Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 228: The world where immortals, gods and ghosts have left, the tree demon grandma is burned

Chapter 228: The world where immortals, gods and ghosts have left, the tree demon grandma is burned on fire

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Grandma Dryad spoke tremblingly.

"In the current world, the immortals and Buddhas in Heaven and Lingshan have long since disappeared. According to rumors, the immortals and Buddhas in Heaven and Lingshan have already left this world."

"At the same time, the ghosts and gods in the underworld also left together."

I saw the tree demon grandma briefly describe the general situation of this world.

Facing the words of the dryad's grandmother, Ying Zheng showed a hint of expression that it was true.

In this world, the gods in heaven, the ghosts and gods in the underworld, and the Buddha in Lingshan should have left this world if there is no accident in Yingzheng's estimation.

Otherwise, the appearance of demons and demons in the whole world does not look like a world where gods exist. Even if it enters the period of chaos in the world, at least the gods in the underworld are there, but what happened?
It turns out that the underworld has been occupied by a group of demons and ghosts. Is this like a world where the ghosts and gods in the underworld live?

The words of the tree demon's grandmother further confirmed Ying Zheng's inner thoughts, that is, all the immortals, Buddhas, ghosts and gods in this world have all left this world.

At this moment, the tree demon grandma continued to speak: "No one knows where the immortals, Buddhas, ghosts and gods in heaven, hell and Lingshan have gone, but the gods facing heaven, hell and even Lingshan have left this world, and the entire hell It has been fully occupied by demons and monsters.”

"There used to be some big monsters who wanted to find the Heavenly Court and occupy it, but it's a pity that the place where the Heavenly Court is located can't be found at all, and the same is true for Lingshan."

"Only the underworld can be found in the Tianting Lingshan underworld, so the underworld has become the base camp of many demons and ghosts."

"As the underworld was fully occupied by demons and monsters, the human world began to be gradually and completely infiltrated."

"The final situation has become like this. Demons and ghosts have been rampant in the world. Even if some sects in the world can protect some human beings, it is a pity that those sects will not be able to hold back sooner or later. Most of the world They are all occupied by demons and ghosts.”

"According to what I know, the state teacher of the Great Zhou Dynasty is a monster, and he is also a centipede monster."

"Up to the court, next time there are monsters in the homes of ordinary people, this is the general situation in the entire world."

Grandma Dryad told him everything he knew.

Facing the words of the dryad's grandmother, Han Xin beside Ying Zheng looked at the monster in front of him with a look of disbelief.

"Are you saying that there are monsters in every corner of this world? Even the Imperial Master in the court is a monster?"

Han Xin looked at the tree demon grandma with an incredible twilight in his eyes.

If even the imperial masters in the court are monsters, Han Xin can imagine how painful the lives of the people of the Zhou Dynasty must be.

Ying Zheng didn't feel any doubt about the words of the dryad's grandmother.

Because the words of the tree demon grandma are roughly similar to the plot of this world in his memory, there may be some things that are not particularly clear, but under the words of the tree demon grandma, he has already been able to understand the general outline of the world. What kind of world does it belong to?

"The world is rotten to the core."

"It is necessary to fight it all over again, and the world will be completely overthrown and restarted!"

Ying Zheng said with a serious look in his eyes.

Regarding this world, Ying Zheng has only one attitude, that is, he must tear everything down and start over. This world is already rotten.

It's like a big rotten tree. All the roots of the big tree have rotted away. Is it possible to expect that just by cutting off the yellowing leaves and trunk of the big tree, the big tree can grow again?
No, no, no, the roots of the big tree have all rotted away. The best way is to uproot the big tree and plant a new sapling in its place.

Listening to the words between Ying Zheng and Han Xin, there was a deep tremor in the eyes of the dryad grandmother.

Now that he has told everything he knows, what will be his fate next?

He didn't know, he only knew that he was extremely scared now.

Looking at the tree demon grandma who was trembling in front of him, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with a trace of calm: "Burn him on fire, and save the female ghosts in the temple as much as possible."

"Don't burn those female ghosts in the temple to death, there is a friend of mine in there."

Ying Zheng calmly ordered to Huo Qilin.


Facing Ying Zheng's order, Huo Qilin roared directly in a low voice.

Afterwards, Huo Qilin stared closely at the tree demon grandma opposite him with eyes as big as lanterns, and then directly sprayed on the tree demon grandma with a big mouth.


In an instant, an extremely hot pillar of fire spewed out from the mouth of the fire unicorn.

Facing this extremely hot pillar of fire, there was a deep despair in the eyes of Grandma Dryad.


With a burst of screams, the body of the dryad grandma was completely covered with the flames of the fire unicorn.


The extremely hot flame began to burn continuously on the body of the tree demon grandma, and as the extremely hot flame began to burn on the tree demon grandma's body, the tree demon grandmother instantly felt his body and consciousness in this flame Under the burning fire, it seemed extraordinarily small.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me."

"I am willing to submit to His Majesty the Emperor, and I am willing to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor!"

A burst of painful words with a hint of screaming reached Ying Zheng's ears.

Facing the screams from the dryad's grandmother, Huo Qilin felt a little dissatisfied.


It was still a low growl.


An even larger pillar of fire spurted out from Fire Qilin's mouth once again.


The extremely hot flames continued to burn on the body of the tree demon, and at the same time, the extremely hot flames also began to burn directly to the body of the tree demon.


A flame suddenly appeared on a locust tree around Lanruo Temple, and when the flame appeared, it spread to every corner of the locust tree at lightning speed.


Facing the burning of the locust tree, bursts of painful wailing sounded from the locust tree's body.

Looking at the locust tree that was burning crazily, the female ghosts in Lanruo Temple shivered and looked at the crazy flames.


(End of this chapter)

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