Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 211 Yingzheng's powerful strength, the envious group of friends

Chapter 211 Yingzheng's powerful strength, the envious group of friends


In an instant, the aura that an emperor should have burst out from Ying Zheng's body frantically.

At this moment, Ying Zheng's figure seemed infinitely tall, and at the same time, the aura emanating from Ying Zheng's body directly pressed against him, the ruler of this country could not move.


Just when Ying Zheng's aura was pressing down on the country controller in front of him and he couldn't move, a wave of hidden power emerged from the country controller.

Accompanied by that dark force emerging from the person in power of the country, the coercion emanating from Ying Zheng was directly broken by that dark force at this moment.


Facing the broken coercion, the ruler of Xuan Kingdom looked deeply at the emperor from another world in front of him.

"I already have a deep understanding of your strength."

"Then the safety of our country is in your hands."

"Before you leave, we are willing to pay 100 million tons of food."

I saw the controller of the Xuan Kingdom just showing a painful expression.

100 million tons of grain Even if they belong to a well-known grain-producing country, spending 100 million tons of grain at once is not a small number.

One million tons of grain is enough to feed tens of millions of people for a month.

But he thought it was worth it.

Because this emperor from another world has just unified his world, the other party is in urgent need of food, and now they can still use food to deliver, when the other party will not be short of food, they are thinking To let the opponent make a move, you have to pay something more precious.

So in the face of the fact that they only need to pay 100 million tons of grain to let the other party make a move, the most important thing is that they don't know how many lives they have saved. He thinks it is very worthwhile.

Listening to the words of the controller of the Xuan Kingdom, Ying Zheng's mouth showed a trace of satisfaction: "Very good, very good."

"Don't worry, it's just a mere ghost."

"Maybe the opponent is very powerful in your world, but in front of me, that's all."

Ying Zheng said with a hint of disdain in the corner of his mouth.

For Yingzheng, he only needs to eliminate a ghost but he can get the 100 million tons of food. From Yingzheng's point of view, this is simply a profitable behavior.

This 100 million tons of grain is enough to feed tens of millions of people for a month. It is not impossible to live frugally or even eat for a month and a half or two.

So for the Great Qin Empire, which had just conquered two worlds, the 100 million tons of food might not be particularly sufficient, but it was enough to meet the urgent needs.

Faced with Ying Zheng's confident words, the eyes of the power holder of Xuan Kingdom showed a hint of slack.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"On behalf of the entire Xuan Kingdom, I thank you for your help."

A sincere voice uttered from the mouth of the controller of Xuan Kingdom.

Although it was a transaction between them, the fact that the other party helped them was indeed a real deal.

"Go and prepare food first, I will come as soon as I go."

Feeling the increasingly strong Yin Qi in the sky, Ying Zheng said lightly.

"No problem, I will dispatch the food you need, Your Majesty."

A serious word was spoken from the mouth of the controller of Xuan Kingdom.



Soon, Ying Zheng led the leader of the group, Li Jiahui, to the border between the Xuan Kingdom and the country on the peninsula as quickly as possible.


"Is this what flying feels like?!"

A burst of excited words came out of Li Jiahui's mouth. She turned her head to look at the country behind her, looking at the border they had reached now.

All she could say was that it was an experience beyond imagination.

Faced with Li Jiahui's surprise, several people in the live broadcast room expressed emotion: "This is the power possessed by the group leader."

"It's just a few breaths that can span thousands of miles. I don't know when I will be able to cultivate to this level!"

In the zombie world, Uncle Jiu saw that it took only a few breaths to reach the border directly from the inland of Xuanguo.

Let him not know how much the detailed distance is, but he can also understand a general idea.

This is definitely as much as a thousand miles. This is just a few breaths of effort to span a thousand miles. What a powerful strength this is!
Faced with Uncle Jiu's emotion, several other people in the live broadcast room couldn't help but said: "When you reach this level of cultivation, you really don't know how long you will have to wait."

"But the only thing that is certain is that the big guy will be able to cultivate to this level sooner or later!"

Xiong Ba in that world of wind and clouds directly spoke comfortingly after listening to the words from Uncle Jiu.

Although they currently do not have the powerful strength of the First Emperor, they believe that he will have the same strength one day sooner or later.

Maybe this day will come soon, but they definitely have the hope that they can have such a powerful force.

Faced with Xiong Ba's comfort, Li Xiaoyao in the Immortal Sword World couldn't help but said: "Just relying on Emperor Shi Huang's method, even in my world, he must be a top-level powerhouse!"

A trace of horror flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

Regarding the great power possessed by the First Emperor in this chat group, it is only a few breaths of effort to cover a distance of thousands of miles, which really made Li Xiaoyao feel incredible for a while.

Because he knows that there are immortal cultivators in his world, and there are also those who fly with a flying sword.

But after all, I have never seen it before, but the Emperor Shihuang in the chat group really has such a powerful power!
"Sooner or later we will get to this point!"

Qiao Feng in the Tianlongbabu world showed a trace of envy and said.

Facing the powerful strength of the first emperor Yingzheng, it can only be said that all the existences in the entire chat group felt a burst of envy that they had never experienced before.

Faced with the envy of the group members in the chat group, Ying Zheng smiled slightly at this moment and said: "Everyone, it's just strength, you will have it sooner or later."

"Now, let's enjoy how I deal with the ghost in front of me."

Ying Zheng looked at the ghost walking towards the border in the distance, and smiled slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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