Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 230 Yan Chixia's Confused, Numb Old Surname

Chapter 230 Yan Chixia's Confused, Numb Common People

"Where did these people come from?"

In a certain city, Yan Chixia, who looked very slovenly, looked at the army in his field of vision with a confused look, and there was a hint of deep disbelief in her eyes.

Facing Yan Chixia's words, an ordinary person beside her slightly said: "You don't care where they come from, isn't it normal for a little rebellion in this world?"

"I guess they are a new rebel force, but I don't know whether they will be wiped out by others or become bigger and stronger."

A trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of the commoner beside Yan Chixia and said.

Today's world is really not the way people live. War and the like are simply the result of something that is normal and can no longer be normal. So when he looked at these soldiers who jumped out of nowhere, anyway, the common people thought that this Very normal.


Facing the words beside her, Yan Chixia opened her mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

What should he say?
Yan Chixia really didn't know what to say. He used to be a member of the imperial court. Although he was not a high official, he was at least a member of the Zhou Dynasty system. But it was a pity that he could not After enduring the corruption of court officials and the disregard of human life, he finally left the court system alone and became a man in the world.

Why doesn't he know what the current Great Zhou Dynasty has become?
He knows, he knows better than anyone else!
"The strength of this army is not simple. I'm afraid they can really create an incredible storm."

Yan Chixia looked deeply at the Daqin soldiers who were occupying their city.

The Daqin soldiers all wearing black armor looked very extraordinary to Yan Chixia. Maybe those soldiers were not as strong as him, but the strength of those soldiers could be regarded as first-class players in the entire arena, and they could even It can be regarded as a top-level existence.

But in his vision, the strength of all soldiers is at this level.

Then all the videos are of this level. How can the Great Zhou Dynasty use it to compete with this level of existence?

The Great Zhou Dynasty did not have such a powerful force at all!
This strange army is really very likely to occupy the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Faced with Yan Chixia's words, the people beside her shook their heads slightly: "Oh, I hope, I hope they can end this troubled world, of course, I think it's impossible."

"Hey, let's go back, I just hope they don't collect some taxes blindly, otherwise life will be difficult."

"Maybe I can consider becoming a bandit in the mountains."

The people beside Yan Chixia said in disappointment as they left the place and headed home.

"Today's world, why is it so difficult?"

A trace of deep pain flashed in Yan Chixia's eyes.

Regarding the words of the ordinary people just now, the other party is basically very bold. After all, the other party said that he wanted to become a bandit in the mountains, so why did he choose to become a bandit in the mountains?
If it weren’t for those five words, I wouldn’t be able to live anymore.

Becoming a bandit in the mountains can at least rob the surrounding people and survive. As for robbing the surrounding people, is it correct?
These days you either get robbed or you become the robber.

That's why Yan Chixia chose to remain silent in the face of the words of the ordinary people just now, because he didn't know how to face the current ending.


Yan Chixia sighed with emotion.

Just when Yan Chixia's gaze flashed with emotion, some ordinary people in the distance couldn't help exclaiming: "This, this, this is the legendary unicorn!"

"God beast!"

"Plop plop..."

As soon as the words of many ordinary people fell, the sound of kneeling on the ground could be heard throughout the street.

At this moment, when Yan Chixia faced this scene, a trace of deep confusion flashed in her eyes.

"What unicorn?"

"What divine beast?" Just when Yan Chixia's eyes were filled with confusion, bursts of fiery breath came from the distance.

"Ta Tata..."

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a huge fire unicorn appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Facing this Huo Qilin with flames burning all over its body, the most important thing is that the appearance of Huo Qilin is exactly the same as that recorded in the legend.


"Mythical beast unicorn?"

Shock flashed in Yan Chixia's eyes.

If those ordinary people are likely to be confused, Yan Chixia can be sure that this is indeed the legendary beast Qilin!

For nothing else, the fiery aura emanating from that Qilin's body and the sacred feeling emanating from that body all mean that the other party is really the legendary beast Qilin!

"This this this..."

For a moment, Yan Chixia was also a little at a loss.


However, Yan Chixia also planned to learn from the people around her and knelt down to see what was going on.

And in Yan Chixia's field of vision, there was a person riding on the back of Huo Qilin.

"Who is this man?"

"It was able to subdue the legendary beast Fire Qilin. Could it be that this army has something to do with this existence?"

A thought appeared in Yan Chixia's mind.

And just as a flash of shock flashed in Yan Chixia's eyes, Ying Zheng, who was riding on the back of the fire unicorn, looked at the numbness in the eyes of the people around him and shook his head slightly.

"A chaotic world, this is a serious chaotic world."

"In troubled times, these ordinary people are the most unlucky existence."

For the ordinary people around him, Ying Zheng naturally felt a little pity in his heart.

Because he understands that the most ordinary people are the most unlucky in the troubled times, and those who have committed all kinds of crimes in the past can live better in the troubled times, and these ordinary people are bullied by everyone.

Facing Ying Zheng's emotion, Han Xin behind him remained silent.

"Your Majesty, the purpose of Daqin's coming to this world is to occupy this world. By then, these ordinary people will naturally have a better life. Although they say they are numb now, they believe that it will not be long before Daqin's rule. You can radiate hope for life."

Han Xin took a deep breath and said.

Facing Han Xin's words, Ying Zheng smiled.

"Yes, the purpose of Daqin coming to this world is to bring this world into Daqin's rule, and these ordinary people."

"That will be the common people belonging to Daqin!"

A firm voice came out of Ying Zheng's mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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