Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 236 Daqin's First Appearance War

Chapter 236 Great Qin’s first appearance war


Li Xin held Fang Tian's painted halberd and rushed towards the Wild Boar King opposite.

Facing Li Xin's figure, the Wild Boar King's eyes flashed with a trace of scarlet murderous intent.

"Damn human, go to hell!"

The Wild Boar King roared loudly.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

When the Wild Boar King began to rush towards Li Xin, Ying Zheng, who was among the White Tiger Legion, looked at what was happening on the battlefield ahead.

"This Wild Boar King looks like a tank. I just don't know if Li Xin can win this battle."

A deep thought flashed across Ying Zheng's eyes.

As for the wild boar king, according to Ying Zheng's induction, the other party's strength belongs to the same level as Li Xin.

Since the opponent's strength is at the same level as Li Xin's, Ying Zheng really doesn't know who can win this fight. After all, their strength is at the same level, so he doesn't know who this Wild Boar King is. What kind of existence does it belong to.

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Ying Zheng looked at Li Xin with a hint of expectation.

As one of the five marshals of the Great Qin Empire, Li Xin's strength is among the best in the entire Great Qin Empire. Therefore, the enemies Li Xin faces now can be said to be the most powerful in the entire Great Qin Empire in the world. The first apparently strong man he encountered seemed somewhat memorable to Ying Zheng.

Of course, the premise is that Li Xin can win this battle. If he loses, it will be a serious shame.

As one of the five marshals of the Great Qin Empire, Li Xin was actually defeated even though the strength of both sides was at the same level. Isn't this a shame?
So Ying Zheng looked at Li Xin with a hint of deep expectation. He hoped that Li Xin could win back face for the Qin Empire.

Facing the expectant look in Ying Zheng's eyes, Li Xin, who was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd and fighting the Wild Boar King, could also understand what his battle meant.

"I can never lose!"


"go to hell!"

Li Xin gathered the power in his body on the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand, and swung it away at the Wild Boar King.


When waves of extremely powerful forces erupted from Fang Tian's painted halberd in Li Xin's hand, that force did not cause any major accident to the Wild Boar King.


The extremely powerful force was directly blocked by the leather armor on the Wild Boar King.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As the leather armor on the Wild Boar King resisted Li Xin's attack, bursts of vibrations erupted directly on the Wild Boar King's body.

"Haha, I admit that your attack is very powerful, and your strength is not weak."

"But it's a pity that you are facing me!"

"This leather armor of mine is no ordinary leather armor. Do you want to break my defense?"

"Hehe, wishful thinking!"

The Wild Boar King looked at Li Xin with a hint of disdain in his eyes.But although the Wild Boar King's eyes held a trace of deep disdain, there was an unprecedented trace of fear in his heart.

"We must get rid of this guy completely, otherwise my life will be in danger by then!"

There was a deep heaviness in the Wild Boar King's heart.

For the Wild Boar King at this moment, although he had just used his leather armor to withstand the attack from Li Xin, although it was not fatal, the feeling of pain made the Wild Boar King understand the impact of this hit. How powerful is the power contained in it? If it weren't for the extremely hard leather armor on his body protecting him, I'm afraid he would have been seriously injured by this blow.

Although he felt waves of fear in his heart, the fear in his heart was completely different from the disdain he showed on the surface. After all, it was impossible for him to show the fear in his heart, right? ? ?

Facing the Wild Boar King's ridicule, Li Xin looked at the leather armor on the Wild Boar King opposite him with a serious look in his eyes: "It seems that we have to find a weak point to kill this guy, otherwise the leather armor on this guy's body A can completely withstand most of my power."

I saw Li Xin muttering to himself with an ugly face.

Although he is very powerful, the opponent's strength is also not weak. In addition, the opponent's defense is simply terrifying, which makes Li Xin really feel a little unable to make a move.

"Weakness, weakness!"

"and many more!"

Just as Li Xin was staring closely at the Wild Boar King opposite him for observation, he suddenly discovered that almost every corner of the Wild Boar King's body was covered by his extremely thick fur, but not all of it was covered by his thick fur. All parts of his body were covered by the extremely thick fur, at least the Wild Boar King's eyes were not!

"Maybe we can break through from the eyes!"

A trace of firmness flashed in Li Xin's eyes and he said.

He doesn't believe it anymore. It's impossible for the other party to even defend his eyes, right?
Maybe the other party will definitely set up some defenses around the eyes, but it will definitely not be too exaggerated.

After all, if the eyes are protected, what if something goes wrong?
The defense at his eyes is at most a little stronger than that of ordinary monsters or ordinary people, but overall compared to the fur he currently has on his body, the defense above his eyes is almost zero.

"go to hell!"

In an instant, Li Xinxin gathered all the power in his body on the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand.

"Go to hell, bastard!"

As Li Xin was ready to fight again, he rushed directly towards the Wild Boar King opposite.

At this moment, when the Wild Boar King faced the attack from Li Xin, a trace of deep disdain flashed in the Wild Boar King's eyes.

As long as nothing happens to his skin, he can definitely withstand the attack from Li Xin.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The ground was once again shaken by the footsteps of the Wild Boar King.

Faced with the trembling of the earth, both the Wild Boar King and Li Xin chose to ignore it. Their eyes were staring at each other closely.


The power that erupted from Fang Tian's painted halberd fell fiercely on the head of the wild boar king.

The Wild Boar King also used his huge head to hold Li Xin's halberd.


A series of explosive sounds completely erupted.


(End of this chapter)

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