's eyes and said.

Facing Li Jiahui's respect, Ying Zheng replied with a smile in his eyes, "Long time no see."

"Your strength has improved a lot during this time."

When Ying Zheng looked at Li Jiahui's current strength, there was a flash of interest in his eyes.

After listening to Ying Zheng's words, a smile flashed across Li Jiahui's eyes: "In front of the First Emperor, my strength can only be said to be as weak as an ant."

Li Jiahui just shook her head and said.

Although her strength can be regarded as a very powerful existence after this period of cultivation, after all, she is backed by chat groups.

Although many members of the chat group knew that he had no special abilities when facing him as the group leader, they didn't have anything special to refuse some of her group leader's requests.

The most important thing is that she, the group leader, doesn't ask for anything particularly excessive.

At most, it's just asking how to practice.

Then this question can be answered by anyone who has practiced it.

Therefore, everyone in the chat group basically answers questions about the group leader Li Jiahui.

That's precisely because the group friends in the chat group basically answered the group leader Li Jiahui's inquiries, so she directly let his strength start to make a breakthrough by virtue of this.

Although her strength is not comparable to those of the real top-level figures in today's spiritual recovery world, she is not considered weak.

But if we compare it with Ying Zheng?

Sorry, Li Jiahui said that although she said that she was already very strong, her head did not have any problems due to cultivation.

Let her compare with Ying Zheng?

Doesn't this belong to looking for death by lighting a lamp in the toilet?

Who doesn't know that Ying Zheng's strength has reached an unprecedented level?
Although it is not known what level of strength Ying Zheng possesses, the only thing that is certain is that Ying Zheng's strength is definitely at a top level.

So when faced with Ying Zheng's admiration, Li Jiahui shook her head in embarrassment.

Faced with Li Jiahui's embarrassing shaking of his head, Ying Zheng just smiled slightly: "Haha."

"Quickly practice."

"You belong to the group leader of this chat group anyway, and your strength is still very important."

Seeing that Li Jiahui's strength was at most close to that of a master, Ying Zheng directly reminded him slightly.

The strength of the master realm is already considered a very powerful existence, but for everyone in the chat group, the strength of this master realm is not particularly powerful.

At least everyone in the chat group can only say that the power of the master realm can only be said to belong to the realm that can be broken through with a little effort.

And the most important thing is that as the group leader of the chat group, if the group leader Li Jiahui is just in case something happens, will there be any accident in this chat group?
Ying Zheng wasn't sure, after all, he didn't have a system!

His only recipient was this chat group, and he naturally didn't want any accidents to happen to this conditional group.

In order to avoid accidents, the group leader Li Jiahui must not have any accidents!

So her strength needs to be improved.

Faced with Ying Zheng's reminder, the group leader Li Jiahui just showed a deep helplessness: "Oh."

"This increases strength."

"I also want to improve my strength, but it's really difficult to improve my strength." Li Jiahui said helplessly.

She also knows the importance of strength, but the problem is that she has not been in that cultivation environment since she was a child. Li Jiahui said that she is really not used to it when she is directly put into this cultivation environment. coming.

"Come on, when will I come up with something that will speed up your strength improvement."

"As the leader of the chat group, your strength is still very important."

Seeing Li Jiahui's helpless expression, Ying Zheng said with a serious look in his eyes.

Seeing the serious Ying Zheng flashing in his eyes, Li Jiahui's eyes flashed a trace of gratitude: "Oh?"

"Thank you, His Majesty the First Emperor!"

I saw bursts of grateful words coming out of Li Jiahui's mouth.

"Okay, call the guy outside."

"He's been standing there for a while."

At this moment, Ying Zheng spoke in such a soft voice.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Li Jiahui's puzzled eyes flashed at this moment: "Huh?"

"anyone there?"

Li Jiahui expressed doubts about Ying Zheng's words.

By the way, isn't the commander of the town demon division already gone?

Who is there outside?

Facing Li Jiahui's doubts, Ying Zheng just smiled and said: "Although I don't know who he is, but from the luck emanating from him, we can know the other party's status in the Xuan Kingdom. A top-level existence."

"Call him in."

Ying Zheng said calmly.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Li Jiahui just nodded slightly and replied: "No problem."

Soon, I saw Li Jiahui walking directly towards the door.

"Ta Tata..."

After a while, when Li Jiahui's figure came to the door, she immediately saw the existence outside the door.

Facing the existence outside the door, Li Jiahui's eyes flashed a sense of disbelief.


"Please come with me."

Li Jiahui's eyes flashed that unbelievable feeling, and then she took such a deep breath.

"Ta Tata..."

It was still the sound of footsteps, and when the sound of footsteps sounded like this, Li Jiahui led a figure to Ying Zheng.

"His Majesty the First Emperor, he is here."

Li Jiahui said with a complicated expression in his eyes.

Looking at the figure brought by Li Jiahui, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with interest.

"You step back first, let me have a good chat with him."

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"no problem."

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, Li Jiahui nodded without hesitation.

"Ta Tata..."

Soon, Li Jiahui's figure left the room where Ying Zheng was.

After Li Jiahui's figure left, Ying Zheng just looked at the figure in front of him and said with a smile: "The ruler of the Xuan Kingdom."

"Is there any important matter for you to come to see me this time?"

Ying Zheng just asked with a smile.

That's right, what is the identity of this existence in front of him?
Then Ying Zheng can only say that the identity of the other party is the ruler of this mysterious country.

As for why the other party came to see him?

Ying Zheng probably had an idea that day.

There is no doubt that it must belong to the powerful treacherous person who is about to come to Xuan Kingdom.

Although that trick is very weak in front of him, even he has absolute confidence that he can solve that guy.

But the powerful force created by that trick in this world is also known to the whole world.

It is an obvious fact that the country on the peninsula was wiped out.

Facing this powerful treachery that can destroy a country, as the supreme ruler of this country, he must be very concerned about this issue.

So he came, he came to see what kind of existence he is an emperor from other worlds.

Facing Yingzheng's words, the current ruler from Xuanguo looked at Yingzheng in front of him with a complicated look: "I have thought that you are an old man, or even a majestic middle-aged man." I'm young, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

The old man in power just looked at Ying Zheng with a hint of emotion.

He originally thought that the emperor from another world was an old existence. After all, the emperor, isn't it normal for the emperor to be a little old?
The ten most important emperors are still emperors who can communicate with other worlds, so longevity may not be a particularly difficult thing for this emperor. Isn’t aging normal?

But he didn't expect that the emperor in front of him didn't look old at all, he didn't even have a middle-aged posture, and a young look was placed in front of him.

Faced with such a young Yingzheng, those in power in this country naturally felt a little emotional.

Faced with this trace of emotion, Ying Zheng just smiled and said, "Are you young?"

"I am not young anymore."

"Since I have mastered the entire Great Qin Empire, time has become just an ordinary number to me."

As for the question about age, Ying Zheng can only say that he really has never paid attention to his age.

Because since his power is tied to the national fate of the Great Qin Empire, his lifespan will naturally be the same as that of the Great Qin Empire.

As long as there are no accidents in the Great Qin Empire, then his own lifespan will also belong to immortality.

So lifespan is really an ordinary number for him.

Facing Yingzheng's reply, the controller of Xuanguo showed a trace of emotion: "The lifespan has become an ordinary number."

"You are different from the emperor of our world."

"The former emperors of our world have fallen into an obsession with longevity. They all want to live forever."

"They even think that there is no emperor who can live forever in the whole world."

"I didn't expect that there would be such an immortal emperor in other worlds."

"It's just incredible."

A series of emotional and incredible words were uttered from the mouth of the person in power.

Listening to that unbelievable words, Ying Zheng's eyes were filled with calmness: "Anything in the heavens and myriad worlds is very likely to happen."

"Maybe immortality is a luxury in your world, but longevity is just the simplest thing in other worlds."

"What's more, your world is no longer simple."

"Longevity is not a particularly complicated thing for your world in the future."

"Isn't it?"

Ying Zheng smiled.

In the face of Ying Zheng's words, the person in power in front of Ying Zheng showed a trace of calmness: "Longevity?"

"Perhaps this was very longed for in the past, but since I got into this position, I have discovered that longevity is not something that is particularly longed for."

"Because everyone I know has died, if I continue to live, am I still me?"

A calm voice spoke from the mouth of the ruler of the country.

He thinks that longevity is actually not a good thing, because at that time, everyone he is familiar with in the whole world will no longer exist. Is it a good thing for him?

No, no, this is not a good thing for him at all.

So in his capacity, longevity is actually not a good thing.

Listening to the words at this moment, Ying Zheng looked directly at the existence in front of him with a different look.

"I have to say that your idea is very advanced."

"But your idea is very correct."


"If it is said that I did not carry the entire Great Qin Empire on my back, I actually do not want to live forever."

"But I carry the Great Qin Empire on my back!"

"The Great Qin Empire does not allow me to have any accidents."

"I absolutely can't make a single mistake!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng's words carried a hint of firmness.

He is not an ordinary existence.

Behind him is the entire Great Qin Empire!

The Great Qin Empire is him, and he is the Great Qin Empire!

In an instant, the words facing Ying Zheng had just fallen, and when the ruler of Xuan Kingdom looked at Ying Zheng in front of him, the Ying Zheng in his vision had undergone earth-shaking changes.

If the former Yingzheng looked like an emperor, then the current Yingzheng is a real emperor who belongs to the seriousness.

An emperor who controls thousands of lives!

(End of this chapter)

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