Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 225 Great Qin's Expedition!Surrounding Lanruo Temple

Chapter 225 Great Qin's Expedition!Surrounding Lanruo Temple
"very good."


"Ten years of training, you tell me, do you want to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy!"

I saw Ying Zheng shouting loudly to the soldiers in the Qilin Legion.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, the soldiers in the Qilin Legion replied with a burst of excitement: "I want to!"

For the soldiers in the Qilin Legion, especially for the soldiers in the former 20 army, they have experienced one battle after another, and then they ushered in a cultivation after the war, but they But I really didn't think that this training would take a full ten years!

There has been no fighting for ten years. For these soldiers, they all feel that the blood on their bodies is going to rust like iron.

Not to mention the 20-strong Qilin Legion, even the 180 million troops who joined the Qilin Legion later felt waves of excitement.

All of them are old Qin people!
When they learned that they could join the army to fight in other worlds, these old Qin people chose to join the army to serve the country without hesitation.

Then when he joined the army, he ushered in an unprecedented big training, a full ten years of training!

Although their strength has been greatly improved in the past ten years of training, they have not fought in ten years!
Ten years!
Although they basically train, train and train on weekdays, and sometimes even fight with soldiers from the other four legions.

But after all, that is just training, and it won't really kill him.

So for the soldiers of the Qilin Legion, they need a real battle, a baptism of blood and fire.

Well now, their majesty is finally going to lead them to fight.

How can this not make them feel excited for the soldiers in the Qilin Legion?

Facing the excitement of the Qilin Legion soldiers, Ying Zheng, suspended in mid-air, showed a satisfied smile.

"Very well, it seems that ten years have not made you lose your fighting spirit."

"You are still my soldiers of Great Qin!"

"I am very satisfied that you have been able to maintain your fighting spirit for ten years."

"Now, the whole army obeys orders!"

"Take up the weapons in your hands and put on the armor on your bodies!"

"Ready to fight!"

"Go to a new world and fight!"

In an instant, Ying Zheng, who was suspended in mid-air, shouted loudly.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, the soldiers in the Qilin Legion shouted excitedly: "Kill, kill, kill!!!"

In an instant, murderous words roared from the mouths of all the soldiers.

There was a deep excitement in the eyes of the soldiers one after another.

For these current soldiers, they feel that their blood is starting to boil.

"Army attack!"

In an instant, Ying Zheng waved his hand.

A faint blue door to pass through appeared directly in the barracks.

After the faint blue passage door appeared in the barracks, one soldier after another looked at the faint blue passage door with extremely excited eyes.

"Army attack!"

At this moment, Han Xin, the marshal of the Qilin Legion, directly ordered.

All these soldiers need to do now is to go one step ahead.

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

One after another, the soldiers just grasped the Fangtian Painted Halberd in their hands and began to take firm steps forward.

"Ta Tata..."

As the tide-like army began to rush forward, Ying Zheng's figure flickered slightly.

When Ying Zheng's figure appeared again, it was already on the back of Huo Qilin.

"Old man, it's time to start fighting again."

"Are you ready?"

Regarding Huo Qilin, Ying Zheng felt that this time the other party might be of great use in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

This is the fire unicorn.

Kirin is naturally an existence that wards off evil spirits, not to mention that it is a fire unicorn, the flames on the fire unicorn can completely burn all evil.

And the world of A Chinese Ghost Story is a completely collapsed world, the underworld has already fallen, and even demons and ghosts appear in the human world openly.

The effect of the fire unicorn in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story is absolutely extraordinary to Ying Zheng.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Huo Qilin roared directly in a low voice.


I saw Huo Qilin roaring with excitement in his eyes.

For Fire Qilin, he could also understand that the master he was loyal to was extremely powerful. The most important thing was that the master he was loyal to seemed to be able to travel to other worlds.

They will have to move to another world next time, which doesn't matter to Fire Qilin.

After all, his strength lies here, and what he cares about is that he can travel to other worlds again.

Although Huo Qilin is very free in the Great Qin Empire, he has already visited the entire Great Qin Empire in the past ten years.

Next, he can go to other worlds and wander around!

Huo Qilin naturally felt a burst of satisfaction.

"set off!"

Facing Huo Qilin's satisfaction and excitement, Ying Zheng ordered directly.


Soon, the fire unicorn began to rush towards the crossing door.

As Huo Qilin started to run towards the crossing gate, the surrounding soldiers naturally gave way for Huo Qilin to pass through.

"Boom boom boom..."

The earth was shaking.


In the blink of an eye, with the trembling of the ground, the figure of Ying Zheng riding the fire unicorn disappeared into the world of Daqin in an instant.

But at this moment in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, the entire Lanruo Temple was trembling piece by piece.

The ghosts in Lanruo Temple and the tree demon grandma all looked at the soldiers who surrounded the entire roadblock with trembling and even bewildered eyes.

"This this this..."

"What exactly is this?"

"Why do these humans have such great strength?"

"And why do these humans suddenly appear beside Lanruo Temple?"

"Why do these humans have such a strong murderous intent?"

"This this this..."

"What exactly is this?"

The dryad's grandmother looked out of Lanruo Temple with a sense of bewilderment in her eyes.

God knows what happened, he only knew that the murderous army surrounded the entire Lanruo Temple in the blink of an eye.

The monstrous murderous aura directly made the dryad grandma feel a fatal crisis.

When all the demons and ghosts in the entire Lanruo Temple felt bewildered and unbelievable, Nie Xiaoqian in Ligui showed a deep excitement.

"Here he comes, the First Emperor is here!"

"The First Emperor has come to rescue me!"

Nie Xiaoqian felt a deep excitement in her heart.


(End of this chapter)

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