Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 212 Why don't you worship the emperor? !

Chapter 212 Why don't you worship the emperor? !
"Let's try to solve this ghost now."

A trace of calm flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes, looking at the approaching ghost in the distance.

Regarding Ying Zheng's words, everyone in the live broadcast room looked into the distance with serious eyes.

"This ghost."

"Sure enough, it is a ghost that claims to be able to destroy a country."

A trace of seriousness flashed in Uncle Jiu's eyes and he said.

As the only Taoist priest in the chat group, Uncle Jiu could naturally see what level of existence that ghost in the distance belonged to.

"The strength of this ghost is probably not inferior to the existence of the realm of celestial masters!"

I saw a trembling flash in Uncle Jiu's eyes and said.

The Celestial Master Realm is the most powerful realm in their world, but according to the strength of the Li Gui seen by Uncle Jiu at the moment through the live broadcast room, Li Gui's strength may not be inferior to the Celestial Master Realm, that is to say, that Li Gui's strength is in the realm of the ghost king!

Faced with Uncle Jiu's trembling, Nie Xiaoqian in another world couldn't help trembling when she just looked at the ghost in the live broadcast room like this: "That's right, the strength of this ghost is definitely that of the ghost king. .”

"The strength of this ghost is not inferior to grandma!"

Fear flashed in Nie Xiaoqian's eyes regarding the ghost that appeared in the live broadcast room.

For the dryad grandma, Nie Xiaoqian can only say that this is her nightmare.

As a result, now she saw an existence that was no less powerful than her grandma.

Facing Uncle Jiu and Nie Xiaoqian's seriousness, several other people in the live broadcast room all looked at Li Gui in the distance with incredulous eyes.

"Ah, is that guy so powerful?"

I saw Yue Buqun in the world of Swordsman looking at the disaster-like scene in the distance as he moved.

For Yue Buqun, he could only know how powerful that ghost was, but how powerful was that ghost?
Sorry, he is not an expert in this field.

But when he listened to the words of Uncle Nine and Nie Xiaoqian, an expert among experts, he could probably understand that this ghost seemed to belong to the real top-level existence.

"Is this the legendary ghost?"

Zhu Youjian sat on the dragon chair and watched the picture shown in the live broadcast room, his body couldn't help shaking.

And the civil and military officials in the hall also showed a sense of confusion when they looked at the trembling body of their emperor.

Obviously, they had no idea what was going on.

When Zhu Youjian in the Ming Dynasty showed a slight trembling, Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms world was sitting in the big camp, listening to the discussion of the counselors and generals in the big camp, and watching the live broadcast room screen.

"Is this the existence that the First Emperor will have to face next?"

"Can the First Emperor defeat the opponent?" Cao Cao said to himself with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.


"First Emperor?"

The guys who were a little closer to Cao Cao showed a confused expression after hearing Cao Cao's words.

Of course, only Dian Wei didn't change his expression when facing Cao Cao's sudden words.

Because Dian Wei is used to it.

Just when everyone in the live broadcast room showed an unbelievable gaze looking into the distance, Li Jiahui, who was in the spiritual recovery world where the group leader lived, couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty the First Emperor, this has Can it be resolved?"

Looking at the trembling words of Uncle Jiu and Nie Xiaoqian in the live broadcast room, Li Jiahui could probably understand how powerful the ghost in the distance is.

Faced with Li Jiahui's worry and the fear of everyone in the live broadcast room, Ying Zheng who was standing in the border shook his head directly: "It seems that you don't have a clear understanding of my strength."

"I'm here to tell you that my strength is the most powerful existence in today's world."

"No one can surpass me in strength!"

A gleam of confidence flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"I'm not sure about other worlds. There must be strong people from other worlds in other worlds. There are many existences stronger than me."

"But in this world, I have absolute confidence to say that my strength deserves to be the most powerful existence!"

"I am invincible in the world!"

Looking at the ghost that was approaching from a distance, Ying Zheng's curved corner showed a slight arc of disdain.

Facing Ying Zheng's confident words, whether it was Li Jiahui behind Ying Zheng or everyone in the live broadcast room, they all looked at Ying Zheng with a hint of silence.

They looked at Ying Zheng's seemingly ordinary but domineering back, and their eyes flashed with thought: "Perhaps, Emperor Shi Huang can really get rid of that ghost in the distance."

After looking at the pictures shown in the live broadcast room in the zombie world, Uncle Jiu felt that what Ying Zheng said just now might be true.

Isn't it normal for the first emperor to be invincible in the world?

Everyone in the live broadcast room looked at Ying Zheng's back with this thought.

Obviously, they all had similar thoughts in their minds.

Perhaps Ying Zheng could really suppress that seemingly very powerful ghost.

Or that immediately seemed very powerful to them, but the strength of that ghost in front of the first emperor Yingzheng was probably mediocre.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Ying Zheng's figure kept walking towards the distance from the land, and at the same time, Ying Zheng's figure walked higher and higher.

After a while, Ying Zheng's figure stood directly in the air.

When Ying Zheng's figure stood in midair, Li Gui in the distance also saw Ying Zheng's figure.


"A guy who came to die?"

Looking at Ying Zheng's figure, Li Gui's only thought in the distance was that this guy came to die.

"Then let me try the hors d'oeuvres!"

Li Gui looked at Ying Zheng with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes.

As for whether Ying Zheng has the power to resist?
After all, Yingzheng's ability to stand above the sky means that Yingzheng is definitely not an ordinary mortal.

But for this ghost, I'm sorry.

Even if the opponent has a little strength, but facing him?

Then he will defeat all so-called strong men.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Following one after another of evil laughter, the black mist on the ghost floated towards Ying Zheng.


In the blink of an eye, the very powerful ghost directly wrapped Ying Zheng in it.

At the same time that the black mist emanating from the ghost's body enveloped Ying Zheng, strands of golden power spread directly from Ying Zheng's body towards the surroundings.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

That ray of light that seemed to be like a laser directly broke through the extremely dark black mist.

"Why don't you worship the emperor?"

An indifferent voice resounded through the world.


(End of this chapter)

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