Chapter 227


Grandma Dryad looked at many Da Qin soldiers looking at him, and a deep fear filled his heart.

At the same time, the murderous aura emanating from the many Great Qin soldiers really shocked the tree demon grandma.


The monstrous murderous aura directly filled the sky of Lanruo Temple, seeing the murderous aura filling the entire sky, the whole body of the tree demon grandma couldn't help but tremble.

He didn't dare to move at all now, he only had one thought in his mind now, and that was to go to the side of the emperor riding the fire unicorn at the fastest speed.

Because he is really scared!

Although he said he didn't know what kind of emperor the other party was, anyone who could be called me must definitely belong to the emperor!
At the same time, there was also a curiosity in Grandma Dryad's heart. He really wanted to know where this army came from?
Why did such a powerful army suddenly appear?
He had never received any news before this.

Of course, no matter what the origin of this army is, the reality of an army surrounding Lanruo Temple is before us.

He had to accept this reality.

Facing the tree demon grandma whose body couldn't help but tremble, many Daqin soldiers had a trace of disdain in their eyes.

Although they knew that this guy was definitely not an ordinary existence, but this guy couldn't help trembling when facing them, what kind of powerful existence did this guy belong to?

So many Daqin soldiers really looked down on this guy from the bottom of their hearts.

Facing the disdain and murderous look in the eyes of many Daqin soldiers, the tree demon's grandma cried out inwardly.

And Han Xin, who was beside Ying Zheng at the moment, looked suspiciously: "Your Majesty, is there anything special about this monster?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Han Xin's eyes.

For this dryad grandma, Han Xin has a kind of confidence that he can beat this guy completely.

Although he said that he had never fought with this guy, Han Xin didn't sense any crisis in him, but why did their Majesty look like this?

Facing Han Xin's doubts, Ying Zheng just smiled and said: "It's very simple, the opponent's strength lies here, maybe the opponent's strength is not a particularly powerful existence, but the opponent is definitely nothing in this world. The weak are right."

"The other party's understanding of this world naturally surpasses ours. We need to learn about this world from the other party."

A trace of calm flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

It seems that the tree demon grandma is going to be killed in Yingzheng, because everything the other party does in the plot is undoubtedly killing human beings at will. As the emperor of the human race, how can he bear the existence of the other party?
It's just that before killing the other party, Ying Zheng felt that maybe he needed to learn about the general news of the world from the other party.

There must be a gap between the plot he knows and the general news of this world.

After all, this is a real world, as for asking Nie Xiaoqian whom he is familiar with?
Ying Zheng felt that Nie Xiaoqian had been controlled by the dryad's grandmother for a long time. How could Nie Xiaoqian know more information than the dryad's grandmother?

So they need to learn about the general news of this world from this dryad grandma.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Han Xin's eyes suddenly had a hint of enlightenment.

"I see."

At this moment, Han Xin could finally understand why their majesty would show such an ordinary scene to this monster.

Soon, under the shocking walking of the dryad's grandmother, he quickly walked in front of Ying Zheng.

"See His Majesty the Emperor!"

In an instant, as the tree demon grandma came to Ying Zheng, he knelt down directly in front of Ying Zheng.


The more she came in front of Ying Zheng, the more the tree demon's grandmother could feel the strength emanating from Ying Zheng.

"This is simply stronger than the Black Mountain old demon!"

A solemn thought appeared in the tree demon's grandmother's heart.

He found that the strength exuded by Ying Zheng alone is undoubtedly much stronger than that exuded by the old black mountain demon. Although this is just a competition of momentum, sometimes momentum should be enough to represent everything.

Momentum sometimes does not represent strength, but a powerful existence is definitely not weak, and coupled with such a powerful army under the emperor's hands, in the tree demon's heart, the opponent's strength Definitely much stronger than the Montenegrin old demon.

Faced with this existence that was stronger than the Black Mountain old demon, the tree demon's grandmother naturally knelt down.

While Ying Zheng looked at the tree demon grandmother kneeling in front of him, he was lost in thought for a while, and at this moment, Huo Qilin just looked down at the monster in front of him.


Huo Qilin roared at the dryad's grandmother in a low voice.

The moment Huo Qilin roared at the tree demon's grandmother in a low voice, a terrifying power of flame erupted from Huo Qilin's body.

Facing the power of flames emanating from the fire unicorn, the tree demon grandma couldn't help screaming in an instant: "Ah!"

That fiery feeling made Grandma Dryad feel what real despair was.

Just at that moment, he seemed to feel that his entire torso was about to be ignited, and that fatal crisis made the tree demon grandmother understand the gap between them.


As the dryad's grandmother understood the gap between them, he knelt tremblingly on the ground waiting for Ying Zheng's words.

Ying Zheng, who was on the back of the fire unicorn, frowned slightly as he watched this scene.

"Is this guy so weak?"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

He originally thought how powerful the tree demon grandmother in this plot could be, but this is the result?

Even the flames emanating from the fire unicorn can't resist, so what if the fire unicorn really sprays flames at the dryad's grandmother?
I'm afraid this dryad grandma can't even beat the fire unicorn!
"Let's talk about the understanding of this world, about the major forces in this world."

"You tell me one by one."

Ying Zheng looked at the tree demon grandma with a calm look in his eyes.

Facing Ying Zheng's calm gaze and those calm words, the tree demon's grandmother saw a sense of indifference in that calm gaze.

He understands that what he needs to do now is to tell all the news honestly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Grandma Dryad spoke tremblingly.


(End of this chapter)

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