Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 231 Yan Chixia’s tangle, the daring city lord

Chapter 231 Yan Chixia’s tangle, the daring city lord
"Great Qin will surely unify the entire Great Zhou Dynasty under my leadership!"

At this moment, a firm voice came from Ying Zheng's mouth.

And just as this firm word came out of Ying Zheng's mouth, Ying Zheng, who was riding a fire unicorn, happened to pass by Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia, who was kneeling down and listening on both sides of the road, heard the vaguely audible word "unification", and it was also the time to unify the Zhou Dynasty, a trace of silence flashed in Yan Chixia's eyes.


"This is a traitor."

There was a hint of complexity in Yan Chixia's face.

Even if the strength of these guys is very strong, even if the current Great Zhou Dynasty has signs of a period of subjugation, it still cannot support the fact that the existence in front of him is a traitor.

"Facing the rebellious thief, here I am."

A trace of confusion flashed across Yan Chixia's eyes.

His reason told him that all he needed to do now was to deal with these traitors, but his subconscious was telling him that the current Zhou Dynasty was already like this, and it was indeed time for a new dynasty to replace it. The Great Zhou Dynasty.

At least in the new dynasty, the common people have the hope of surviving, but in the current Great Zhou Dynasty, the common people really have no hope of surviving.


"I hope you can really unify Dazhou. Whether the common people can live in peace and stability depends on whether you can do it."

Yan Zhixia looked at Ying Zheng who was going away with a trace of complicated meaning.

And when the common people around looked at Ying Zheng riding the fire unicorn, there was a deep excitement in the eyes of all the common people.

The fire unicorn, the unicorn is a serious beast. In such a painful era, they actually met the unicorn, which symbolizes peace. Does this mean that they will have a good life in the future?
It's just that the fire unicorn's appearance is indeed a little scary, and the extremely hot air waves make them feel a little uncomfortable.

Under the watchful eyes of all the common people, Ying Zheng riding a fire unicorn came to the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord in the city lord's mansion was already kneeling on the ground tremblingly.

"See Your Majesty, Cao Min is willing to work for Your Majesty."

A firm and fearful voice came out of the city lord's mouth.

However, Ying Zheng frowned slightly when he saw the city lord in front of him with a big belly.

"Let you continue to manage this city?"

Ying Zheng said with a cold tone.

Facing Ying Zheng's cold words, the city lord who was kneeling on the ground said honestly, "See Your Majesty, the grass people are willing to rule the whole city for the king, and the grass people are willing to solve problems for the king."

A firm voice came out of the city lord's mouth.

He didn't hear the killing intent in Ying Zheng's mouth. As for the cold meaning in Ying Zheng's mouth?
He thinks this is a very normal thing. In his eyes, isn't Ying Zheng a serious rebellious thief?

Which of the rebellious thieves can't wait to kill court officials like them?Therefore, it seems normal for the other party to speak to him in such an extremely cold tone to the city lord.

But one thing is an obvious fact, that is, these guys, since they want to manage his city, they must let him, the city lord, continue to stay in this position, because he is the only one who continues to stay in this position. Only in this position can the entire city continue the previous turmoil, so he hopes that these guys can recognize the fact that only he can manage this city.

Then facing the words of the city lord, Ying Zheng, who was riding on the fire unicorn, revealed a trace of calm eyes and gradually looked at the city lord below.

Han Xin, who was one step behind behind Ying Zheng, also had deep anger in his eyes at the moment after listening to the city lord's words.

This guy still wants to work for their Majesty?
With the appearance of this guy with a big belly, it looks like he has never been hungry on weekdays. His life on weekdays is probably an incredible luxury.

Faced with a guy who looks like he's bullying the common people, do you still want them to keep each other and continue to manage this city?

A flash of anger flashed in Han Xin's eyes, but Ying Zheng said calmly at this moment: "You want to continue to be the lord of this city, right?"

"Then maybe you can go to the underworld and ask the demons and goblins in the underworld for the position of the city lord, and ask for the position of the city lord from my hands?" "Who gave you the courage?"

"I didn't kill people but that doesn't mean I won't kill people."

Ying Zheng said calmly.

As soon as Ying Zheng's words fell, the face of the city lord who was kneeling on the ground changed drastically.

Because just relying on Ying Zheng's words, he was full of killing intent towards him, going to the underworld?

Then who can change the hell?
Of course, only the dead can go to the underworld!
The attitude of the other party is obviously to kill him.

"Dong Dong Dong!!!"

The sound of kowtowing sounded from the city lord's forehead, and the city lord knelt and said to Ying Zheng, "My lord, I don't want the position of the city lord anymore, as long as I can survive. "

"Please, Your Majesty, spare my life."

Trembling voices came out of the city lord's mouth.

Then facing the city lord's words, Ying Zheng coldly ordered: "Drag him down and kill him!"

For a moment, Ying Zheng ordered coldly.

"As ordered."

One soldier after another began to drag the city lord who was kneeling on the ground up, and then dragged him outside.

"Don't kill me, I'm still useful!"

"Don't kill me!"

Sounds of begging for mercy sounded from the mouth of the city lord who was dragged away.

However, facing the city lord who was asking for help, Ying Zheng's face did not change at all.


In an instant, bursts of clicking sounds sounded outside the city lord's palace.

After a while, a Daqin soldier appeared in front of Yingzheng with a drop of bright red blood on his body.

"See Your Majesty, the villain has bowed his head."

A burst of respectful words reached Ying Zheng's ears.

"Maintain the security of the entire city. If anyone dares to take the opportunity to cause chaos at this time, he will be killed without mercy!"

I saw Ying Zheng ordered with a trace of murderous words.

Facing Ying Zheng's order, a serious word came from the soldier's mouth.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Ta Tata..."

Soon, the soldier left Ying Zheng's sight with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"It seems that Great Qin needs to unify this so-called Great Zhou Dynasty as quickly as possible."

Ying Zheng spoke with a calm tone in his tone.


(End of this chapter)

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