Chapter 224 Deploy the Kirin Legion!

"Han Xin."

A word came out of Ying Zheng's mouth.

In an instant, when Ying Zheng's words were spoken, Han Xin, the Marshal of the Qilin Legion in the Great Qin Army Camp, immediately received Ying Zheng's words.

"See Your Majesty, the end is here!"

A respectful voice came from Han Xin's mouth.

Faced with this respectful voice, Ying Zheng said calmly: "Get ready, the Qilin Legion will follow me to other worlds."

I saw Ying Zheng ordering lightly.

Facing the order issued by Ying Zheng, Han Xin in the Kirin Legion showed an excited expression in his eyes: "Obey, Your Majesty!"

"The final general will immediately integrate the Kirin Legion!"

I saw a deep excitement flashed in Han Xin's eyes.

As far as Han Xin was concerned, the Great Qin Empire had a total of five legions, but when His Majesty was preparing to go to other worlds, he only brought their Qilin Legion with him. Doesn't this mean that His Majesty took a fancy to their Qilin Legion?
Then he must not let His Majesty down.

"Beep beep..."

Soon, the call between the two parties was hung up.

Looking at the hung up call displayed on the screen, Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

Regarding the technology provided by Big Big Wolf World, Ying Zheng felt that it was really convenient.

Even this technological force is more powerful than the 21st century technology it once possessed when it was on earth.

"Sure enough, it's Big Big Wolf."

Ying Zheng shook his head slightly and said with emotion.

Just as Ying Zheng shook his head slightly, Han Xin, Marshal of the Qilin Legion in the barracks, said solemnly: "The whole army obeys the order, all gather!"

"Your Majesty has an order!"

In an instant, as Han Xin's order came down, all the soldiers in the entire Qilin Legion, no matter they were training or doing something, all the videos completed what they were doing at the fastest speed, and then began to fully armed I came to the barracks square.


As all the soldiers in the Qilin Legion began to move continuously, the marshals of the other four major legions soon received the changes from the Qilin Legion.


"What happened to the Kirin Legion this time?"

Zhang Han, the marshal of the Xuanwu Army, said to himself with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

The Qilin Legion belongs to an army directly under their Majesty.

Although it is said that their other four armies are also their majesty's army, the responsibilities of their other four armies are different.

The responsibility of the other four major armies is to go to battle to kill the enemy, but the Qilin Legion has more responsibilities. In addition to the duties of the Qilin Legion that are directly assigned to their majesty, the Qilin Legion also has the issue of maintaining their majesty's etiquette.

For example, when His Majesty travels, he usually mobilizes the Qilin Legion, and what the other four major legions need to do is to guard the enemy and go to battle to kill the enemy.

"Forget it, it shouldn't be a big deal."

"It's better to improve the strength of the soldiers of the Xuanwu Legion first."

Zhang Han shook his head slightly and said.

As the Marshal of the Xuanwu Legion, Zhang Han believed that since their Majesty had not summoned them now, all he needed to do now was to improve the strength of the soldiers in their legion.

Perhaps the current strength of the soldiers is quite good, but Zhang Han thinks that the strength of the soldiers still needs to be improved again!
There is no strongest, only stronger!

"The whole army obeys the order and continues training!"

Soon, Zhang Han's order fell.

At this moment, the marshals of the other three legions also had a hint of the same idea.

From their point of view, since their majesty did not summon him, all they need to do now is to train the army under them honestly.

Don't wait for their majesty to need them to fight the enemy. It would be terrible if the soldiers of their legion were not as strong as the other three legions.

"The whole army speeds up training!"

A command was issued from the mouths of the other three Marshals.

In this way, while the Qilin Legion was mobilizing in waves, the other four major legions began training one after another.

In the palace, Ying Zheng summoned Li Si, who was the head of the Great Qin Cabinet, over.

"Ai Qing, next I need to go to other worlds again. When I go to other worlds, what you need to do is to stabilize the Great Qin Empire."

"If something important happened, you just need to wait for me to come back to deal with it, but if you talk about some small things."

"You can deal with it according to the method you have dealt with before."

Ying Zheng looked at Li Si in front of him and said calmly.

Facing Ying Zheng's order, Li Si's eyes flashed a trace of respect and he said: "Your Majesty."

At the same time, Li Si's eyes flickered slightly.

Regarding the orders from their Majesty, Li Si thought that what he needed to do next was to stabilize the Great Qin Empire, but he learned a piece of news from the words of their Majesty.

Their majesty can go to a new world, and what can their majesty get in that new world?

Li Si was not particularly clear about this.

But it doesn't prevent Li Si from understanding that there will be a new world in the future of their Great Qin Empire.

"Okay, back off."

Ying Zheng waved his hand lightly.

"As ordered."

A respectful voice came out of Li Si's mouth.

"Ta Tata..."

And soon, Li Si's figure obediently left the hall.

With Li Si's figure leaving, the soldiers in the Kirin Legion were almost ready.

After Yingzheng saw that the soldiers of the Qilin Legion were almost ready through the power of Daqin's national destiny, his figure disappeared into the dragon chair in an instant.

"Brush brush..."

Facing Ying Zheng's figure disappeared in the dragon chair, when Ying Zheng's figure appeared again, it was already above the Kirin Legion.

"See Your Majesty!"

For a moment, all the soldiers in the Qilin Legion sensed the figure of their Majesty appearing in the sky, and then all the soldiers respectfully paid homage to Ying Zheng.

Looking at the number and strength of the soldiers in the Qilin Legion, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

"Very well, I am very satisfied with you."

"Looks like you guys weren't slacking off."

Ying Zheng directly praised the appearance of the soldiers in the Qilin Legion.




Waves of shouts echoed in the barracks.

Murderous aura filled the air over the Qilin Legion's barracks.


(End of this chapter)

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