Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 226 The Dryad's Grandma's Fear

Chapter 226 The Dryad's Grandma's Fear

"His Majesty the First Emperor has come to save me!"

Nie Xiaoqian felt a deep excitement in her heart.

Just when a surge of excitement flashed in Nie Xiaoqian's heart, Ying Zheng riding a fire unicorn appeared in the sight of everyone in Lanruo Temple.


Just as Ying Zheng riding a fire unicorn appeared outside Lanruo Temple, the fire unicorn roared slightly towards the sky.


Accompanied by Huo Qilin's roar, inexplicable breaths spread from Huo Qilin's body towards the surroundings.

When the roar of the fire unicorn came out, the tree demon grandma in Lanruo Temple looked at the fire unicorn outside Lanruo Temple with an incredible look.

"This this this..."


"This is actually the legendary unicorn?!"

At the same time, an incredible voice came from the mouth of the Dryad Grandma.

Looking at Ying Zheng riding a fire unicorn, the tree demon's grandmother's first thought was not Ying Zheng riding on a fire unicorn, but the first thought of shaping the old man was that there would be a fire unicorn.

You must know that Qilin is a serious beast, and Qilin is a beast that suppresses evil.

So when the tree demon grandma looked at the unicorn, there was a deep bewilderment in the tree demon grandma's eyes.


The many ghosts in Lanruo Temple just watched the situation where the entire Lanruo Temple was surrounded by the many armies, and at the same time there was an existence riding a fire unicorn, and there was a sense of fear in the eyes of many ghosts.

"Xiaoqian, what should we do?"

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of a ghost and said.

Facing the ghost's words, Nie Xiaoqian comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, the other party clearly has the ability to wipe us all out, but the other party didn't attack us directly, so we should be able to survive. "

Directly, Nie Xiaoqian comforted her softly.

Although Nie Xiaoqian is 100% sure that she can survive, after all, she has not left the control of the tree demon grandma safe and sound, so Nie Xiaoqian can only pretend that she does not know the Daqin army outside at all, and can only face it. Li Gui next to him comforted him.

Listening to Nie Xiaoqian's words, the many ghosts around just showed a deep heaviness.

"Is it really possible?"

"Do we really have that hope?"

There was a heavy look in the eyes of many fierce ghosts.

Obviously, for this group of fierce ghosts at this moment, they think this possibility may be a bit low, but the army that surrounded the entire Lanruo Temple did not attack them.

"Perhaps what Xiaoqian said is true."

"We should be able to survive."

A ghost named Xiaoqing just looked at the murderous Daqin soldiers outside, Xiaoqing could only reply helplessly at this moment.

Just as many ghosts began to discuss, Ying Zheng, who was riding a fire unicorn, looked at Lan Ruo Temple in his vision and frowned slightly.

"This is Lanruo Temple."

Facing this gloomy Lanruo Temple, Ying Zheng could only say that this was basically the same as the Lanruo Temple in his heart.

"By the way, there is no Yan Chixia here. Yan Chixia hasn't come yet, so the plot hasn't started yet?"

Ying Zheng said with a thought in his heart.

According to the plot that Yingzheng is familiar with, there should be Yan Chixia in Lanruo Temple, but there is no Yan Chixia in Lanruo Temple at this moment, so Yingzheng suspects that the plot in A Chinese Ghost Story has never started at all. ah.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether the plot starts or not."

Ying Zheng shook his head slightly.

No matter how far this A Chinese Ghost Story world has developed, it can be easily defeated by the Great Qin Empire.

Ying Zheng himself has absolute confidence that he can solve all crises, and at the same time, his army in the Qin Empire can also solve most problems.

Therefore, whether the plot will start or not seems unnecessary to Ying Zheng at present.

"Lanruo Temple, Grandma Dryad."

Ying Zheng muttered to himself, looking at Lanruo Temple in front of him.

"That guy in Lanruo Temple, do you still need to wait for me to go in and see you in person?"

"Is your shelf that big?"

There was a trace of indifference in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, the expression of the dryad's grandmother in Lanruo Temple instantly trembled deeply.

"This this this..."

"Does this require me to meet him in person?"

A trace of fear flashed across the voice of the dryad grandma.

For the tree demon grandma at this moment, he really felt an unprecedented fear.

Among other things, just relying on the soldiers who surrounded the entire Lanruo Temple is not something that Grandma the Tree Demon can fight against.

What does he have to contend with?

As a result, at this time, another person came out of the other party riding the legendary fire unicorn. From the other party's title, you can know what kind of emperor the other party should be.

Whether he is emperor or not is another matter. The most important thing is where the opponent's strength lies!
Being able to subdue Fire Qilin is an existence that he can fight against?

Even if the opponent is not very powerful, but the Fire Qilin is there.

Would he dare to ride in front of the Fire Qilin?
Don't dare, Grandma Dryad doesn't have the guts at all.

Just as the dryad's grandmother fell into bouts of despair, Ying Zheng, who was riding on the fire unicorn, frowned slightly.

"Well, this guy."

While Ying Zheng frowned slightly, an unprecedented forceful aura spread wildly from Ying Zheng's body towards the surroundings.


In the blink of an eye, a vast wave of air completely enveloped the entire Lanruo Temple.

"Boom boom boom!"

As a vast wave of air enveloped the entire Lanruo Temple, the tree demon's grandmother in Lanruo Temple looked at Ying Zheng riding a fire unicorn with a deeply trembling look in her eyes.

"This this this..."

"This power!"

A wave of desperate thoughts emerged from the tree demon's grandmother's heart.

He found that he was extremely small in front of this incomparably powerful force, he now felt like a small boat in the sea, and the most important thing was that the sea was now stormy.

Faced with this feeling, a trace of despair flashed in Grandma Dryad's heart.


"See Your Majesty, the common people are here."

A desperate word came out of the dryad's grandma.

"Ta Tata..."

Under the watchful eyes of all Daqin soldiers, an existence similar to an old woman appeared in front of all soldiers.


(End of this chapter)

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